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Communication problems of students

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Communication problems of students

Many students nowadays face many communication problems with peers and teachers. Such

problems have been a common cause since the technological advancement started developing

rapidly and a lot of devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops became the vital parts of our

daily routine. Modern students are more vulnerable to the abuses because of the lack of live

communication, which leads to the exclusion from the social life. Learners need to socialize more,

make new friends and spend a vast bulk of time without their gadgets. It is not an easy task, but it

can be completed with the help of wise and close people. Family members can explain and give a

piece of advice in the matters of friendship and personal relations, share their own experience, and

provide with support.

It is very difficult to build up a reputation among the ambitious youngsters. The problem of

bullying is very serious especially today when teenagers close up in themselves instead of looking

for the way out of the situation. Sometimes it may be necessary to ask for the help of a professional

psychologist – when it is impossible to find a solution to the problem. A teacher can be such kind of

professional for students – that is why each class has its own mentor and form teacher at school.

Mass media can become an effective remedy despite its negative influence on the social life of

people. The brightest example which demonstrates its effectiveness is an experiment carried out by

British television – “Britain get talking” (“Britain get talking” n.d.). The live broadcast of the

channel was muted for ten minutes giving the opportunity to the families to get together and talk

about anything they want, their joys, fears, and problems. The world is becoming more and more

concerned about the mental health of young people. Mostly, it is because of the environment in

which the students exist. It will become more severe in the future, so it is important to look for

possible solutions and not to leave beloved ones alone.



Young minds. (n.d). Britain get talking. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from

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