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Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated

Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

Time Allotment: 1 ½ hour

- discuss the nature of non-communicable diseases;

Learning Outcomes
- explain non - communicable diseases based on cause and effect, signs
At the end of this lesson, you are and symptoms, risk factors and protective factors and possible
expected to: complications; and
- demonstrate self-monitoring to prevent non-communicable diseases.

Prevention and Control of Diseases and Disorders

(Noncommunicable and Lifestyle Diseases)
What are noncommunicable diseases?
As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), noncommunicable diseases (NCD), are those diseases that
are not passed from one person to another. These are non-infectious diseases that may be hereditary or a result of lifestyle
factors and not from pathogens. Common examples are heart disease and cancer acquired through hereditary factors,
improper diet, and other risk factors. Some noncommunicable diseases do not usually lead to death but may cause
discomfort and cause suffering.
According to the WHO, about 38 million people die each year due to NCD. Many Filipinos die every day because
of heart disease and cancer. Diabetes, arthritis and respiratory disorders are also among the major health concerns. The
effects of these diseases on one's health are difficult to reverse once they are acquired. That is why it is important for
everyone to know more information about NCDs and their prevention.

Noncommunicable Diseases
1. Allergy is a condition wherein the immune system becomes hypersensitive to something in the envi ronment such
as dust, mites, molds, plant's pollen, food, and even to medicines. These things are called allergens.

Do you experience redness or itching of the eyes or having runny nose or skin rashes when you are
exposed to some allergens? If not, you are lucky If yes, most likely you are allergic to any of these things. Don't
worry, allergies are not contagious and can be cured.

Responses may be triggered through food intake, vaccines or blood transfusion, insect sting, skin contact,
or through smelling.

Symptoms of allergies include swelling of the mucus membrane, redness and itching of the eyes,
impaired hearing, rashes, and headaches. In serious cases it may also include difficulty in breathing.

2. Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which the passageways that allow air to enter and leave the lungs are
inflamed and become narrow. This condition can make breathing difficult. Asthma may not be a serious problem
to some people having this condition, but in some cases, this can be life-threatening. During asthma attacks,
difficulty in breathing may be worsened by respiratory disease such as cold or flu.

A. Common asthma triggers are dust and mold, pollen, cold air, weather change, sinus infections, stress, and certain
B. Symptoms of asthma may vary from one person to another. It may include the following:
- shortness of breath
- coughing and wheezing

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 1

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

- whistling sound when breathing, especially when exhaling

- chest pain or chest tightness

How can we manage asthma?

- Avoid inhaling substances such as paint fumes, insecticides, and cleaning products
- Avoid products sold in aerosol cans.
- Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
- Avoid stressful situations and do not exercise too hard.
- Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke
- Take all prescribed medications with filled stomach
- Do not go outside in extremely cold weather.

3. Cardiovascular Disease - is a disease of the heart and blood vessels. This may include coronary heart disease,
which occurs when the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked by waxy substance referred to as plaque .

Coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. If the flow of the oxygen rich blood to
the heart is reduced or blocked, a serious heart problem, like heart attack, may occur.

Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis

Did you know that when you eat too much fatty, salty, or food that contains high cholesterol, may cause fat and
cholesterol build-up in your blood vessels?
Arteriosclerosis is the hardening and thickening of the artery wall. This may be caused by atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the artery due to deposit and build up of fats, cholesterol and other substances
on the arterial walls. This deposit could harden and create plaque.

The build-up and deposit of fats and cholesterol in the artery may cause it to harden and become less flexible.

Coronary heart disease may result to heart attack, angina pectoris, and stroke.
- Heart attack is the death of the heart muscle due to the lack of blood flow to the heart
- Angina Pectoris is the chest pain resulting from narrowed coronary arteries due to inadequacy of oxygen that gets
to the heart
- Stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain burst or blocked.

You have to understand that coronary heart disease may be avoided or prevented. There are factors that may increase
your risk of having the disease.
What are the ways of reducing risk of cardiovascular disease?
- Maintain a healthy blood cholesterol level and choose a heart-friendly diet
- Avoid smoking and second hand smoke.
- Maintain a healthy blood pressure.
- Maintain a normal body weight.
- Participate in regular physical activities

4. Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells divide in an uncontrolled pace Cancer is not contagious and is not
caused by injuries or accidents. Did you know that you may also acquire the disease? Anyone can have cancer.

