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Time : 3.00Hrs NEET WEEKEND TEST Ex. Date: 20.06.


Sec : MB Max. Marks = 720 m

d  52 
1. x =
dx  
5 52 5 32 5 72 2 72
(A) x (B) x (C) x (D) x
2 2 2 7
d  1 
2. Find  .
dx  x n 
1 n x n +1
(A) −nx − n −1 (B) (C) (D)
nx n −1 x n +1 n
1 dy
3. If y = x 2 + x − find .
x dx
(A) 2 x + 1 + (B) 2x3 + x2 − x (C) 2x − lnx (D) 2 x + 1 − lnx
 3 
4. tan  =
 4 
1 1
(A) 1 (B) – 1 (C) (D) −
2 2
 3 
5. tan  +  =
 2 
(A) cot  (B) − tan  (C) − cot  (D) tan 
 3 
6. cos   =
 2 
(A) 1 (B) – 1 (C) (D) Zero

(e ) =
d 2x

(A) e2 x (B) e x (C) 2e2 x (D) 2e x

8. ( x log e x − x ) =
(A) Zero (B) 1 (C) log e x (D) x log e x
The tangent to the curve y = 4 x at (1, 2 ) is inclined to the x-axis at an angle of
   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 3 2 4
10. (1 − cos ) equals
   
(A) 2cos 2   (B) 2cos2  (C) 2sin 2  (D) 2sin 2  
2 2

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11. ( )
The value of sin 150 is

3 −1 3 +1 3 −1 3 +1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2 2 2
12. The value of cos 750 is( )
3 −1 3 +1 3 −1 3 +1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2 2 2
13. log e ( cos x )  =
dx 
(A) cot x (B) − cot x (C) tan x (D) − tan x
14.  log e ( cosecx + cot x )  =
dx 
(A) − sec x (B) sec x (C) −cosecx (D) cosecx
dy 1 − tan x 2
15. Find if y = .
dx 1 + tan 2 x
(A) sec2 x (B) −2sin 2x (C) 2 sin 2x (D) None of these
16. Given that T stands for time period and l stands for the length of simple pendulum. If g is
the acceleration due to gravity, then which of the following statements about the relation
T 2 = ( l / g ) is correct?
(A) It is correct both dimensionally as well as numerically
(B) It is neither dimensionally correct not numerically
(C) It is dimensionally correct but not numerically
(D) It is numerically correct but not dimensionally
17. A physical quantity x depends on quantities y and z as follows: x = Ay + B tan (Cz ) , where
A, B and C are constants. Which of the followings do not have the same dimensions?
(A) x and B (B) C and z-1 (C) y and B/A (D) x and A
18. Force F is given in terms of time t and distance x by F = A sin Ct + B cos Dx. Then the
dimensions of A/B and C/D are
(A)  M 0 L0T 0  ,  M 0 L0T −1  (B)  MLT −2  ,  M 0 L−1T 0 

(C)  M 0 L0T 0  ,  M 0 LT −1  (D)  M 0 LT

1 −1
 ,  M 0 L0T 0 
19. The dimensional formula for electric potential is
(A)  ML2T −3 A−1  (B)  MLT −3 A−1  (C)  ML2T −3 K −1  (D) None of these
20. Which of the following pairs do not have identical dimensions?
(A) Pressure and stress
(B) Work and pressure energy
(C) Angular momentum and Planck’s constant
(D) Moment of force and momentum
21. The product PV has the dimensions
(A)  ML−1T −2  (B)  M 1L2T −1  (C)  M 1L2T −2  (D)  M 1L2T −3 
22. Choose the physical quantity that is different from others in some respect.
(A) Moment of inertia (B) Electric current
(C) Pressure energy (D) Rate of change in velocity

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23. In the relation y = r sin (t − kx ) , the dimensions are  / k are
(A)  M 0 L0T 0  (B)  M 0 LT
1 −1
 (C)  M 0 L0T 1  (D)  M 0 LT
1 0
24. Which of the following quantities has its unit as newton-second?
(A) Energy (B) Torque
(C) Momentum (D) Angular momentum
25. If frequency F, velocity V, and density D are considered fundamental units, the
dimensional formula for momentum will be
(A) DVF2 (B) DV2F-1 (C) D2V2F2 (D) DV4F-3
26. If force F, acceleration a, and time T are taken as the fundamental physical quantities, the
dimensions of length on this system of units are
(A) FAT2 (B) FAT (C) FT (D) AT2
27. The dimensions of intensity of wave are
(A)  ML2T −3  (B)  ML0T −3  (C)  ML−2T −3  (D)  M 1L2T 3 
28. The dimensions of the formula of capacitance are
(A)  M −1L−2TA2  (B)  M −1L−2T 3 A2  (C)  M −1L−2T 4 A2  (D)  M −1L−2T 2 A2 
29. What are the dimensions of gas constant?
(A)  MLT −2 K −1  (B)  M 0 LT −2 K −1 
(C)  ML2T −2 K −1mol−1  (D)  M 0 L2T −2 K −1 

