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Name of the Club/Chapter : Sports for Healthy Life

Name of Student : Ritik Yadav

Reg No : 19BIT0087

Note : All those events were completed in 90Hrs

Event : Running
There were many kinds of running competition like 100m race , 200m race ,
marathon and the murph.
This event was all about awareness of general health and fitness among

Benefits of Running:
1. Running slashes your risk of heart disease.
2. It also burns calories like crazy.
3. Running strengthens your joints.
4. It relieves stress.
5. It keeps your peepers healthy, too.
6. Running improves your follow-through (in all aspects of life).
7. It strengthens your bones big time.
8. Running may even reduce your risk of cancer.
9. Running boosts your confidence.
10.It can even help you sleep better.

Event : Rope Skipping

There were 3 kind of rope skipping competition

A) Individual
B) Group
C) Elimination Based

In individual competition one person at a time skips rope .This contestant with
the highest time was decided to be winner.Group participated versus each
other and the group which skipped for the maximum time declared as
winner.Elimination based was most exiciting because certain number of
contestant entered and one by one they were eliminated and the one which
survived declared as the winner .

Benefits of Rope Skipping

1: Improves heart health

Skipping rope is the best cardio exercise as it increases the heart rate. This
will significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

2: Increases concentration

Every cardio exercise will help you to focus on your goal and skipping is one
of them. Skipping rope can calm your body and increase your concentration.

3: Improves coordination

Skipping consistently improves your coordination and stamina.

4: Increases stamina and gets rid of fatigue

By continuous work you may feel tired or loss of stamina. Skipping can help
you to improve your stamina. The more you do skipping regularly the more
your stamina increases. A consistent skipping range practice can help get rid
of fatigue.

5: Increases body flexibility

Skipping rope makes your body calm and flexible. Jumping gives great
strength to the muscles and relaxes them. That’s why it is included in an
athlete’s workout regime.

6: Boost mental health

Skipping rope in a moderate-intensity can reduce anxiety and depression.

Exercise can increase blood circulation to your body and brain.

7: Decreases belly fat

It is one of the main obstacles while losing weight. But skipping rope can help
you with that. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises helps to reduce
belly fat without diet and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

8: Strengthening your bones

Skipping rope will give strength to your bones and increase bone density, thus
reduces the chances of osteoporosis.

9: Glows your skin

Post-workout glow is one of the best glow one can get. Exercises like skipping
will always give you a healthy, blushing, and glowing skin.
10: Improve pulmonary function

Skipping ropes improves blood circulation and breathing which ultimately

enhances your lung capacity.

Event : Cycling

This event covered many small comptition like 100m cycling , 500m cycling ,
slow cycling, maximum distance in 10 min and many more.There were
separate competition for boys and girls and combined too.There was a
partner cycling race too.This event was all about to increase the understand
and co-ordination between the students and also for promoting health and

Benefits of Cycling:

1. Weight management

Cycling habitually, especially at a high intensity, helps lower body fat levels,
which promotes healthy weight management. Plus, you’ll increase your
metabolism and build muscle, which allows you to burn more calories, even
while at rest.

2. Leg strength

Cycling improves overall function in your lower body and strengthens your leg
muscles without overstressing them. It targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings,
and calves.

To make your legs even stronger, try weightlifting exercises, such as squats,
leg presses, and lunges, a few times per week to further enhance your cycling

3. It’s good for beginners

It’s simple to ride a bike. If you have difficulty with a standard bicycle,
stationary bikes are a great alternative.

If you’re new to fitness or are bouncing back from an injury or illness, you can
cycle at a low intensity. As you get more fit, you can increase the intensity or
continue to cycle at a chill pace.

4. Core workout
Cycling also works your core muscles, including your back and abdominals.
Maintaining your body upright and keeping the bike in position requires a
certain amount of core strength.

Strong abdominals and back muscles support your spine, increase stability,
and improve comfort while cycling.

5. Boosts mental health

Cycling can ease feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety. Focusing on the

road while you’re cycling helps develop concentration and awareness of the
present moment. This may help take your focus away from the mental chatter
of your day.

If you find yourself feeling lethargic or listless, get yourself on your bike for at
least 10 minutes. Exercise releases endorphins, which in turn help you feel
better while lowering stress levels.

You may feel more confident and content once you make cycling a regular
part of your life.

