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SUPPLEMENTARY Subcommittee on Urban Search and Rescue

Fire Service Training

Report o[" the Committee on
James G. Kellam, Chair
Fire Service Training Virginia Beach Fire Dept., VA
Joseph ,at. Barhera, Special Medial Response Team, NY
J o h n Hoglund, Chai~ Gary R. Easton, San Diego City Fire Dept., (~\
l lniversi W of Marylaud. MD ,[!m Hone, Santa Monica FireDept., (IA
william M . J a h n k e , ()verland Park Fire [)elm, Inc., ~ ;
T h e o d o r e L e e J a r b o e , M o n t g o m e r gT Cnty Dept. of Fire & Rescue
William Peterson, Vice Chairman Serv, MD
Piano Fire Dept., TX Chuck Mills, Nat'l. Assn. for Search & Rescue, VA
Rep. Fire Marshals Association of N o r t h / u n e r i c a ChristopherJ. Nauru, Movers t:orners Fire Dept.. NY
Barry t'~echis, Rescue Tecimology Inc., NT
Charles E, Nichols, Chattanootfi Fire Dept., TN
Roger Bassett, Roselh', IL Rep. T e n n e s s e e Association ot Rescue Squacks
Edward W. Bent, Sacramento, (IA Brian Pugh, Salt Lake ('it}' Fire Dept., I IT
Thomas E. Brown, DeI,~db Cnty Public S:detv, (;A Chase N. S a ~ e n t , Dept of Fire Programs, VA
Re[J. International Association of Fire Chiefs Michael TamHIow, Fmrfax County Fire & Rescue Dept., VA
Michael L. Calhoun, N(; Dept. of Insurance, N(; William J. Troup, IL 5. Fire Administration, FEMA, MD
Ronald L. Callahan, S p e e d w a y , IN RichardMrarford, Los Angeles (:itv Fire Dept., (IA
Rep. IiMi:umpolis Fire Dept.
Gene P. Carlson, ()klahoma Slate 1 ?niversi W, ()K Alternatc~
Rep. Intevnatioual Five Sm~'ice Training Aqs(,ciation J e f f L. Frazier, San Diego Five Dept., CA
Harry R. Carter, Neward Fire l)ept., NJ (Alt. to G. R. E,~ston)
W. Rolland Connelly, Burlington, N] Terrance Manning, Los Angeles { ;ity Fire Dept., (iA
J o h n Lee Cook, Dent,m Fire Dept., TX (Mr. to R. W. W.~rford)
NicholasJ. Cricenti, (hiW&ll & (;ricenti Engineering Associates, Inc.,
NH Staff Liaison: Bruce W. Teele
Gary R. Easton, San Diego t;itv Fire Dept., CA
Vincent K. Elmure, Pahn Beach Fire Dept., FL T h e S u p p l e m e n t a r y Report of the (;ommittee on Fire Service
David W. England, ! haiversity of California, GA T r a i n i n g i~ presented for adopti on.
David C. Grupp, Kemper Nat'[. Insurmace Companies, IL
P. Gerald Haag, Syntex (11SA) Inc., CA This Supplementa~ y Report was prepared by the Technical
James G. Kellam, Virginia Beach Fire Dept., VA C o m m i t t e e on Fire Service Training a n d proposes for adoption a
Rep. International Society of Fire Scarce Instructors S u p p l e m e n t a r y Report which d o c u m e n t s its action on the public
Mark IL Layton, AAI ('orp.. MD c o m m e n t s r e c e i v e d o n doe proposed NFPA 1470-1994, Standard on
Robert A. Lincoln, N~tssau ( ;nty Fire Sepdce Academy, NY Search and Rescue for Structural Collapse Incidents, published in
the Technical (;ommittee Reports for the t993 Fall Meeting.
John B. Lockwood, Bowie, MD
John M. Lover'in, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l. LaboratolT, CA This S u p p l e m e n t a r y Report has been submitted to letter ballot ol
George E. Luther, C()nnecticut State Fire Admin, CT the Teclfnical Comn{ittee on Fire Service Training which consists of
Charles L. Page, Texas A & M University, TX 27 voting members; of w h o m 26 vote(t affirmatively, a n d I negatively
Thomas C. Quilliu, Tallah:~ssee Fire Dept., FL (Mr. Str~eske).
Garnet E. Schenk, ( )flire of the Fire Marshal, ( )N
J a m e s B. Straseske, Illinois Fire SerMce Institute, IL Mr. StrfLseske w)ted negatively stating:
"After reviewing the proposed 1470 d o c u m e n t , there is it sense daat
the materials are better suited for a textbook thzm a standard. T h e
Alternates material in tim standard are somewhat confusing becmtse it mixes
operations and training n e e d e d to perform at a structural collapse
Robert F. Burger, Fire['r,~, Inc., NM scene.
(Mr. to E. Bent) T h e r e are approximately 4 1/'2 c o h m m s of standard language. In
Doyle E. Frazier, Pahn Beach Fire-Rescue Dept., FL the standard, there are very few definitive ~uidelines of specific
(Alt. to, V. 1,2 g h n o r e ) action that addresses the topic of sn-ucturm collapse. T h e opet a-
Carl Goodson, Five Protection Publications, ()K tional levels :ffter "light" are vague. T h e r e woukt be difficulty in
d e t e r m i n i n g exactly what was n e e d e d for " e q u i p m e n t use, a n d the
(Mr. t,, (;. P. Carlson) techniques required to operate s:ffely a n d effective."
Jack K. McElfish, (;lavtou ( ; , u u t y Fire Dept., GA T h e 4 1/2 c o h n n n s of standard text are followed by 13 1,"2
(All. t~, T. Brawn) c o h n n n s plus 7 pages of appendix. It seems that there is an
inordinate am Hilt of explanation n e e d e d to e n h a n c e the standard
• " O