The positive x of a particle at time t is given by x = 0 (1 − e − m ) , where V0 is constant and

a  0, the dimensions of V0 and ‘a’ are
(A) M 0 LT −1 and T −1 (B) M 0 LT 0 and T −1
(C) M 0 LT −1 and LT −2 (D) M 0 LT −1 and T
The time dependence of a physical quantity P is given by P = P0e− at , where  is a constant
and ‘t’ is time. Then constant  is:
(A) Dimensionless (B) Has dimensions of T-2
(C) Has dimensions of P (D) Has dimensions of T2
32. The frequency ‘f’ of vibrations of a mass ‘m’ suspended from a spring of spring constant k
is given by f = Cm x k y , where C is a dimensionless constant. The values of x and y are,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) , (B) − , − (C) , − (D) − ,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
33. If C, the velocity of light g, the acceleration due to gravity, and P, the atmospheric
pressure are the fundamental quantities in M.K.S. system, then the dimensions of length
will be same as that of
(A) C/g (B) C/P (C) PCg (D) C2/g
34. The quantities A and B are related by the relation A/B = m, where m is the linear mass
density and A is force, the dimensions of B will be
(A) Same as that of pressure (B) Same as that of work
(C) That of momentum (D) Same as that of latent heat

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a2 − t 2
35. Write the dimensions of a/b in the relation P = , where P is the pressure, x is the
distance, and t is the time.
(A) M −1L0T −2 (B) ML0T −2 (C) ML0T 2 (D) MLT −2
b − x2
36. Write the dimensions of a  b in the relation E = , where E is the energy, x is the
displacement, and t is the time
(A) ML2T (B) M −1L2T 1 (C) ML2T −2 (D) MLT −2
37. If the velocity of light C, the universal gravitational constant G, and Planck’s constant h
are chosen as fundamental units, the dimensions of mass in this system are
(A) h1/2C1/2G−1/2 (B) h−1C −1G (C) hCG −1 (D) hCG
38. The number of particles crossing a unit area perpendicular to the x-axis in a unit time is
 n −n 
given by n = − D  2 1  , where n1 and n2 are the number of particles per unit volume at
 x2 − x1 
x = x1 and x = x2 , respectively, and D is the diffusion constant. The dimensions of D are
(A)  M 0 LT −2  (B)  M 0 L2T −4  (C)  M 0 L2T −2  (D)  M 0 L2T −1 
39. The moment of inertia of a body rotating about a given axis is 12.0 kgm 2 in the SI system.
What is the value of the moment of inertia in a system of units in which the unit of length
is 5 cm and the unit of mass is 10g?
(A) 2.4 103 (B) 6.0 103 (C) 5.4 105 (D) 4.8 105
40. Given that Y = a sin t + bt + ct 2 cos t. The unit of abc is same as that of
(A) y (B) y/t (C) (y/t)2 (D) (y/t)3
41. The potential energy of a particle varies with distance x as U = , where A and B are
x2 + B
constants. The dimensional formula for A  B is:
(A) M 1L7/2T −2 (B) M 1L11/2T −2 (C) M 1L5/2T −2 (D) M 1L9/2T −2
42. If x and a stand for distance, then for what value of n is the given equation
dx x
dimensionally correct? The equation is  = sin −1
a −x
2 n a
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) – 2 (D) 1
43. Assuming that the mass ‘m’ of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river
depends upon the velocity v of the water, its density  and the acceleration due to gravity
g . Then m is directly proportional to
(A) v3 (B) v4 (C) v5 (D) v6
44. A student writes four different expressions for the displacement y in a periodic motion as
a function of time t, ‘a’ as amplitude, T as time period. Which of the following can be
2 t
(A) y = aT sin (B) y = a sin Vt
a t a  2 t 2 t 
(C) y = sin (D) y =  sin + cos
T a 2 T T 

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45. sec ( 56100 ) =
(A) − (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3

46. A sample of ammonium phosphate (NH4)3PO4 contains 3.18 moles of hydrogen atoms.
The number of moles of oxygen atoms in the sample is
(A) 0.265 (B) 0.795 (C) 1.06 (D) 4.00
47. An element, X has the following isotopic composition 200 X : 90% 199 X : 8% 202 X: 2.0%. The
weighted average atomic mass of the naturally occurring element X is closest to
(A) 201 amu (B) 202 amu (C) 199 amu (D) 200 amu
48. Which has the maximum number of molecules among the following?
(A) 8 g H2 (B) 64 g SO2 (C) 44 g CO2 (D) 48 g O3
49. What volume of oxygen gas (O2) measured at 0 C and 1 atm, is needed to burn completely

