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FULL NAME: Prescornita Victor Fanel


GROUP: 1201
DATE: 24.06.2021

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a fungus?

A cluster of lower plants, devoid of chlorophyll, which live as parasites or

saprophytes and spread through spores.

2. What is a bacterium?

Generic name given to single-celled microorganisms of a vegetal nature

(representing the primitive form of cellular structure), which multiply by direct
division, some of them causing infectious diseases.

3. What bacteria are beneficial for plants?


4. What is a virus?

A virus is an inframicrobial pathogen, invisible to the light microscope, which does

not have the ability to self-reproduce, but is multiplied by the parasitic cell. Viruses
cause various infectious diseases called viruses

5. What is a pest?
A pest is any animal or plant harmful to humans or human concerns (eg plant or
animal crops, forestry, etc.). The term is also used for organisms that cause
damage to the household.
6. What is a weed?

Generic name for various uncultivated herbaceous plants.

7. What is a selective herbicide?

Chemicals with selective toxic action (limited to certain plant species).

8. What is a non-selective herbicide?

Chemicals that are effective on a larger spectrum of weeds.

9. What are the most commonly used pesticides?

The bactericides.

10. What are systemic fungicides?

Systemic fungicides are a superior product category to contact fungicides, as they

are not limited to the surface of the protected plant. Their action starts from the
tissues of the plant, which they penetrate, being a better solution for a longer
lasting effect.

11. What is the composition of soil?\

Soil is a residue composed of two main ingredients: mineral material and
organic material.
12. What is a soil profile?

The so-called soil profile and pedogenetic profile consists of a succession of

pedogenetic horizons from the ground surface to the solidification rock. The soil
appears structured in parallel and much parallel layers.

13. What is a soil horizon?

The soil horizon / pedogenetic horizon is that layer approximately parallel to the
land surface, loaded with a lot of properties that resulted from the pedogenesis

14. What is humus?

Humus is called a mixture of amorphous organic substances in the soil, usually to a

depth of 20-30 cm.

Humus is a complex mixture of advanced organic waste and microbial resynthesis

products and humic substances themselves, such as humic acids, fulvic acids and

15. What are the main types of soil?

Protisoils, Cernisols, cambisoil, luvisoils, spodisoils, hydrosols, histosols,

II. Give a brief description of the following diseases:

- Blast:

- leaf curl: caused by lack or excess moisture in the soil

- smut: The disease attacks all the aerial organs of corn, sometimes even the
adventitious roots.
- black rot: The disease is aggressive when temperatures fall between 9 and
30 degrees Celsius and the humidity level is high.
- red rot: Red rot has several host plants and occasionally the potato.
The leaves turn light in color, and the disease can be confused with a virus, then the
plants wither and die.

Infected tubers are covered with red-purple mycelium.
The skin then turns gray and dries.

III. Describe three (common or rare) diseases of a cereal plant / an industrial

or energy plant / a legume (e.g. barley, buckwheat, clover, cotton, maize, flax,
oats, wheat, rye, sunflower, etc.).

Septoria is caused by the fungus Septoria lavandula which infects the surface
tissues of lavender leaves. The high humidity caused by heavy rains or poor soil
drainage favors the germination of this fungus. We can observe the infestation with
this fungus if we see on the upper part of the leaves some reddish-brown spots that
later become whitish with a reddish stripe on the edge of the spots, and at the end a
black dot appears in the middle of the spots, the leaves dry and fall. The spots
usually appear on the older leaves at the base of the plant.

This mushroom does not require special treatment, especially if your plantation is
organic. It is enough to remove the infested leaves and destroy them. If the plant is
in pots, you will need to reduce its watering. Allow the soil to dry and place the
plant in a well-ventilated place, and if necessary, replace the plant soil with a well-
drained soil. If you really want the chemical treatment of plants, you can do
Chlorothalonil, mancozeb and copper, all of which are easy to find fungicides in
specialty stores or Dithane M-45 0.2%.

If the leaves infested with Septoriza are not removed, the plant may stop growing,
but it is unlikely to die.

Soil diseases such as Phytophthora spp., Verticillium spp., Fusarium spp.,
Pythium spp. Or Rhizoctonia spp. a lot of nitrogen. These diseases are extremely
rare in our country, being found especially in countries with high temperatures and
heavy rainfall. But if there is a suspicion of soil disease, foliar or ground treatments
are applied with Previcur 607 S.L. 0.15% or Topsin 70P.U. 0.1%. But these
diseases can be prevented if we do not over-water the plants, especially if they are
in pots.

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