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Reg. No.r 82680/067/068

Engineering Consu,ting Company

Rcf. No.: 227,/ln\'oice

l-etler No : 076./77
l2 July 2020
Sanlosh Bhartarai
Kaushaltar. Bhakupur.

Subject: invoice lor thc sire inspcction and prcoaration ofrrrogress rcpon

Dcar Sir.
Anrounts in NRs-
S. Fair Market Rate Charge for
No. Value (vo\ Valuation
l []uilding under construclion on Pht No. 41 .619 .211 .99 Rs.5.000.00 for 5,000.00
l.1l Iocaled ar \\iard No. :1. Sabik Ward Incrcase in Value of
No. 15. N4adhyapur Thimi N4unicipality. Build ing

Total Amount
vAT a0 l3ol)
Advance Pavm€nt
t 5,000.00

Total Payable Amount 5,650.00

We requcst you to dcposil the abolc amount in the lirllouing account oi M,rs \lC Asia Bank
I ld. This invoice is onlv pa\ment delails and nor \,al bill. The original vat bill rvill bc
prolided alicr appro\.al ol loan.

Accounl I Ioldcr Iti/s Cllquc Consult P\,1. I td.

Account No. 2t -,11-000905-.152-,102
'Iype oI Accounl (lurrent Account \llli
Kaushallar Branch
T)pe of Acco[nt Currenr A/C NPR

'Ihanking ou.
Vo' f

(l,nginecr Raiu Lakhalu)
Managing Director

(,srr Bl,:,rb Mrrei !2, krnr r. M.dr.yaolr Th nr l, gagtur phd.jh, N.pal

Ter al 66114i7,6631351,93!lal573l, €Fai r irfrpa (dArni .om

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