1 L of propane gas (C3H8) measured under the same conditions?

(A) 10 L (B) 7 L (C) 6 L (D) 5 L
50. Volume occupied by one molecule of water (density = 1 g cm -3) is
(A) 5.5 10−23 cm3 (B) 9.0 10−23 cm3 (C) 6.023 10−23 cm3 (D) 3.0 10−23 cm3
51. Which has maximum molecules?
(A) 7 g N2O (B) 20 g H2 (C) 16 g NO2 (D) 16 g SO2
52. The number of molecules in 4.25 g of NH3 is approximately
(A) 4 1023 (B) 1.5  2023 (C) 1 2023 (D) 6  2023
53. The maximum number of molecules is present in
(A) 15 L of H2 gas at STP (B) 5 L of N2 gas at STP
(C) 0.5 g of H2 gas (D) 10 g of O2 gas
54. Consider the following reaction sequence:
S8 ( s ) + 8O2 ( g ) → 8SO2 ( g )
2SO2 ( g ) + O2 ( g ) → 2SO3 ( g )
How many grams of SO3 are produced from 1 mole S8?
(A) 1280 g (B) 960 g (C) 640 g (D) 320 g
55. The total number of electrons in 4.2 g of N ion is (NA is the Avogadro’s number)

(A) 2.1 NA (B) 4.2 NA (C) 3 NA (D) 3.2 NA

56. An organic compound containing C and H gave the following analysis C = 40%, H = 6.7%.
Its empirical formula would be
(A) CH4 (B) CH2O (C) C2H4O2 (D) C2H4
57. The number of electrons in 1.6 g of CH4 is approximately
(A) 25 1024 (B) 1.5 1024 (C) 6 1023 (D) 3.0 1024
58. How many litre of oxygen at STP is required to burn 60g C 2H6?
(A) 22.4 L (B) 11.2 L (C) 22.4  7 L (D) 8.5 L
59. A mixture of gases contains H2 and O2 gases in the ratio of 1:4 (w/w). What is the molar
ratio of the two gases in the mixture?
(A) 2:1 (B) 1:4 (C) 4:1 (D) 16:1

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60. The maximum number of molecules is present in
(A) 15 L of water at STP (B) 15 L of H2O gas at STP
(C) 15 g of ice (D) Same in all
61. Which of the following compound has sp, sp2 and sp3 hybrid carbon atoms?


(B) CH3 − CH = CH − CH = CH 2
(C) CH3 − C  C − C  CH
(D) CH 2 = CH − C  CH
62. Which of the following is a primary alkyl halide?
(A) C6 H 5CHClCH 3 (B) CH 3CHClCH 2CH 3
(C) ( CH3 )2 CHCH2Cl (D) ( CH3 )3 CCl
63. IUPAC name of tert-butyl chloride is:
(A) 2-Chloro-2-methylbutane (B) Chlorobutane
(C) 2-Chlorobutane (D) 2-Chloro-2-methylpropane
64. The correct structure of 6-Ethyl-2,3,5-trimethylnonane is:

65. The correct IUPAC name of the following compound is:

(A) 1-Bromo-1-ethyl-2-fluoro-2-iodo-1-nitroethane
(B) 3-Bromo-4-fluoro-4-iodo-3-nitrobutane
(C) 2-Bromo-1-fluoro-1-iodo-2-nitrobutane
(D) 1-fluoro-1-iodo-2-bromo-2-ethyl-2-nitroethane
66. Select the structure with correct numbering in the chain:
5 4 3 2 1
(A) CH 2 = CH − CH 2 − C  CH
1 2 3 4 5 6
(B) CH 3 − CH = CH − CH 2 − C  CH
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(C) CH 2 = CH − CH = CH − CH 2 − CH = CH 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(D) CH 2 = CH − CH = CH − CH 2 − C  CH
67. Which IUPAC name is incorrect:

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68. CH 2 = CH − is called as:
(A) Isoethyl (B) Ethenyl or vinyl (C) s-ethyl (D) Ethene
69. CH 3 − CH = CH − C  CH has IUPAC name:
(A) Pent-2-en-4-yne (B) Pent-4-yn-2-ene
(C) Pent-1-yn-3-ene (D) Pent-3-en-1-yne
70. Which of the following homologous series has incorrect general formula:
(A) Alkyne Cn H 2 n −2
(B) Alkanol Cn H 2 n + 2 O
(C) Alkanal Cn H 2 n +1O
(D) Carboxylic acid Cn H 2 nO2
71. The homologue of ethyne is:
(A) C2 H 2 (B) C2 H 6 (C) C3 H 8 (D) C3 H 4
72. The total number of  − bond electrons in the following structure is:

(A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 4

73. Which of the following molecules represents the order of hybridization sp 2, sp2, sp, sp
from left to right atoms?
(A) HC  C − C  CH (B) CH 3 − CH = CH − CH 3
(C) CH 2 = CH − CH = CH 2 (D) CH 2 = CH − C  CH

74. The IUPAC name of is

(A) 5, 5-Diethyl-4,4-dimethylpentane (B) 3-Ethyl-4, 4-dimethylheptane

(C) 1, 1-Diethyl-2, 2-dimethylpentane (D) 4, 4-Dimethyl-5, 5-diethylpentane
75. In compound HC  C − CH 2 − CH = CH − CH C2 − C3 bond is the type of:
(A) sp − sp 2 (B) sp 3 − sp 3 (C) sp − sp 3 (D) sp 2 − sp 3
76. Which of the following is heterocyclic compound?