6. It can help people with cancer

Cycling is a fantastic addition to your care plan if you have or are recovering
from cancer. Cycling can also keep you lean and fit, which may reduce your
risk for certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.

According to research from 2019, staying active if you have breast cancer
may help reduce side effects of cancer treatment, including fatigue, and
improve your overall quality of life.

7. A positive start to your morning

Start your day with a healthy activity like cycling, which wakes you up by
boosting your circulation and allows you to start your day with a sense of

You may feel more inclined to make healthy, positive choices as the day

Fasted morning rides at a low intensity may burn fat, enhance endurance
performance, and boost your energy and metabolism levels all day.

A 2019 study found that people who exercised before breakfast for 6 weeks
improved their response to insulin, which helped them burn twice as much fat
as those who exercised after breakfast.
8. Prevents and manages medical conditions

Whether you want to prevent health concerns from arising or manage existing
conditions, regular exercise is key. Cycling regularly is one way to avoid a
sedentary lifestyle and its accompanying health concerns.

It can help prevent cardiac issues such as stroke, heart attack, and high blood
pressure. Cycling may also help prevent and manage type 2 diabetesTrusted

9. It’s environmentally friendly

Reduce your carbon footprint by riding your bike whenever possible.

Cycling is a great replacement for transport options that involve sitting in

traffic for extended periods. It’s especially useful when you’re going places
that are a bit too far to walk, but you still don’t want to take a car.

A bonus is not having to fight for a parking space in crowded areas.

10. Improves balance, posture, and coordination

As you stabilize your body and keep your bike upright, you’ll improve your
overall balance, coordination, and posture. Balance tends to decline with age
and inactivity, so it’s vital to keep on top of it.

Improved balance is beneficial in the prevention of falls and fractures, which

can leave you on the sidelines while you take time off from exercise to recover.

Event : Pullups Challenge

This events was unique because in this not only the endurance but also the
strength of contestant was tested.This event had several different competition
Like max pullups , max pullup in 1 min , 50 at a time and many more.This
event was all about promoting strength and endurance too Not only
contestant enjoyed a lot but gave their 100 percent to win.

1. Strengthen the back muscles

The pullup is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the back
muscles. Pullups work the following muscles of the back:
 Latissimus dorsi: largest upper back muscle that runs from the mid-
back to under the armpit and shoulder blade
 Trapezius: located from your neck out to both shoulders
 Thoracic erector spinae: the three muscles that run along your
thoracic spine
 Infraspinatus: assists with shoulder extension and is located on the
shoulder blade

2. Strengthen the arm and shoulder muscles

Pullups also strengthen the arm and shoulder muscles. By performing pullups
regularly, you’ll work the forearms and shoulders. If you’re looking to improve
your strength in these areas, you should perform pullups regularly.

If you can’t perform the full pullup, doing them assisted or just getting in the
position (hanging from the bar) can increase your strength as you work up to
the complete movement.

3. Improve grip strength

Pullups also help improve grip strength. Grip strength is important if you lift

It also can improve performance in many sports like golf, tennis, rock climbing,
and bowling.

In your everyday life, a strong grip is also important for performing tasks like
opening jars, walking your dog on a leash, carrying groceries, and shoveling

4. Improve overall body strength and fitness level

Strength or resistance training can increase your overall fitness level. When
you’re performing a pullup, you’re lifting your entire body mass with the
movement. This can greatly improve your body strength and even improve
your health.

StudiesTrusted Source show that strength training is important for promoting

bone development and enhancing cardiovascular health.

Strength train with exercises like pullups two to three times a week for best

5. Improve physical health

Strength or resistance training with exercises like pullups may also improve
your overall physical health. StudiesTrusted Source found that regularly
performing strength training may help reduce visceral fat and help you
manage type 2 diabetes.

It can also help reduce resting blood pressure and may reduce back pain

and discomfort associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Talk to your doctor before starting to strength train, as it may not be safe for
you. The results may also vary for everyone.

6. Improve mental health

Strength or resistance training is also beneficial for your mental health.

A 2010 review of studies found a positive correlation between strength
training and the following:

 reducing anxiety symptoms

 improving cognitive function

 reducing fatigue
 reducing depression
 and improving self-esteem

While the evidence seems positive, more research is needed to confirm these

Photos related to skipping event:

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