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Session1 :

● Party arrives in death house,

● Harry's sword broken
● Lillian and Robin were possessed by the children but are now free.
● Feng Xian dies due to a combination of mimic and fire started by Harry.

Session 2 :
● Party dies due to Harry touching a mysterious orb.
● Gunther, Luna, Merd and Skamos all made their way to barovia.
● They met Ziusudra who gave them some advice and warnings.
● Were barred from staying at the blood and vine.
● Leaves Blood and vine with Ismark to go to his house

Session 3 :
● Party meets Allita
● Party meets Strahd and the Lionscourt twins.
● Get chased through Barovia.
● Luna is bit and infected by a werewolf.
● Luna and Alitta meet the Dead players club.
● The whole party meets Ragner and has a long rest in his house.

Session 4:
● Party found three ways to cure lycanthropy.
● They meet Ismark entering the town, in good health if not washed.
● They leave south west looking for wolfsbane.
● They stumble across the town 9f Yharnam.
● They find the wolfsbane in an open courtyard filled with bodies.
● The bodies congel into a Huge monster called a rawhide.
● Skamos falls in battle to the Rawhide.
● The party harvested the wolfsbane.

Session 5;
● Party meet up with Hideo on the road back to Barovia.
● They find Ragnar who brews the wolfsbane potion.
● After resting the night, Luna drank the wolfsbane potion and survived and was cured.
● Later on they arrived at the church of the Morning Lord, and met Donovich.
● They then bring the Burgomaster's body to the church.
● They then hear a scream and banging, coming from the basement.
● After interrogating Danovitch, the party finds out that his son is a vampire, who is
locked in the basement.
● The party goes into the basement, unwittingly revealing Doru into the church.
● The party then kills Doru.

Session 6:
● The party told Donavich that they had killed Doru, making him fall to the ground
● Not long after they were visited by Strahd and the twins.
● After a short discussion, the party fled from Barovia.
● At the gallows, they saw what appeared to be Merida being hanged, but the body
was of a man.
● They then approached the Vistani camp.
● Madam Eva then gave a Tarot reading.

Session 7:
● The party woke up and got some info on Strahd
● Alita bought 5 uses of Silver(Drug)
● On the rode fought a werewolf who was wearing a silver inlaid color
● They saved the 6 year old Dmitri and met the undead Sir Giles De Rais.
● After going further down the road they met Ziusudra and talked to him.
● Getting to the end of the road Gunther and Merda went to the old bone grinder and
Merda got 2 dream pastries.
● They eventually reached the gates of Valhalla.
● Entering Gunther noticed that they were being followed and broke off to pursue.
● After losing their tail, Gunther spoke to the same raven who showed where the guy
went in exchange for a shirt.
● Avoiding a conflict with the local guard, they made it to Hideo's house.

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