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77. Which of the following represent the given mode of hybridization sp 2 − sp 2 − sp − sp from
left to right.
(A) H 2C = CH − C  N
(B) HC  C − C  CH
(C) H 2C = C = C = CH 2


78. Number of primary hydrogen is the given compound are

(A) 10 (B) 18 (C) 14 (D) 16

79. In following compound:

The correct lowest set of locants are:

(A) 3, 3, 4, 5 (B) 3, 4, 5, 5 (C) 4, 5, 3, 3 (D) 5, 5, 4, 3
80. Which of the following has longest chain of carbon:

81. Which of the following is 30 chloride?

(A) CH 3 − CH 2 − Cl (B) ( CH3 )2 CHCl
(C) ( CH3 )3 CCl (D) (CH3 )3 CCH2Cl
82. Which of the following has 28 molecular mass?
(A) C2 H 2 (B) C2 H 6 (C) C2 H 4 (D) C3 H 4
83. Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales are related as:
C F − 32 C F − 32 C F − 32
(A) = (B) = (C) = (D) None of these
5 9 9 5 8 5
84. Which is not a basic postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory?
(A) Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction
(B) Different elements have different types of atoms

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(C) Atoms of an element may be different due to presence of isotopes
(D) Each element is composed of extremely small particles called atoms
85. If the atomic mass of sodium is 23, the number of moles in 46g of sodium is:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 2.3 (D) 4.6
86. The largest number of molecules is present in 1g of
(A) CO2 (B) H2O (C) C2H5OH (D) N2O5
87. The number of mole of ammonia in 4.25g of ammonia is:
(A) 0.425 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.236 (D) 0.2125
88. Which has maximum number of atoms:
(A) 24g of C (12) (B) 56g of Fe (56) (C) 27g of Al (27) (D) 108g Ag (108)
89. A sample of aluminium has a mass of 54.0g. What is the mass of the same number of
magnesium atoms? (At. Wt. Al = 27, Mg = 24)
(A) 12g (B) 24g (C) 48g (D) 96g
90. 16g of an ideal gas SOx occupies 5.6L. at STP. The value of x is:
(A) x = 3 (B) x = 2 (C) x = 4 (D) none of these

91. The water potential of a cell is defined by the equation Ψ = Ψ S + ΨP. Which of the
following statements is true?
(A) ΨS is always greater than ΨP
(B) ΨP may be either positive or negative
(C) ΨS may be either positive or negative
(D) ΨP is always positive
92. A cell has a pressure potential of 0 and a solute potential of -0.7 MPa. What is its water
(A) -0.7 MPa (B) -0.23 MPa
(C) between 0 and -0.7 MPa (D) 0 MPa
93. In a turgid cell, __________
(A) ΨS is always positive (B) ΨP is 0
(C) Ψ = ΨS (D) ΨP > 0
94. The cytoplasmic continuum connecting neighboring cells is called the __________
(A) symplast (B) cell wall (C) aquaporin (D) Casparian strip
95. Root pressure is attributable to __________
(A) transpiration
(B) the accumulation of minerals in the vascular cylinder
(C) guttation
(D) the pumping of minerals out of the vascular cylinder
96. Match the following and choose the correct option
(a) Leaves (i) Anti-transpirant
(b) Seed (ii) Transpiration
(c) Roots (iii) Negative osmotic potential
(d) Aspirin (iv) Imbibition
(e) Plasmolysed cell (v) Absorption
(A) (a)–(iii), (b)–(iv), (c)–(i), (d)–(ii), (e)–(v)
(B) (a)–(ii), (b)–(iv), (c)–(v), (d)–(i), (e)–(iii)

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(C) (a)–(iii), (b)–(ii), (c)–(iv), (d)–(i), (e)–(v)
(D) (a)–(iii), (b)–(ii), (c)–(i), (d)–(iv), (e)–(v)
97. A few drops of sap were collected by cutting across a plant stem by a suitable method.
The sap was tested chemically. Which one of the following test results indicates that it was
phloem sap?
(A) Alkaline (B) Low refractive index
(C) Absence of sugar (D) Acidic

