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A Types of comrnunlcauon
• Match the expressions in the box to the photos.
You can match mere thin ont tXPf'flP()tl co
each photo.

bOdy language fa.c:lal ex.pressions

tlind gestures lr»tint rnns.q: na
pone,s & s11ns s,an 1.viautct
social networks the written word

e Say, tell, speak

• Complete the word m.lps with say, ttlJ or s,,Nt.

' hello


.. lot abo l sometri:1ng

the truth ME wh,1t you wint
,l ht HIM wh.lttodo
, .11 4iiit
WOf'k in J»llrl. LOok II the pholOS. 3 • Comp~te lht t•tr•c.ts from TriMCJIC)C ti w,ttt the \ICf'bs In the 5 ~ Complete tht qutshons"' th~ corr«t torm of say, ll story .Il'l[M wh•1Y<llil
Answer the q~tioM. box. M.atch lht tll.ltKli to lhit phOtOs. tttJ and sp,alt. ajO':e
1 WN1 do the photos show? 1 How many •anguages can you SOMEBOO
l WNI 1, tht (OMKUOl'I btlWttn lhe photos 2 Wl\o IS thf Of'lit Pfr10t'I )IOU 10 moll Of1f'fl1 ABOUT
Mid lht btlt of lht un1t1 3 Who wis tht ilk'1c ptt\Oft )'OU __ to tONy1
The·y",enotJus& __ ,. th-.ordL
J Which c,hOlo is n'lOSl stnlung? Why? 2 Tblsge,sture • ........, 4 ~t w;u d'lf- first China ,ou ihis morruna1
5 Att you toad at jot~>
b Cit Wolk in pou, Co"!J'~le A In lhc l
she's "''"'
• OOlttf to
6 Oo you know il1l'O"t -·, SOOC1 ii
~ •. can you think StoftN> NOTIC• 'iA'r.. ,eu.
of illY other rypes of communitation? Add S It'\ .-muin.c hOw .l ~ Cfi,ti.lft un so muth! 7 Are you gene,aJly 1ood at wtw you think.? w~ 1JS(" $OY + to • Pt~ P'Ol'ICII.I\e.g...

6 or maybe they donl the wrrie ~t Why/Why not1 Wfl.:11did ht•SQ.)! t11 )'CC,,
;;~~·b Re;1d Tr1nscnpt , 1 on pr,ae42 Mld chKt your answe,s. 8 Ha.11e you t~ t.o I OO•'CJQt OtOP~l How We me lf'II • P('I wn ..l pronou11, t',I..
2 d ,cl you fttl> 1,11 mt' what 'hf probrtm ,,
4 ~ Worlc in p.irs. Complete Bin the AS ARVPAl,j[l ••
b fiiit Work in ~irs.. Choc:Ke lhrtt qunttons.
Ask 1nd a,u,.fl'.

• II



1 a Match the communicationexpressionsin A to the cat~oriesin B.
use• dictionary 10 help you.

........... er ft~SU
... !l(OM K,.


2 MJ.tch teds i-3 to one o, morn of tne

typ(!S ot cM\munic.a.tion in SPC.UING
1 a. q, wortin pairs. Match extracts 1-6 to images a-c without
lool::ins bKt ,11 the teru in R:£AD1Nc; 2.
I I NW' I IOI: ol troobat Qll:1"& tO ~f.
verb endings
1 a 'it Wofk 1n ~rs.Write tht 3rd jM'rson
es & ed -
prHtnt sl,nplt W the s,151 Mmpte fOJms
I l'l•vt, IQ( of troublt ta ku~ to 2 Wl'\ffl I IIU stMted Oln( of U'lt-wtbs.
c:U.t to 'r ellds and family on I ace book discuss polrt cs people I md it e,asier with l - CM lechnolOCYV.·•I SC~lo\te US..,
give talks/ e<tvrEs/present.:1t1ons/speech,es ha.e ill&UC"IEl"ts an -nals You cen communlute In Pre'Wf'lt P~t
..... had loCsal dogs.
t.i k. on S<l:ype S()edll(,n publK WI._ toct111cl,erv•1tie~~
1rX1 lw<'f'( ')I I" m,111 fl l"ll(1~ l1.f' 1y tvidy ll'I 11 t'f'\1 A't'y'W"tf
d tterent w,ys v.,th them. rve l\ad
IOb of cJos).>n~ II kc plJYllll With
S they'~ ~~rc. tratlng or tweeting on t~ir phones ...
6 rm P"'I to try Md Set 10lt'lhcr with I frk:nd every week """' storttd