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 2

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

Abnormally dividing cells can form a tumor, an abnormal growth of tissue, which can be benign or malignant. A
biopsy or microscopic examination of tissue is done to determine if a tumor is benign or malignant.

What is the difference between malignant and benign tumor?

Malignant is cancerous. Malignant tumors can spread infection and destruction of nearby tissues and other body
parts. The process is called metastasis.
Benign is not cancerous. Benign tumors may increase in size but do not infect other body parts. They are typically
harmless unless they are in a position where they block normal tissues or organs.

What are the major categories of cancer?

There are four major categories of cancer.
a. Carcinoma is the most common form of cancer. It is a malignant tumor that develops from epithelial tissue
and tends to spread to other areas of the body. Cancers of the skin, breast, uterus, prostate, lung, stomach
colon, and rectum are examples of carcinoma.
b. Sarcomas are cancers that begin in the connective or supportive tissues, which develop in the muscle, bone,
fat, blood vessels, and cartilage.
c. Lymphomas are cancers arising in cells of the lymphatic tissues or the immune system tissues. They are
characterized by abnormal production of white cells and decrease in resistance.

d. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. It is characterized by an abnormal production of blood
cells, usually leukocytes or white blood cells.

What are some ways to treat cancer?

Nowadays, with modern technology, many cancers are curable, especially if detected at an early stage.
a. Radiation Therapy - uses high-energy radiation to kill or damage cancer cells. This treatment is usually
performed using radiation-generating machines.
b. Chemotherapy - uses anti-cancer drugs that kill cancer inside the body. Anti-cancer drugs target mainly cancer
cells although they may harm healthy cells as well.
c. Immunotherapy - is the treatment where the immune system is stimulated to fight cancer cells.

5. Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus - is a disease in which the body produces little or no insulin or cannot properly use
the insulin it produces Why? If you have healthy body and the blood sugar level gets too high beta cells in the
pancreas releases insulin. This will cause the cells to take in sugar to use as energy or store as fat. When this
happens, the blood sugar level goes back to normal.

What are the different types of diabetes?

a. Type I diabetes occurs when the body does not produce or make insulin. This is because the immune system
attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin. Did you know that Type I diabetes usually develops during
childhood and adolescence? But it can also develop during adulthood.
b. Type Il diabetes occurs when the body cannot properly use the insulin it produced. This type of diabetes is
usually develops in adults.
c. Gestational diabetes occurs temporarily during pregnancy.

How can we reduce the risk of diabetes?

Diabetes prevention is important especially if you are at an increased risk for the disease. If not prevented, other
complication may develop such as kidney problem, blindness, heart attack, nerve damage, and even erectile dysfunction
to men. Certain factors that increase the risks for diabetes include the Four Fs: Fat or overweight, Female, Family
history, and Forty years of age or older. The following tips can help in preventing diabetes:

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 3

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

1. Get more physical activities,

2. Include fiber and whole grains in your diet,
3. Lose the extra weight and
4. Make healthier food choices.

6. Arthritis is a painful inflammation of joints that affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the
People can also develop arthritis, whether children or adult, due to genetic factors and also through
lifestyle like work and diet. Some foods appear to make arthritis worse.

What are the two types of arthritis?

a. Osteoarthritis normally affects the hips, knees, and hands with pain, stiffness, or inflammation. It is caused by
normal wear and tear as we age and may be worsened by infection or injury to the joints.
b. Rheumatoid arthritis frequently appears on hands, wrists and feet, and can also affect other body parts other
than the joints. It is caused by the body's immune system attacking the tissues of the body that leads to destruction
of both bone and cartilage inside the joints.

How can we manage and treat arthritis?

- Perform physical exercises that help strengthen the muscles around the joint
- Keep a healthy weight
- Take medicines, like aspirin and some prescription medicines that will help alleviate the pain and other
- Take hot baths that can help reduce swelling and pain

7. Renal Failure also known as kidney failure, is a condition where the kidney stops to function properly causing
renal insufficiency. The kidneys remove the waste products from blood and help regulate blood pressure, balance
electrolytes, and red blood cell production of the body.

What are some symptoms of kidney failure?

