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FREDY; Mom, tell me,does grandma know how top lay the piano?

Mom; Yes, baby. She is good at music, just like your aunt Maria

Fredy; And daddy know how to build things, right?

Mom Yes, he is good at engineering

Fredy; And your mom? What are you good at?

Mom; I am good at languages.I know how to speak Warao, Spanish, and a little Portuguese

In this class the students are talking about the áreas they are the best at, because they are
planning a party to collect fubds for the school.

A; I know how to design posters and fiyers to promote the event

B; Oh, I know how to create a choreography for the event.

C; Cool! I know how to rap and I have a group

D; I don’t know how to find a good place for the event. Can you help me?

A: Of course.Ms.Febres, our Spanish teacher, knows how to find one that would be perfect
D; OK, And… do you know how to make snacks for the party?

And what about you? What do you know how to do ? Do you know if someone in your family
knows how to organize a party?

3- Construye 4 oraciones usando el “ know how” (1 pto c/u) Tema N°

2: Can you? Yes, I can!

Oraciones usando el “ know how”

Can you? Yes, I can!

1 Excuse me, Ms. Romero, can I go now ?

2 I’m sorry, you can’t. It’s not time yet.

3 I can’t make this poster. I have to ask for help at the computer center


You can’t use a cellphone here


I can come to study this afternoon.


Can I help you?


Can I borrow you pencil?


She can swim very well.

Construye 10 oraciones usando el verbo Can. ( 1 pto C/u)
• 2 oraciones que expresen una prohibición usando el verbo Can
1. he can't swim good - él no puede nadar bien
2. she can't find your book- Ella no puede encontrar tu libro
• 2 oraciones que expresen una posibilidad usando el verbo Can
1. Maybe I can go to the grocery store for you 
Significado: Puede que vaya a la tienda en substitucion tuya 
2. Maybe you can talk with Lucas and solve the probem
Significado: Igual puedes ir a hablar con Lucas para arreglar
el problema

• 2 oraciones para ofrecer ayuda usando el verbo Can

1. Can I get you something (some coffee, some water etc

¿Puedo traerte algo (café, agua, etc.)

2. What can I do for you?
¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?

• 2 oraciones para pedir permiso usando el verbo Can

• 2 oraciones que expresen una habilidad usando el verbo Can

ley de coulomb vitual preparatoria

ley de coulomb n 5 aprende fisica con j

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