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Hello My Lady,

Its really always great checking my mail box and seeing your messages,
I believe that the most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to
be 'trust'. I believe that with trust, love will follow.
However, I have noticed that many people think trust or expect that trust is earned
by the worked on by just one person, when in all actuality it is something that
comes from within and and stands firm based on the work rates of the two people
involved. Although many times people fail to trust based on their previous
relationship experiences. Failing to realise that people who were even born as
twins have their own individual differences let alone people who are not... yes,
there is a risk in trusting someone, but when you finally find that 'right' person,
it makes all the past experiences and lessons learnt very much worth the risk. All
of life's little lessons do not have to be painful forever even though they seem so
at a time, You just have to let the experiences die and move on. Nothing is worth
closing your heart for and nothing is worth living in a world of scarity
for,nomatter what bad 'may' come to you. Without trust, you close your heart to the
happiness and joy that true love brings and making family and friends is really
hard since even a Chat a big risk... But why allow past betrayals to prolong the
pain by building a fortress around your heart that not only protects you from
pain/betrayal, but also denies you the ability to experience happiness and joy?
Must have been hurt enough by one person, why allow them and their actions to stop
us from finding what we search for us? I say open your hearts to trust and bask in
the beauty, happiness and joy of the true love that will follow. For everyone there
IS a someone, you just can't find them if you hide away all your life just like i
too have been hiding but have decided to take this bold step,'And here you are
giving me the real reason to love again'* Great Smiles*.
Friendship is one of the important key in any relationship. I feel that if you
can't be friends first you do not really have the chance of being true and
sincerely dedicated lovers? With friendship you have to have trust and respect. You
have to like the person you're friends with to get along together and the next
thing,you see yourselves flosting in not just a true but perfectly sincere love.
Once that is accomplished falling in love with them is just an extension of
friendship, only stronger and better. Like the foundation of a brick house, love
must also have a foundation. That foundation is friendship. You must have a strong
foundation (friendship) in order for our love to withstand the test of time
Validating your partner's feelings. It's so important to be heard in a relationship
even if you do not agree with what is being said.
I feel that a relationship should always be based upon honesty and acceptance.
When you can fully accept yourself, honesty will come naturally. This in return
will leave your partner feeling comfortable with you, knowing there is nothing to
hide. If two people can see each other in full view with complete acceptance, they
can build a successful relationship from this Quality time spent together, pillow
talk, one on one, being open about everything, Always showing you love each other
all the time by celebrating on different occasions like the first time you met each
other, I think the most important key to a successful relationship is when you
truly enjoy each other's company..
Commitment is the one greatest key to a successful relationship. If you are
committed you will always find a way to work things out. I think with
friendship,trust and love among two will be a very nice realationship! You can love
someone like that and still be best friends and it's the best because its not
really just about love but Friendship. Plus if they are your best friend, can't
best friends stay best friends forever? If you just love someone for their physical
aspects, there's no friendship or similarities between you except that Passion.
Without feeling passionately towards your mate the communication, sex, intimacy,
and ultimate closeness will not be there, which in turn leaves each partner
wanting/needing more from the relationship than they are getting. I know because
I've lived it. My late wife and I had everything, Money, companionship, friends, a
home, great jobs, but we didn't have passion. We were basically friends. Friends
are just that friends... husbands or wives should be in love and life partners...
that doesn't happen without feeling passion for the other person's Communication...
talking and open honest communication about how you feel. What makes you happy and
what upsets you. If you don't tell your partner then they can't do what makes you
happy and vice versa.
Communication, In many instances, can be used in place of 'relationship'. If you
withhold something from your spouse or lie to them, the communication (or
relationship) has ended. If you chose not to be truthful, because you're afraid
they may leave or be upset, you've got everything to lose -- the relationship is
already over. You may continue to go through life together, but you'll never have a
The way a person treats his/her parents reveals how they WILL treat you! If it's
with love, kindness and respect, then this is what you will receive. But if it's
with criticism, defensiveness and disrespect, then this too you will receive...
EVENTUALLY, it's almost certainly a guarantee! So watch and listen to the answers
you get in their actions and words BEFORE you jump into bed.
I am well balanced in my life. I am a man of true character who believes in giving
everyone a fair chance. I have established some very well thoughtout career goals
with a clear path and plan to achieve success which is controlling my own destiny
and not all the money in the world. I do have my Christian faith to credit for my
life, attitude and success; however, I don't use the name of God to attract women
for my character speaks for itself. I am not the type of man who is focused
entirely on himself....
You are sent to me from the heavens and i must confess you are truly a woman of
inner beauty, the woman i would love to do all sweet things to,the woman that
deserves all my love care and protection..
Yours perfect

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