.a tt.all ptu,ngthem tommunlc.1tc
things._ t'IIC'rything is more b Look al the seeteoces m 1 a a.gain. Undertine the verbs. Which
I do ,ta lot I never do 11. I can do t ,n E,ighsh_ ~ aad straightforward. Human .ve tiltingi.bout ,I) the presentl b) the pastl c) the fvture7
toY doing 11 11\clle dorni~ l I'm good .1t it commurtCi11ones too complex. b the w,rbs out loud Undtr1mt the
1 ~ 1 flm stifled dancing, 1 went
2 COfflC)INe 1-6 in the G1tAMYA.1t PAHCL • with the sentences In 1 a.
to dance ct.ass ~eryday. I was very
b How do you communicate in your eve,yday life' 3 a 0-0.. ""1'CCl loml al 0.. vcrt>. In one seoteoceboCh "' possible. 2
teese, 1 OOlft th nic I rt.)lizeo I
1 rw new, been / nnu 1K'l't.l to a ptiolo t>Kh1b1tioo.
2 4iiifWorl: in pairs compare your answers differences cid you Md? could do with my body.At fH sl I got
1 l'ril i,prat "'!11 !pffll to ll"Ymotht"f Of'l the 0U1ff' lint>

,.._. ly But now I lhlt* I c.-.n
y,y ,o muc:h mote with my body, Md I 3 Chlehtl "'"'° crow
up v.1th an rnals communkott I
1 ~ do wt add ·es ,net not ·s to .t vtrb in
tM P,Nf'l'IC ~tnpf''
lw.vt' real problems with spc:atlngl -~bttctf 1~ do Viot pronoo,oct the ~d ffldi111 as
4 1 dcwn thR cornputm 11·. If (hangE" I are going to chanae the way we .. txt~ $)'1Ml&e-1
1 a led: at the images. What kinds of communication do they show?' 3 I often find mys.etf in this ~ituation.
COfNl'luno.te ,n the fvturt
You·rt" in the same room as othN s l'Wdc'wW> / dld my, "'°'1W"1110tli. bffore soccer practice
peoplt, but you could be on the
6 1-,.. flWIO ro Jtucty / 1f s~ an In coUe,te ne-xt yeir.
OChN side o1 the world bf<.iuse 3
Chtv'rt I.Jlly"" tt"'l.11'11or tweet.11lJron
ror phones tn the end, 1 think this
ttehno!Ogywill separateus, make us b Reul Transcript 1 l on pagt> 41 out loud.
more WIUOYCrted. rm coin, to try ind

Ply 1nendon to tht ofd tndin,s
Sfl toeetMI' with• fntnd every w\.'etc

A Pwaenl 1,1mple or prei.cnl continuou~?
l!'Olll nawon. ju!.I 1od\i1t f«e-to4.-:~
.t ¥.if use the~ SJmpt,e to refer to h.Jbits and roounes. SPEAKING

3 'it wort In pairs Match teKts 1-110

1 'if wart lfl pans. Thmt about three CM
b ¥,it IIM '"" Pfftrf'IC ~e to ,ttef to teptJll'd .cllon5 Of 'iltu..illons- four d,tf~rffl sitUriltioM where peoplf
P<Ol>ltml a-c, hive dift'ttlAty•ni.t-.1 . when
, 00 '"-""' ...,,..,,
I flrieOP't may lose the a, t of ~lklog c We use u:v: present to describe things that arc generallytrue. they don't speak each other's language
race to race Ht?!m..., coo:r...fflica~ .:s too COf"'lp(a. or when lilt lnu~rr!E't connection is we-,k.
b Human communkation can be WNt an you do to A• the communic,iion
compt1ated .and confu11n;. o~ use the Ol'twnt cont nuovs to t~lt ibout thlnas lha1 ir.e In t.l<h s1tU1donl Add some of your own
( Son,p PfOl)IP on't P'JlPtP'U <... •cntly NPC)C'rilfl'IC kJt.U to the IISL
themselves with words. ·~-----------
a P~ s.mplt
present o, ptrlec.t?
U'W s,g,t ~ 11,.s,t Jo~ jgng1A09t, 4sk
4 Read me texts in 2 again. Which of
SOl'¥CltV to --

the people 1xefe. anothc, fOfrn of t • u,e the~ simple t0 Qlt 1bou1 completed1ct1ons In the put.
2 a Tl'l•nt aibout the i.i~tions btk>w. What
communk1llon to spe:aldn81 Which do you think wolAd be the best w.iy to
form and why? t ~ Uk tht Oillt s1rnpk to ~bOvt habitual acllon.s In U\.(' p.;.st. tep..tir the

