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It was the most important decision that I had ever made. It has molded me into the person that I
am today. It is the reason why I choose to live my life the way that I do. This one decision has given me a
reason to hold on in times of struggle and turmoil. It has allowed me to have unbelievable peace. I have
given my life to Christ, and this has changed my life forever. The day I gave my life to Christ was the
happiest day of my life. It was such a big moment for me as a teenager. For a while, I had been
struggling with the decision to do so. Prior to this big step, whenever I thought I was ready to devote my
life to Christ, something would stop me. It was as if something didn't want me to go forward with my
decision. Something was holding me back with all of its strength. My focus would be taken off of God,
and on to something else. There were times when my focus would be on boys. There would always be a
boy to distract me and take my mind off of what had been so important to me. There were times when
my focus would be on all of my weaknesses.

I always felt that there were too many things wrong with me and thaI was completely incapable of
committing myself. I felt as though I had been standing behind a locked gate, desiring to be on the other
side, but not believing it to be possible. For a while, there had been no key available for me. I knew that
all I had to do was make this decision wholeheartedly, and then I would be where I wanted to be in life.
Yet, it was a fight between what I knew I needed to do and what I wanted to do. It was a battle between
the flesh and the spirit. There were many times when my flesh would win the battles. I would do and say
things that I knew I shouldn't have. I would lie to and disobey my parents. I would put down and ridicule
others. However, even with all of the negative things that I would do, there was always a little voice that
would always let me know that what I was doing was wrong.

Making decisions is often difficult to do. The hardest decisions that have to be made are life
decisions. The life one lives is strongly influenced by the society you live in. You make decisions
according to what you think your society is going to approve, not disapprove. Everyone is a traveler,
choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path
that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head. Some decisions to these choices are clear
while others are sometimes more difficult to make. I believe that learning is a lifetime journey. Though I
had already attained a level of success in my field of interest, I knew that without further education I
would soon come to a standstill as my peers moved forward without me. In addition to the professional
development and the benefits that it would provide to me I was interested in personal development as
well. On a personal level I pride myself on learning new skills and educating myself in areas that may not
serve me professionally at this point, but at a later date would possibly do so.

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