Some of the symptoms of kidney failure are:
- Changes in urination - foamy or bubbly urine; urinating more often in greater amount with pale urine: urinating
less often in smaller amounts with dark-colored urine: urine with blood; and, difficulty in urinating
- Swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face, or hands.
- Extreme skin rashes and itching
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shortness of breath, feeling cold, dizziness, and concentration problems brought about by anemia related to
kidney failure.

What are the ways to diagnose kidney failure?

Kidney failure can be diagnosed through urinalysis, urine measurements, blood samples, imaging and kidney
tissue samples

How to prevent and manage kidney failure?

- Avoiding or limiting intake of toxic substances will help prevent kidney failure. A key to prevent severe kidney
disease is early detection and aggressive intervention
- Diabetes and high blood pressure are commonly associated with chronic kidney diseases. Managing them with
proper diet, exercise, and medications may help prevent kidney failure.
- Severe kidney failures are treated through dialysis and kidney transplant. These are usually on the late stages and
can be lethal.

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 4

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

For Your Information

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noncommunicable diseases or NCDs, are by far the leading
causes of death in the world, representing 63% of all annual deaths. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill more than 36
million people each year. Some 80% of all NCD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Myths and Fallacies

What are the myths and fallacies about noncommunicable diseases?
Do you believe that you are not supposed to worry about heart disease yet because you are still too young to have
the disease? Or that breast cancer is a disease that affects women only? There are some myths and fallacies about NCDS
that we sometimes accept and believe as true. You need to be aware of these myths because they may lead to a more
serious health problems.

The list below shows some myths and fallacies about NCDS.

Myths and Fallacies Fact

Lifestyle during childhood and adolescence affects the risk of having
cardiovascular diseases later. Plaque may start accumulating during
I'm too young to worry about heart disease.
early stages of life and may lead to clogged arteries eventually.

Some cases of diabetes need proper diet, exercise, and oral

A diabetes diagnosis means you automatically
medications in order to keep it under control until insulin becomes a
need insulin.

In Type 2 diabetes, the body doesn't respond normally to insulin and

is caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. Although, excessive sugar
Eating too much sugar causes diabetes
intake can lead to weight gain and increased chances of developing
the disease

Only women get breast cancer Men having breast tissue can also develop breast cancer

If breast cancer does not run in your family, 70-80% of women who get breast cancer have no family history of
you will not get it. the disease.

Arthritis is common with ageing but may develop at any age, young
Arthritis is just aches and pains.
or old. On the contrary, some elderly people never develop arthritis.

Pain felt from arthritis is caused by the rubbing of the bones and has
Living in a cold climate causes arthritis
nothing to do with the climate

Asthma is a psychological condition Asthma is caused by respiratory problems and triggered by allergens.

Many of the noncommunicable diseases discussed are also called lifestyle dis eases. This means that you will
acquire them if you have unhealthy lifestyle but can be avoided or prevented if you observe a healthy lifestyle.

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 5

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424


What self-monitoring skills can help prevent noncommunicable diseases?
Changing and adapting a healthy lifestyle considerably enhances people's health. Aside from avoiding bad vices,
you should adopt and practice the following self-monitoring skills that will help prevent and control noncommunicable
1. Engage regularly in physical activities or exercise. This will help a person attain an overall good health condition.
2. Practice healthy eating. Choose healthy food options. Avoid foods that may increase risks of developing a disease.
3. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke Cigarettes contain toxic substances that damage cells in the body and cause
different kinds of diseases.
4. Manage and maintain a normal weight. Obesity is one of the factors that increase the risks of developing lifestyle
diseases. Do regular exercises and follow a healthy diet.

5. Have a routine medical checkup. This will detect diseases during the early stages. Early detection will help control
and treat the disease.
6. Learn to manage stress. Stress weakens the immune system making the body prone to diseases. Take some breaks
and engage in activities that will help lessen stress.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

As they say, "Health is wealth.” Healthy lifestyle is all about making one's health and well-being a priority. It is a
choice made by an individual, a commitment made for his own good and that of his loved ones ( Pilipinas Go4Health
The National Nutrition Council (NNC) recommends everyone to follow the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos
for good health and proper nutrition.
1. Eat a variety of foods every day.
2. Maintain children's normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly.
3. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, or dried beans.
4. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and root crops.
5. Consume milk, milk products or other calcium-rich foods such as small fish and dark green leafy vegetables daily.
6. Use iodized salt, but avoid excessive intake of salty foods.
7. Eat clean and safe foods.
8. For a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, exercise regularly, do not smoke and avoid drinking alcoholic
9. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth to six months and then, give appropriate foods while continuing