I wnt to darn cfcm IM'?' day.
S 'iiifwort in small groups. Discuss the I We Uif ft pleff'f l)f'lffct to~ about experience<i we h,-we had in our
but you,
.i; JOlt 111'1 Ml o,ii,ne CN.t room.
r,..nct lhtrt\S you·re btln1 stoous
• Do you know any'l>Odv who
communk.atts with their body1 Whit
lleup,o,,,. ........ "" do "Y "'"'" lheyllJCle)Cned, Ind IM.H ofttns.t
A tnmd asb yw tor lildwu.. but you're
c fut\.n. wilJ or png to1 distnded. watdwl.g your fawnte 1V show, d1Me1ent ways you can do that
(t" g. d.ince, mime)?
• Do yoo 101T1telmr1 pref Pt lhe
h Muse both ail .net 901ng to lo mate prcichcllons.
b' motewnmfnl!IM.'tt«t
............ ...,.,. .......
ifld )OU M'l"iWff withoul re.lily rS1"1ing.

company of animals to humans?

Why/Y,hy not? i WP uw 90'"9 to tot• k •bool mtentiom. and pl1,n.s b ~ Sha•• )'OU' ideas w,th the class.
b R.tad texts 1- 3 .ind match them to Images a-c.
• is f~e·to·fJiCe commumc-,t10n a!Ways
prefen1bte7 wtry/wt,y non
·------------- Who""' the - solut,ons!

a II
• ......... ..o.,r ~s
.. toll Ill
...... o nc• P\1tP05l

3 Chea your lin:s-.ffl In che GltA!!IIMA\ PANfL.

Comololt I·•
4 a conea CM mista.kcs.
1 Whe'R ~ last protfst w~ held m you, town 01 city?
2 What it was about'
J WhNI pl.,yed )'Ck.If lotiil socce, team their last gamer
4 1lffi0dodwln1
S You hli¥t e\N" stood ,n l,ne 10 buy somethln11
, WNt you •~·NI to bu>11

b '-tw«t IR pn,1. "5.k and ansW!'f tht quesoons in <Ila.

YfJ,Jno qu,HboM do not f'lttd a quMUon word Tilt
ai.wllll)' Yff'b at•·ay1 come1 1•~clffl_(Ufr, 1~ subject
~ .. th Ql,HtlOnS \lotttl the vtfb (OOt.
1 _. Wort in pairs. Look at the photos.Answer the questions. Otd,w,-t:i,"'WJM1ft7
• Where do you th nk the people ;are? W.· questions btgin '*·itl't a ~lion wo<dsuch ts
• What is the purpose: of each 5icn? how,~ •.faat. ~.
why, ~m and wtlet1. Some
• Whl<h 1rt protHts? Wlllch art 11v1na inforNt!Otll
• Which 1s the most efltttwe? IN'hyr ...,~ ...........df-0
M· Ql.ltsuon -.ords un also combine w,th other words.

- _.,...,.,,ol
2 1 Match sentences 1~6 to one (or mott)of photos a-d - ""1Jl,td/typ,.1
1 nus person ,s makln1• verysn,~ point In cqKt qwJbOm QuO.lJOnWOId ,s lilt object ot
2 This person isn't trying to <N.nge anybody's mind

