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The different body systems and how it functions is very comparable how

different department in the organization works. We can site the lymphatic system as

an example which is assigned to the immune system of the body. It fights foreign

bodies such as bacteria and viruses and prevents them to invade our system through

the process of phagocytosis. It’s just like the security department of a company that

prevents outsider to enter in and make safety precautions if needed. The managerial

department that dictates the flow of whole organization can be compared to our

nervous system and endocrine system which serves as the control center of the body.

The nervous system controls the body by processing information by electrical

impulse which is being delivered through our nerves that carry it out toward the brain

and the spinal cord. The endocrine system produces hormones through different

glands that regulate different body processes to maintain homeostasis. The digestive

system and circulatory system serves as the production department that is incharge for

the production of nutrients from food that we intake. As we intake food as a raw

materials, it will undergo different process such as digestion to trans from it into a

form which is very usable for the cell to convert it into ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

as a final product. Then, through the process of circulation, it will be delivered to

different parts of the body in the aid of heart that pumps the blood and the blood itself

which circulates throughout the body to deliver nutrients, oxygen and hormones. The

urinary and excretory system serves as utility and janitorial department of the body

that eliminate waste from the body.

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