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7/4/2021 Express Adda with Yogi Adityanath: ‘Citizens can question government but can’t take law into

ake law into their hands’ | India News,The Indian Express

I’m sure that those assumptions about the state have changed now. If someone has not been influenced beforehand,
he/she will have a favourable opinion about UP. It has accumulated a lot of positive things in the meantime. In 2016, it
ranked 16th on the ‘ease of doing business’ list. Today it’s at No. 2. The state’s economy was 6th in the country. If
someone was visiting our state, we had to say that we are the most populated state in the country, but our economy
is the 6th. But today it’s the second. We have prepared a roadmap, and the vision that’s been given to us by the PM,
and that vision will make us the number one economy in the country, there should be no doubt about that. We had no
problems in our work, in the first three years. From March 2017 to March 2020, we were working quite smoothly.
After March 2020, corona became a stumbling block — corona has not affected UP alone, but the whole country
and the entire world. UP had the biggest challenge to face, we should remember that when the national lockdown
took place on March 25, and from thereon we kept facing one challenge after the other. First from Delhi, then
Maharashtra and then from all other states, migration started. Forty lakh migrant labourers came back to UP alone.
And not just migrant workers from UP, even those going to Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and
Madhya Pradesh, and even those heading to Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Haryana, for all these migrants, UP
became the epicentre. Not one worker or labourer who did not hail from UP can say that they faced any sort of
discrimination. UP hosted them with all due respect and we even made provisions for a 21-day quarantine for the
labourers whose states didn’t want them back. We made arrangements for their boarding, lodging and food. About
one crore migrant 1/1

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