98. Unloading of mineral occurs at the fine vein endings through

(A) Diffusion (B) Active uptake
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
99. Select from the following (in numbers) the correct function which are performed by
(1) Creates transpiration pull for absorption and transport of water in plants
(2) Transport minerals from the soil to all parts of the plant
(3) Cools the leaf surface (sometimes 10–15 degree Celsius)
(4) Supplies water for photosynthesis
(5) Maintains the shape and structure of plants by keeping the cells turgid
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
100. The internal solute concentration of a plant cell is about 0.8 M. To demonstrate
plasmolysis, it would be necessary to suspend the cell in what solution?
(A) 150 mM (B) distilled water (C) 0.8 M (D) 1.0 M
101. Which of the following is FALSE in regard to facilitated diffusion?
(A) Facilitated diffusion can occur by means of transport proteins
(B) Facilitated diffusion requires the hydrolysis of ATP
(C) Facilitated diffusion can move ions across membranes
(D) Facilitated diffusion requires a concentration gradient
102. The transpiration in plants will be the lowest
(A) When there is high humidity in the atmosphere
(B) High wind velocity (C) There is excess of water in the cell
(D) Environmental conditions are very dry
103. Force generated by transpiration creates pressure sufficient to lift a xylem sized column of
water over _________ meters
(A) 130 (B) 200 (C) 400 (D) 500
104. Root pressure contributes to the
(A) Ascent of sap in small herbaceous plants
(B) Re-establishment of continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem which often
breaks down under the enormous tension created by transpiration
(C) Guttation (D) All the above
105. Cytoplasmic streaming is easily seen in
(A) Leaf of hydrilla (B) Leaf of mango
(C) Stem cells of sunflower (D) Pollen grains
106. Which of the following is incorrect about the symplastic pathway?
(A) Movement of water is relatively slower
(B) Movement is down the concentration gradient
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(C) It may be aided by cytoplasmic streaming
(D) Most of the water flow in the root occurs by this pathway
107. The main function of guard cells is to help with ____________
(A) Transpiration (B) Guttation
(C)Transcription (D) None of the above

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108. A bottle filled with previously moistened mustard seeds and water was screw
capped tightly and kept in a comer. It blew up suddenly after about half an hour.
The phenomenon involved is
(A) transpiration (B) imbibition (C) osmosis (D) Respiration
109. The steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane through simple
diffusion because they are _____
(A) Gaseous (B) Carbon-based (C) Water Soluble (D) Lipid Soluble
110. Endodermis actively transports ion in one direction because
(A) It is inner to epidermis
(B) Cell wall is suberized
(C) Cell wall is lignified
(D) Its cell membrane has special transport proteins
111. If you could override the control mechanisms that open stomata and force them to remain
closed, what would you expect to happen to the plant?
(A) Sugar synthesis would likely slow down
(B) Water transport would likely slow down
(C) All of these could be the result of keeping stomata closed
(D) None of these would be the result of keeping stomata closed
112. When a plant cell undergoes expansive growth, the increase in volume is caused mostly:
(A) uptake of minerals (B) uptake of water
(C) synthesis of cellulose (D) synthesis of proteins
113. Water vapour comes out from the plant leaf through the stomata! opening. Through the
same stomata! opening carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis
Reason out the above statements using one of following options:
(A) Both processes cannot happen simultaneously
(B) Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and co2
is different
(C) The above processes happen only during night time
(D) One process occurs during day time, and the other at night
114. Water potential gradient between the absorbent and the liquid imbibed is essential for
imbibition. In addition, for any substances to imbibe any liquid, one of the following is also
a prerequisite
(A) Affinity between the adsorbent and the liquid
(B) Molecular density of the adsorbent
(C) Concentration of the adsorbent
(D) Presence of a catalyst
115. If you wanted to force stomata to open, which of the following would work?
(A) Treat the plant with abscisic acid
(B) Stimulate water movement into the guard cells
(C) Stimulate water movement out of the guard cells
(D) Force the dermal cells around the stomata to dehydrate, thereby pulling the guard cells

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116. You place a piece of potato weighing 0.3 gram with a water potential of 1 MPa in a beaker
of Pepsi. After 10 minutes, you remove the potato piece, and it now weighs 0.25 gram.
You conclude that
(A) Pepsi Cola has a water potential greater than 1 MPa
(B) Pepsi Cola has a water potential of 0 MPa
(C) Pepsi Cola has a water potential less than 1 MPa
(D) Pepsi Cola does not have turgor pressure, and so you cannot conclude anything about
its water potential
117. The rate of transpiration will if the atmospheric pressure is below
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Stay unchanged (d) Can’t be determined

