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Lembar Jawab UAS THE


No. Answer
1. Dealing with Hoax
News is something which contains the outcome of new sources facts and figures but
sometimes it can mislead by distributing fake news. Everyone in this world is stick to
newspapers, television, radio and social media. So, some news editor can take advantage of
this as they know people will believe them if they edit news to some intense outcome. Hence
to be known as fake news it is very much related to Hoax and misleading every 3 rd person in
the world. Hoax can lead us to the hatred against religion, politics, celebrities, or agencies
which can lead to riots. The amount of Hoax these days seems to continue to grow, some may
find it harder and harder to decipher what is true, what is not.
2. Dealing with Hoax
News is something which contains the outcome of new sources facts and figures but
sometimes it can mislead by distributing fake news. Everyone in this world is stick to
newspapers, television, radio and social media. So, some news editor can take advantage of
this as they know people will believe them if they edit news to some intense outcome. Hence
to be known as fake news it is very much related to Hoax and misleading every 3 rd person in
the world. Hoax can lead us to the hatred against religion, politics, celebrities, or agencies
which can lead to riots. The amount of Hoax these days seems to continue to grow, some may
find it harder and harder to decipher what is true, what is not.

In today world, it is challenging because a hoax can change the whole impact of the story and
it can change the point of view of persons mind depending on situations. The solid base of
digital news existence now days has made in possible for it to spread over the network.
Number for social media as news source are higher than before and higher than ever

Almost everyday we use social media like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and so
on. We often get and see some new information on that social media. Sometimes we don not
know whether those information are true or not but we are so easy to share it to others. Just
because we think the information have some interesting facts and we forward it to our
friends or in the groups. So by this action Hoax can be reached easily by a thousand smart
phones in an hour. Local communities can play a very vital role in this by spreading it.

Fake news has become a threat to a journalism and media as it challenges them to tackles
every situation which is not right and that is Hoax. Now days whole word is fed up of Hoax as
it act like a nuclear bomb which explode in such intense power and destroy everything near it
or miles away and people can get hurt by it. We need to tackle every situations and solve it
but sometimes it can not be dine without others help. We need to come together to tackle
hoax and completely vanish it from the world. If hoax continue to grow then it can lead to
more major problem in every part of the world.

In conclusion, Hoax over flows the internet more so than other outlets that provide news or
information as well. There for, met literacy approaches deem more successful than typical
literacy does. Understanding one’s own literacy can greatly enhance met literacy. If we
comprehend ourselves, we can begin to successfully comprehend the literacy of others as
well. Although such tactics may appear to be tedious and time consuming, they are
completely worth it. By being able to evaluate and sort truth from false information is a skill
that many people lack and more people need.
3. The most successful day in my life
Throughout life I have had many memorable times in my life vary from being the worst tomes
in my life and some being the best either way they have become milestones that will be
remembered forever.

My most successful day I have ever had was definitely the day that I received my diploma of
vocational high school. That day was my most memorable because of the feeling I had when I
received it. I have waited for it since the first time I studied at that school. After three years
studying in that school, finally I could prove to my parents that I could be the best students in
my major.

I felt that I was the happiest student in that day, the day of our graduation. We celebrated it
happily. I attended the graduation with my mother. We joined all of the agendas. And finally
We were on the agenda that I really waited that was a moment when my teacher announced
us about Ten best students in the school. My teacher called the students start from the best
ten until the first. My teacher already called the best ten until the second but my name was
not called. I was vary sad. My friends who were called by my teacher already on the stage.
After a view minute my teacher continued calling the students. It was the turn to call the best
of the best students. I was so surprised when I heard my name was called by my teacher. I did
not believe at the time. Finally my mom and I came to the stage to take the diploma and the

I was really happy because I could give my best and I could make my parents happy.
But I understood that was only the beginning of my life that was not the end. So at the time I
thought that I need to struggle more to face my new life after from vocational high scool.
That was really memorable and until now I still remember that day.
4. My Dream House
Since I was a kid, I had been dreaming to live with my own family in a house that would be a
place of peace, joy and inspirations. It should be located in a village that surrounded by the
wild beautiful nature. I adore nature and it would be so exiting to wake up early morning and
listen to the birds singing.

My dream house should be located near by a small river where I could live in peace and
harmony with serene nature. It should be simply designed and elegant. I would like to have a
huge lawn in front of my house and enough parking for several cars. There should be a small
garden planted with fruit trees and flowers. There should be a front porch where we could sit
and relax also enjoy the beauty of nature.

My dream house should be a perfect definition of my gray and red house. It should be
elegant, stylish and large enough for all my family. There should be 6 bed rooms with elegant
bed for my family. There should be bath room complete with the shower in each bed room. I
would like to have a television set or music system in my bed room.
My dream house should have large windows for sufficient airing and lighting. The floor must
be beautifully covered in tiles and to make it more welcoming with a soft carpet.

For extra comfort, the living room should have a large television set for gathering when family
time. All things which are inside of my house should be complementally colored. I also want
to have a large back yard for gardening so I can plant healthy vegetables there.

We all expected to have a dream house that will fit all our expectations from its locations
design and its features. But making it comes true will require a lot of hard work and
understanding prices in our own areas and many factors.

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