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Accenture Digital Skills | DM_L6_V1_Integrated_Digital_Marketing

Now, we are going to look at how businesses can use data to target customers in their digital marketing

campaigns and then look at the importance of integrating different digital marketing techniques. We've looked at

display advertising, like banner ads, email marketing, pay per click, and search engine optimisation strategies in
depth. So now let's look at how we can really target potential customers and how these strategies can be

integrated and used together.

Digital marketing uses the detailed data that companies capture on their customers to target appropriate

messages to the right people at the right time. This data includes customer demographics and the recorded

history of engaging with the brand, either directly or through a website. So, for example, the customer

demographics a company can capture includes the age, gender, and geographic location of a customer. That

means if you go on a company's website and browse their products, they can use this data to send you an email

with an offer on relevant products that you are likely going to want to buy.

Now, let's look at the importance of integrating different digital marketing techniques. The world of digital
marketing is becoming increasingly integrated. None of the channels we talked about earlier operates in isolation

and each can help make the other one work better. So for example, SEO on landing pages can help improve pay

per click campaigns and pay per click research informs SEO on what keywords are popular. Content and email

can help generate cookies that can make display advertising work better. The best brands ensure that all of these

elements work closely together.

Now, let's consider an example scenario. Imagine a company runs a pay per click ad to promote a new project. And as part of the
campaign, customers are able to download a track from a pop artist in return for entering their
email address. The company has recently launched a website and a social media presence on Facebook, Twitter,

and YouTube. And they're able to build an audience there. So what they do is they send out an e-mail to everyone

who provided their email address with an offer encouraging them to join the social networks. Once joined, the

company can then identify where the followers live and select those living in a city and target follow up offer in a

banner ad into their Facebook feed offering tickets to the concert being held by this pop artist in the city.

So in this example scenario, a company used an integrated digital marketing campaign to promote a new product. And as part of
the campaign, they used many different channels such as pay per click, social media marketing,
email marketing, and banner ads. All the previously mentioned techniques have a role to play in your digital

marketing strategy. You also need to consider that all these techniques are driven by customer data, which helps

companies make informed decisions. To be successful, you will need to undertake at least some of these
activities. Doing one well can actually help make the next technique work better. They each have a part to play in marketing to
customers across their customer lifecycle. And by customer lifecycle, we mean the steps each

customer goes through when considering, purchasing, using, and maintaining loyalty to a product or service.

For example, pay per click is very early in the customer's lifecycle, as it is when a customer is on a search engine,

searching, and considering buying a product or service. Search engine optimisation plays an important role when

getting your company's website to move up the search result ranking and is therefore also very early in the


On the other hand, email marketing can be used a bit more flexibly throughout the lifecycle. It can be used to raise

awareness, to attract new customers. And it can also be used to sell a new product to your existing customers to

maintain their loyalty to your brand. When using all of these channels, you need to make sure that all of them are

balanced well together.

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