3 This person doesn't realty have a particular ~ 10 ~
"""'21 ,ou IIIIJtr))W ~ a Sl91l.
wo ..
4 nus l)Nson isn't try,na to penuMtt anyo~. hf/Jtlit i.s 11,np,y GRAMMAR Tht-MLK 11'yft~~ IJIPft()(tja,[,.NtheSUbJKl.
sptakln:1 his/her mind \W 1.1,~ do .uld did lo form ~hom tn tht! p1Motnl and
S This l)t'fSOfl 11 su.ndln1 up tor .inlm,11 r,ahtJ
1 a Mitchquntions l-8 to answen 1-h
6 ltlis sign cert,tmlymalts you stop ind !MY •tttntlon I How Iona wilt you sl•Y here toa S&qet1 questions5W1 -.·Ith~. what, .nich or how
2 Whal m~t you Wlflt lO dttiS l•kc' I POIM btltl
tw:Jdll~ fbe quesi.on 'M)td is 1 he subject of the llttb.
b Match the WOfds ind expressions in bold in 2.1 to 3 How long did rt take to make lht> sign?
definitions ;a-f. "4lo lftlldt thtSIQll' - i,1111df, rtw si9fl
4 How long have you been here'
a e)jp,ess a personal op,nion S Who gaw you t.hf' ~a7 nwre is no subject pronoun ;and v.,e C.lnffd /don'( Mfd
b s.uppo,t and fl&ht fo, so""1h1n1 6 00 you think the sign 'iilll ~ort1 io \M dO!did III the pt'fS,ff'\I ,nd p.ast simplt.
c lf.ansmlt lnfOfmatlon 1ucctssfut1.,. 7 O!d he PY 1nyth,n1 to your ""--*'tllt '9)1 NOT W,-, mtydfd '!fflf-. till' d~111
d Influence someone's opinion 8 Who Is lht slan fo,7 Sff ~ J6 /ot ftlll'VIIOl ~f 0114 mott ptOCtkt.
e expJn.s a particular argument 1 a 4t1u liSl~ to ,ntetVteWS w1lh tM lou, a n·s a powerful symbol
I look at or lts:ten to something wt')' UtfflJlly people in lht photos.. Maleh inttrviews 1-4 b Nobody. 1 Just love this socce,r pl'Yff.
to photos a-d. c Well, ibOut 1n hour, I think..
3 a complete the Questions with the exi,rtssions in 2~ NOTICE QU(STION5 lNOING WITH
d welt, for nobody rie.11,Y It w~ jus1 • )<>tr PR( POSO IONS
1 Which sign do yoo thlnt;es PN)Plt most b Usttn ,a:Mn. MJitch $tlttmtnu 1-4 to photos
e as Ions as nectsHry
1 Whyl a-d MCWe thvl Ont Wwtf may ee correct. M ffl Pl,II P,fPOlilllOM .at IN' f'nCI 011 QUt'SbOI\.
1 1 hope so. but I JV1t don·, know

2 What rl3tlts ts~ man In the rrtuli: 1 Who do )11111111• M'th!
11'11 I 'Tllt person -.·~tN1 to bf funny and ~· ,ous 11 thf a Ho. unfortunately hit didn't.
h Twenty,four hours, I slept here owrn &hi
3 Do you think any of these stgf'ls •ctuail'1 _ 1 TM PtnOn maM the S!&,n w,th a. friend
anyone's ? If so, 'Vohich'
3 The~ talks about how the problffll b ·~ listen al~in .tN1 check. 0000, .. _ SPEAKING

2AI IZ Jtil!L '" ..... '" eii'I.""' ft..

4 Which sign do you think is ng the most i.mporunt .aflKtl"C hfS,/hff mood. 1 -) WOr1t III pairs. Ha...e you~ made il s.ign? What was
5 00 you ttl1nlt maltln& • ~,n Is the btst '*-''1 to a
• Th(> penon -.ants 10 bf thf "™ 2 ..
quntlon words/clrcfi) all the subject pr°"°'9nsMd •lorlT<l)'OIK-aboutrt.
mes.i,t ? IA't'ry/Wtr, noV Wh,11othef w..:,s ¥t 2 'it Wort ,n sroups. Ols<uss the questions. [i;i!illih all the au1tlllary vt"rbs.
2 wm, your own ,,,n.
Think abOut-
the,e? • DoyoufW'rwt~urrylnaslgns1
6 Do you CVf!f yow in public lilt this' fyPtS oC sl,ns are they7 b Which questions don't have a) q~hon words? • ts pwpme and ,ts mt"SWge l! n funny or serlou5i1

• ~

b) subject pronouns' c) auxiJiary verbs? • where you woold like to st.ow h.
Why/Why notf ~ Ol:(1)1,._ • In-.11Uw:,yarc they s1m1l.r to the s,ans in the
ph,(os! • ...""°YoUwould k.etoshow1tto
b ..i>))u Listen ind chock
3 ~ Show the sign to your patln« Ask and answer
4 '-' Work In pairs Ask ltld answtr tht quttOon, l.n 3& qunUons a.bout your,,,ns.
did you do
say have you traveled
talk are you meeting
do you prefer
happened to you

i see
i cant see
i have

Can i give you a hand with that?

You dont know me, but i´m carl
hi, how's it going?
How do you know John?

How do you know jhon?

You dont know me but i´m carlos

´m giving
don´t use
i haven´t been able
´ll have

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