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I. Recap
a) Open direct with a genuine compliment
Ex: “This is random but you are super cute and I had to come say hi to
you. My name is…”
b) The day game system:
1. Compliment
2. Qualify
3. Close
II. Qualify Her
a) After you give her the compliment and introduce yourself you want to
show that you can’t be won over just by her beauty
b) Qualification builds attraction by challenging her
c) Demonstrates you have a lot of options (i.e. dating other women)
d) Lets you know if she’s attracted to you
e) Lets you show interest in her for things other than her looks
“Tell me something interesting about yourself”
“What’s your story? What’s something cool I should know about you?”
“What turns you on, what are you passionate about?”
f) Build rapport based on her answer. Relate and ask emotional follow up
You: “Tell me something cool about yourself, like what are you passionate
Her: “Hmm well I love music”
You: “Oh a music fan, nice! What’s your favorite type of music, and don’t
say country or I’m running for the hills”
Her: “Haha well I like all kinds but alternative rock is probably my favorite”
You: “Ok you just scored like 5 cool points. I absolutely love going to rock
concerts because there’s so much energy and excitement”
Her: “Oh my God I love going to concerts too I just saw….”
III. Close
a) Keep the interaction short and sweet
b) Get her number in a confident dominant manner. You opened direct so
you should close direct.
c) NEVER ASK. Never say “can I have your number?” or “is it cool if I get
your number?”. It makes you sound like a wimp.
“You seem cool, lets exchange numbers and if you’re cool on the phone,
maybe we’ll hang out.”
d) You can also go on an instant date.
“I have a few minutes to kill, lets grab a cup of coffee, then I have to get
You: This is really random, but I noticed you walking you are absolutely adorable,
I just had to say hi. My name’s Artisan
Her: thank you, my names Jen
You: I have to run but really quick, but tell me Jen what’s your story? Tell me
something interesting about yourself.
Her: Well I love to paint
You: Really? That’s awesome what do you like to paint?
Her: Um mostly abstract stuff
You: (talk about painting and relate to it in an emotional way)
You: I’ll tell you what, lets exchange numbers, if you’re cool on the phone maybe
we’ll hang out, are you a 310 or 323 area code?
VI. Infield Assignments
a) Come up with a list of 8-10 non-physical attributes that you are looking for
in a woman. Be specific.
b) Continue doing 1 direct approach a day, but now try to qualify her by
asking a qualification question such as “tell me something cool about
yourself” or “what’s something interesting about yourself?”
c) Come up with your own answers to qualification questions that you ask. If
you ask a woman “what is something interesting about you?”, you better
have something interesting about yourself that you can talk about.
d) Inner Game:
a. Stop thinking that women are “hot”!
b. When you see a woman you want to approach say to yourself “she
looks interesting, lets go find out” (instead of “damn that bitch is

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