118. The smallest amount of pressure needed to stop fluid from moving by osmosis is referred
to as the
(A) turgor pressure (B) water potential
(C) pressure potential (D) solute potential
119. Attraction of water molecules to polar surface is called
(A) Cohesion (B) Adhesion (C) Capillarity (D) Tensile strength
120. Read the following statements
(I) Like water, all minerals are absorbed passively by root
(II) Transport proteins of endodermal cells of root are control points where a plant adjusts
the quality and types of minerals that reach xylem
(III) Transpiration has more than one purpose
(IV) Small amount of exchange of materials does take place between xylem and phloem
(A) All are correct (B) All are incorrect
(C) II, Ill and IV are correct (D) II and III are wrong but IV are correct
121. With the rise in turgidity, the wall pressure will-
(A) Increase (B) Decrease
(C) Remains unchanged (D) First increase then decrease
122. Water is often a limitary factor for plant growth and _________ in both _________
and_________ environments
(A) productivity, agricultural, natural
(B) movement, agricultural, artificial
(C) photosynthesis, aquatic, terrestrial
(D) senescence, agricultural, natural
123. When the molecule move across in a membrane independent of other molecules through
carrier protein the process is known as
(A) Symport (B) Antiport (C) Uniport (D) All of these
124. A transport which uses energy to pump molecules against a concentration gradient is
known as
(A) Diffusion (B) Facilitated diffusion
(C) Active transport (D) All of these

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125. Proteins in the membrane, responsible for facilitated diffusion and active transport, show
some common characteristics like
(1) Being highly selective
(2) Being liable to saturate
(3) Responding to inhibitor
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) 3 and 1 only (D) All of these
126. Where are porin proteins present?
(A) Outer membrane of plastid
(B) Inner membrane of mitochondria
(C) Inner membrane of some bacteria
(D) Outer membrane of ribosomes
127. Choose the total number of correct statements from the following:
(1) Some channels in the membrane are always open
(2) Porins allow the passage of molecules of size up to small protein
(3) Water channel is made up of eight different types of aquaporins
(4) Facilitated diffusion is very specific
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
128. Which of the following is incorrect about diffusion?
(1) Molecules move in random fashion
(2) It occurs from higher to lower concentration
(3) It is a slow process
(4) It does not depend on living system
(5) Protein carriers are required
(6) It is a passive process
(A) Only 1 and 5 (B) Only 5 (C) 1, 3 and 5 only (D) Only 4
129. Diffusion rate is affected by
(A) Concentration gradient
(B) Membrane permeability through which it occur
(C) Pressure and temperature
(D) All of these
130. Which is always negative (under natural condition)?
(1) ψs (2) ψw of solution
(3) ψp (4) ψp of solution
(A) 1, 2 only (B) 1 only (C) 4 only (D) 3 only
131. Which of the following is important to determine what is going in or out of the plant cell?
(A) Cell membrane only (B) Tonoplast only
(C) Both together (D) Cell wall only
132. Cell wall is
(A) Permeable (B) Impermeable
(C) Semi-permeable (D) Selectively permeable

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133. Select the correct statement from the following:
(A) Osmotic pressure is the negative pressure applied
(B) Osmotic potential is positive
(C) More is the solute concentration of solution, more will be the pressure required to
prevent water from diffusing in
(D) The net direction and the rate of osmosis does not depend on the pressure gradient
nor on concentration gradient
134. Dry seeds when placed in water swells due to
(A) Imbibition (B) Absorption (C) Diffusion (D) Adsorption
135. Water loss in its liquid phase is known as:
(A) Guttation (B) Transportation (C) Bleeding (D) Evaporation
136. The helical structure of protein is stabililzed by
(A) dipeptide bonds (B) hydrogen bonds
(C) ether bonds (D) peptide bonds
137. Sedoheptulose molecule has _____carbon atoms
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 7
138. It is a fatty acid with 18 Carbon and has double bond and need not necessary to be taken
in diet which is termed as MUFA. Name the Fatty acid
(A) Linoleic acid (B) Oleic acid (C) Stearic acid (D) Palmetic acid
139. If the amino acids are coiled upon each other and the distant amino acids are brought very
close to each other to form active sites belongs to?
(A) Primary structure (B) Secondary structure
(C) Tertiary structure (D) Quaternary structure
140. Proteins are conducted in the body in the form of:
(A) Amino acids (B) Natural proteins
(C) Enzymes (D) Nucleic acids
141. The formation of protein can be considered as:
(A) Dehydration synthesis
(B) Dehydration analysis
(C) Hydration synthesis
(D) Hydration analysis
142. Which element is normally absent in proteins?
(A) C (B) N (C) H (D) P
143. A Protein which is most abundant in human body :
(A) Collagen (B) Myosin (C) Actin (D) Albumin
144. Which of the following diasaccharide gives two molecules of glucose on hydrolysis?
(A) Maltose (B) Lactose
(C) (A) and (B) both (D) Sucrose
145. Maximum percentage of which component is present in cotton?
(A) Protein (B) Carbohydrate (C) Lipid (D) All are same
146. Find the odd one out from the following
(A) Glutamic acid (B)Linoleic acid
(C) Glycine (D) tryptophan