Programs and Policies to Prevent and Control Noncommunicable

What are the programs and policies to prevent and control non communicable diseases?
Pilipinas Go4Health is a nationwide healthy lifestyle movement spearheaded by the Department of Health
(DOH) and its partners. It aims to inform and encourage Filipinos from all walks of life to practice a healthy lifestyle by
making a personal commitment to physical activity, proper nutrition, and the prevention or cessation of smoking and
alcohol consumption. Through the movement, DOH and its partners work together to promote and establish a sustainable
environment for healthy living (Department of Health 2013).

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 6

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

"Mag Healthy Lifestyle Tayo"

The National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign
The task to attain a Healthy Lifestyle should not be delegated to agencies of the government Although they can be
of help and provide support it is still up to you if you work for it or not. It's your choice!
The National Healthy Lifestyle is a collaborative campaign project of the Philippine Heart Association, the
Department of Health, and the Healthy Lifestyle Coalition.
According to the Department of Health, the “Mag HL (Healthy Lifestyle) Tayo” aims to underscore the need of
Filipinos to practice healthier lifestyle. It also aims to raise the consciousness of policy makers to provide the Filipinos an
environment supportive to healthy lifestyle practices. These agencies are working hand in hand in order to promote
Healthy Lifestyle among Filipinos. You have to do your part as well in supporting the campaign. You may start with your
"Mag-HL (Healthy Lifestyle) Tayo" Coalition

 Department of Health (DOH)  Philippine Association for the Study of

 Philippine Heart Association (PHA) Overweight & Obesity (PASOO)
 Food Nutrition Research Institute, DOST  UP College of Human Kinetics (UP-CHK)
(FNRI)  UP College of Nursing (UPN)
 Philippine Lipid Society (PLS)  Oversight Committee on Diabetes (OCD)
 Philippine Society of Hypertension (PSH)  Philippine Cancer Society (PCS)
 Osteoporosis Society of the Philippines (OSP)  Philippine Diabetes Association (PDA)
 National Asthma Movement (NAM)  Nutritionist-Dietician Association of the
 Tobacco Free Philippines (TFP) Philippines (NDAP)
 Framework Convention Alliance on Tobacco  Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP)
Control of the Philippines (FCAP)  Philippine Pediatric Society (PPS)
 Stroke Society of the Philippines (SSP)

Performance Task 1 : what’s in the News

Look for a newspaper/magazine article about noncommunicable diseases. Cut and paste on a piece of paper and
answer the following questions.
1. What is the article all about?
2. What disease is presented in the article?
3. What are the causes and risk factors mentioned?
4. Are there any preventive measures in the article?
5. What did you feel after reading the article?
6. What will you do to prevent yourself from getting a noncommunicable disease?

Performance Task 2 : Differentiated Activities

Choose a role and to the indicate task.
1. Be an artist. Make a poster about reducing the risk of the noncommunicable diseases.
2. Be an advertisement creator. Create an infomercial about reducing the risk of the noncommunicable diseases.
3. Be a writer. Write a newspaper article/magazine about reducing the risk of the noncommunicable diseases.

For online submission of requirements, use the following platforms.

 Messenger – Aprille Maye C. Cayog
 Gmail –
 FB Group – MAPEH 7

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 7

Subject Teacher
Nan Sing School of Cauayan City, Incorporated
Dalupang St., Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines 3305 - Catalyst of Change -
Telefax No. (078) 652-2040
School ID: 400424

NAME: _______________________________________________________________

Activity 1 : short Response

1. What do you think can adolescents like you do to help minimize the effects of noncommunicable diseases?
2. Noncommunicable diseases are lifestyle diseases. Are you living a lifestyle that prevents these diseases? If not,
how are you going to adjust your lifestyle to prevent such diseases?

3. If a family member is suffering from any of the noncommunicable diseases, how would you feel? Would you feel
the burden too? How are you going to promote a healthy lifestyle within your family? What will be the effect of a
healthy family to the community?

health 7 Aprille Maye C. Cayog page 8

Subject Teacher

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