Thi~" li~t nlne.wnts the m~nhcrship at the time the Committee was halllllNt,.don text.
the text of th~.~ cditi(m. Sir~ce that time. chanff~:~ in the m~w~bership truly have Since there are few statistics available that detail the n u m b e r an(t
I)¢'¢'ll rTce(t. type of structural collapses to indic~tte there is a nationwide problem,
Wllat was, or is the rationale for strapping every fire clepartment with
Committee Scope: This ( :ommittee shall have primary respansibility a standard that has extremely limited application? This question
for r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s covering all fire service training techniques, needs filrther examination.
olmrafious, a n d procedures to develop n t a x i m u m efficiency a n d B~sed on this intormation, a solid cxantination of the 1.t70
pr~,per ntilization c~l available personnel. Such activities may include materials, conversations with knowledgeable fire set-vice persotmel.
training guides for fire prevention, fire suppressirm a n d other and the perspective of a state-wide training oftener, I feel that the
inissi,ms fi:~l"which the fire service h,~s obligations. s t a n d a r d s l m u l d be converted to an informaffonal guide. In arerLs
that the standard s h o u l d be converted to an informational guide. In
area.s tl/at have a need for or a history of structural collapse episodes,
this material could he employed to pi'oduce a quality in-l~ouse
training program."

NFPA 1470 -- F93 TCD

(Log #1)

1470- 1 - (A-3-1.1): Accept

SUBMITTER: Williamj. Troop, I Jnited ,States Fire Administration
United States Fire Administration
( )ffice of Firefighter H,:aldl arid S;ffety
16825 South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg. MD 217E7

to the listed in p a r a g r a p h A-.3-1.1, Professional Agencies a n d

A~sociations which may be of t e d m i c a l ,xssistance a n d provide
UBSTANTIATION: T h e United States Fire Administration
(USFA) h,~s several p r o g r a m initiatives in this area including an
upcoming videoconference entitled, "'SM'ety Gonsiderations for
Special Rescue Situations" which discusses s:ffe operations at
structural collapses a n d p r o d u c e d two past videoconferences on
structural search a n d r e < u e . USFA has also p e r f o r m e d in-depdl
investigations a n d p r o d u c e d case studies on structural collapse
incidents t h r o u g h o u t the I lnited States. ! ISFA can pro*ide valuable
information on this fieM of expertise.


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