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147. Match correctly between Column I and Column II –
Column I Column II
A. Collagen I. Glucose transport
B. Trypsin II. Binding with some chemical like neurotransmitters and hormones
C. Insulin Ill.Hormones
D. Antibody IV. Enzyme
E. Receptor V. Extra-cellular ground substance
F. GLUT – 4 VI. Fight infectious agents
(A) A- V, 8 - IV, C - Ill, D - VI , E - II , F – I
(B) A- II , B - Ill , C - IV, D - V, E - VI , F – I
(C) A- VI, B - II , C -1 , D - V, E - IV, F – Ill
(D) A - I, B - IV, C - Ill, D - VI, E - II, F - V
148. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(A) All the elements present in a sample of earth's crust are also present in a sample of
living tissue
(B) Relative abundance of carbon and hydrogen with respect to other elements is higher in
any living organisms t in earth's crust
(C) Living organisms have more nitrogen and oxygen per unit mass than in animate object
(e.g. earth crust)
(D) Living organisms have more Ca, Mg, Na in them than in animate object
149. One of the following is almost not found in living organism -
(A) Si (B) Mg (C) Ca (D) S
150. Lipid come under acid insoluble fraction during analysis of chemical composition of
tissues. Why?
(A) It has low molecular weight
(B) It has high molecular weight
(C) It is polymer
(D) On grinding, the biomembranes are broken into pieces and form insoluble vesicles
151. The inorganic compounds like sulphate, phosphate, etc. are found in-
(A) Acid soluble pool
(B) Acid insoluble fraction
(C) Both acid soluble pool and acid insoluble fraction
(D) Not found in cellular pool
152. An amino acid is a/an
(A) Substituted methane
(B) Substituted sugar
(C) Any acid having amino group
(D) Derivative of indoleacetic acid
153. Which of the following group in amino acids makes them unique and decides the nature of
amino acids -
(A) R group (B) amino group
(C) COOH group (D) none of the above

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154. The molecular is as follows:

The correct name of bonds indicated by A and B are:

(A) Ester bond Ether bond
(B) Ester bond Amide bond
(C) Ether bond Amide bond
(D) Ester bond Phosphoester bond
155. The below diagrammatic representation is the formula of

(A) Lecithin (B) Cholesterol (C) Uridylic acid (D) Phosphatic acid
156. Which one of the following is false?
(A) Fatty acid and glycerol are soluble in water
(B) Phospholipids are found in the cell membrane
(C) In lipid R group may be – CH3 group, - C2H5 group or higher number of – CH2 group
(1 to 19 carbon)
(D) Oils have lower melting point and liquid at room temperature
157. Which one of the following is the diagrammatic representation of nucleotide?

158. Metabolites which do not have a recognisable and identifiable functions to carry out the life
process which are termed as
(A) Primary metabolites (B) Secondary metabolites
(C) Necessary metabolites (D) Tertiary metabolites
159. Which of the following statements is false?
(A) Chitin, a complex or homopolysaccharide occurring in exoskeleton of arthropods
consists of NAG
(B) Glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine are derived monosaccharides
(C) Cellulose shows blue colour when treated with Iodine
(D) Glycogen shows red colour when treated with Iodine
160. Which is a disaccharide?
(A) Galactose (B) Fructose (C) Maltose (D) Dextrin

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161. Which substance is not a carbohydrate?
(A) Starch (B) Glycogen (C) Wax (D) Glucose
162. The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is formed by the polymerization of:
(A) D – glucosamine (B) N – acetyl glucosamine
(C) Lipoglycans (D) Keratin sulphate and chondroitin sulphate
163. Which one of the following is non reducing Sugar present in haemolymph of arthropods?
(A) Trehalose (B) Sucrose
(C) Lactose (D) Ribulose 5 – phosphate
164. Which of the following are pigments?
(A) Morphine (B) Vinblastine
(C) Carotenoids and anthocyanin (D) Ricin
165. Which is the correct representation of ribose?

166. Fill in the blanks in (1) and (2) in the below flowchart.

(A) a greater than 1000 Dalton b Nucleotide

(B) a 18 – 800 Da b Nucleic acid
(C) a greater than 10,000 Da b Oligosaccharides
(D) a greater than 1000 Dalton b Nucleoside
167. Chitin is a
(A) Homopolysaccharide (B) Heteropolysaccharide
(C) Oligosaccharide (D) Monosaccharide
168. What is the number of carbon atoms which the palmitic and arachidonic acid contain
(including carboxyl carbon)?
(A) 16, 19 (B) 15, 19 (C) 16, 20 (D) 18, 20
169. Which of following is an example of phospholipid?
(A) Palmitic acid (B) Arachidonic acid
(C) Lecithin (D) Glycerol
170. Find out the incorrect statement of proteins from the following
(A) Protein with prosthetic group are conjugated proteins
(B) In order to qualify proteins it must have minimum of 50 amino acids and it possess
homo polymer
(C) Egg albumin is a simple protein which is coagulable
(D) when n number of of amino acids join by peptide bond forms a protein molecule

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171. Identify the polysaccharide with beta glycosidic bond
(A) sucrose (B) starch (C) glycogen (D) cellulose
172. Which of the following is not an amino acid
(1) Arginine
(2) Thymine
(3) Cytosine
(4) Lysine
(5) Tryptophan
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) 3 and 4 only (D) 4 and 5 only
173. Match the column
Column I - Column II
(Category) - (Secondary Metabolites)
A. Pigments - 1. Concanavalin A
B. Terpenoids - 2. Monoterpenes, Diterpenes
C. Alkaloids - 3. Morphine, Codeine
D. Lectins - 4. Carotenoids, Anthocyanine
E. Toxins - 5. Abrin and Ricin
F. Drugs - 6. Vinblastin, Curcumin
(A) A – 1, B – 2, C – 6, D – 4, E – 5, F – 6
(B) A – 4, B – 2, C – 3, D – 1, E – 5, F – 6
(C) A – 3, B – 4, C – 6, D – 5, E – 1, F – 2
(D) A – 2, B – 1, C – 4, D – 6, E – 5, F – 6
174. Which one of the following biomolecules is correctly characterized?
(A) Palmitic acid - An unsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms
(B) Adenylic acid - Adenosine with a glucose phosphate molecule
(C) Alanine amino acid - Contains an hydroxyl group and an acidic group anywhere in the
(D) Lecithin - A phosphorylated glyceride found in cell membrane
175. Which one out of A to D given below correctly represents the structural formula of the
basic amino acid?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 2

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176. A phosphoglyceride is always made up of
(A) Only a saturated fatty acid esterified to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate
group is also attached
(B) Only an unsaturated fatty acid esterified to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate
group is also attached
(C) A saturated or unsaturated fatty acids esterified to a glycerol molecule to which a
phosphate group is also attached
(D) A saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified to a phosphate group which is also
attached to a glycerol molecule
177. Which of the following biomolecules does have a phosphodiester bond?
(A) Monosaccharides in a polysaccharide
(B) Amino acids in a polypeptide
(C) Nucleotides in a nucleic acid
(D) Fatty acids in a diglycerides
178. Find the odd one out based on the sugar residues
(A) Cellulose (B) Starch (C) Glycogen (D) Inulin
179. Which of the following carbohydrate is not a disaccharide
(A) Galactose (B) Sucrose (C) Maltose (D) lactose
180. Name the simplest amino acid
(A) Aspartic acid (B) Alanine (C) Glutamic acid (D) glycine


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Time : 3.00Hrs NEET WEEKEND TEST Ex. Date : 20.06.2021
Max. Marks = 720 m



1) B 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) C 6) D 7) C 8) C 9) D 10) D
11) C 12) C 13) D 14) C 15) B 16) C 17) D 18) C 19) A 20) D
21) C 22) D 23) B 24) C 25) D 26) D 27) B 28) C 29) C 30) A
31) B 32) D 33) D 34) D 35) B 36) B 37) A 38) D 39) D 40) D
41) B 42) B 43) D 44) D 45) A


46) C 47) D 48) A 49) D 50) D 51) B 52) B 53) A 54) C 55) C
56) B 57) C 58) C 59) C 60) A 61) A 62) C 63) D 64) A 65) C
66) D 67) A 68) B 69) D 70) C 71) D 72) A 73) D 74) B 75) C
76) C 77) A 78) B 79) A 80) C 81) C 82) C 83) A 84) C 85) B
86) B 87) B 88) A 89) C 90) B


91) B 92) A 93) D 94) A 95) B 96) B 97) A 98) C 99) D 100) D
101) B 102) A 103) A 104) D 105) A 106) D 107) A 108) B 109) D 110) B
111) C 112) B 113) B 114) A 115) B 116) C 117) A 118) C 119) B 120) C
121) A 122) A 123) C 124) C 125) D 126) A 127) D 128) B 129) D 130) B
131) C 132) A 133) C 134) A 135) A 136) B 137) D 138) B 139) C 140) A
141) A 142) D 143) A 144) A 145) B 146) C 147) A 148) D 149) A 150) D
151) A 152) A 153) A 154) D 155) A 156) A 157) D 158) B 159) C 160) C
161) C 162) B 163) A 164) C 165) B 166) B 167) A 168) C 169) C 170) B
171) D 172) B 173) B 174) D 175) B 176) C 177) C 178) D 179) A 180) D

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