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Mr Nobody Becomes Somebody AMrr Men Adventure for KS and K6 Students N ae i) Ae ee fu ‘ Walk on ° the Spot @ NS — tf ]?T—" 3.\ Wizard: Hello! me Ths, Wizard! But you may call me.. The Wizard! And I'm here to tell youa story! This is Mr Happy. Happy by name and happy by nature. Never have you ever seen such a happy fellow. But this story isn’t about Mr Happy. Well, itis. But it also isn’t. You see, this story is actually about — well, you'll see. For now, let me just say that our story takes place on a lovely, sunny day. The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and Mr Happy is on his way home after having afternoon tea with Little Miss Sunshine. © Happy: | love having afternoon tea with Little Miss Sunshine. And what a lovely day it is, too! I think I'll walk home. {A comically loud sobbing is heard) Happy: (gets a massive fright) What was that?! Where did it come from? (To audience) Did you hear that? (Another sob) there it is again! Did you hear it that time? Where did it come from? That way? This way? (Another sob) It must be incredibly big to make a noise like that! (Listens. Silence) | can’t hear it anymore. | think it might be — (The loudest sob yet interrupts Mr Happy. He jumps and runs to hide, but he inadvertently hides near a tree and in the branches of the tree sits Mr Nobody who is now visible to everyone in the audience) Boor | think I'll be safe here. (To audience) Did you see anything? | only heard that dreadful noise, but whatever made it can’t possibly be friendly. Luckily | found this handy hiding spot to (Loud sob. Happy jumps with fright. He looks up to see Mr Nobody. Nobody continues to. sob) Happy: Goodness me! It was you making all that racket! You had me very worried, | must ho are you, anyway? (Mr Nobody sobs even louder) Happy: Hello!? Can you hear me up there? A Nobody: Of course, | can hear you! Happy: Oh, good! I'm Mr Happy! How do you do? Nobody: I'm miserable, thanks. How are you? Happy: Well... happy. Nobody: That's good. | suppose. Happy: You still haven't told me who you are. (Nobody sobs uncontrollably again.) Happy: Now, now, don’t cry! What's the matter? Nobody: Nothing, Happy: Are you sure? Because it looks like everything's the matter. Is there something | can help with? Nobody: That's very considerate of you. But you can’t help with my problems. Now please go away. Happy: Oh. Well. Alright then. | hope you have a pleasant afternoon. It was nice meeting you, Mr... Nobody: Nobody. (sobs) Happy: Come again? =k, Nobody: I’m Nobody! (Sobbing intensifies) Happy: Nobody? But everybody is somebody! Nobody: Except me! Wizard: (While Nobody sobs) Now, usually, it would be tough to even see Mr Nobody. But even if you could, you'd be very depressed indeed. You see, Mr Nobody is sad. So sad, in fact, that he makes everyone who sees him sadly is he so sad? Well, because he’s Nobody. | know this will sound ridiculous, but Mr Nobody just sort of was and also wasn’t. Most times, you could see right through him! But, you see, that’s all about to change when ~ A ‘Ah, you see? I'm getting ahead of myself again! Why don’t you see for yourself? Happy: Hey! | have an idea! Nobody: An idea? Happy: To cheer you up! Nobody: Don't bother, it won't work. Happy: How do you know? You haven’t tried it yet! Come down here and let me show you! Nobody: Tell me first, and then I'll see whether | want to come down. Happy: | have a feeling that you won't come down no matter what | say. Nobody: ... yes. Happy: What if | told you that if you come down and you don’t like my plan, I'll help you to get back into your tree and I'll eave you alone forever? Z—> x> ®) Nes Nobody: | don’t lke that plan. But then, | don’t know what | like. So, why not? Happy: That's the spirit! Sort of. Come on down, and Ill puta smile on that face in no time! D\ (nobody comes down from his tree) Happy: There you go! See? That wasn’t so bad? Nobody: It was horrible. It was the second-worst thing | did today. Happy: What “4° first? Actually no, don’t tell me. Let me take a look at you. Wow, you really sort of are, and sort of aren't, aren’t you? Nobody: You see? I'm Nobody. (8) Happy: We'll see. Are you ready to hear my idea? Nobody: No. Happy: Excellent! We're going to play a game! Nobody: | don't like that idea, Happy: Hang on! | haven't told you what we're going to play yet! Nobody: | won't like that either. Happy: It’s the best game ever! Nobody: No such thing. Happy: We're going to play... : @ Happy: Oh. | suppose | found you. Nobody: | didn’t hide. Happy: yes... I see... Let's try again. I'll cover my eyes, you go hide. Ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! (Nobody doesn’t move) Nobody: | did it agai Happy: Mmm. Why don’t you go to hide? Nobody: I'm afraid. Happy: Of what? Nobody: That you won't find me. And then I'll gt lost. And then I'll ust disappear. Happy: Maybe we should try a different game? Nobody: What's the point? I'll be too afraid of that, too. Happy: May | ask you something? if you're Nobody, where do you come from? Nobody: From nowhere. | know I'm supposed to be somebody, but |just don’t know who. Or what. Or where. Or when. (He sobs) (Lhye Sub ) Wizard: This was a most extraordinarily extraordinary situation. Mr Happy couldn't help but stare at this poor soul who sort of Was and sort of wasn't: Mr Happy had never met a person he couldn't cheer up simply by being around them. Mr Happy thought. And thought. And H wy OC-————_—_5 thought some more. And while he thought, Mr Nobody sat there, looking as glum as ever. Whatever could he do? He tried asking Mr Nobody what his fondest memory was. © Happy: What's your fondest memory? Nobody: | don’t have any. Happy: None? What about a memory that made you angry? Nobody: Nope. Happy: Sad? Nobody: I'm always sad. Happy: Proud? Nobody: I'm proud of myself for getting into that tree earlier. Happy: What about disappointed? Nobody: I'm a little disappointed at being out of the tree, to be honest. Happy: No memories at all? Nobody: None. Happy: What do you like doing for fun? Nobody: What's fun? Happy: It’s when you enjoy doing something, (G ?.) Nobody: Oh. Sometimes, | sob instead of cry. Happy: (to the audience) I'm running out of ideas. What should | do? What makes you happy? (Ask around the audience for a few answers. Relay those answers to Mr Nobody. Each time he disagrees or turns down the idea.) Right. To sum up. You come from nowhere. ‘And you have no idea who or what or where or when you are. And you're going nowhere. Nobody: yes. Happy: I'm not going to lie; this is quite depressing. Nobody: Do you see now? it’s hopeless. (He sobs) Knowin Happy: | couldn’t even imagine not know who | am. | especially can’t imagine knowing that I'm not going anywhere. Nobody: Staying still is simple and safer. * Happy: But where’s the adventure in staying where you are? That doesn’t sound very exciting. Nobody: Exciting is scary. Happy: | understand. Well. Alright then. Ill leave you alone, Nobody: You will? Happy: Yes. | will.| won't make you do anything you find scary. Nobody: Thank you. —_—— J Der! | ems aaa! Sy Cl N a freens oe | Happy: You're welcome. Enjoy your crying. Nobody: I'm sobbing. c Happy: Ah! Sounds like fun. Well, goodbye then. A+ Wizard: But even though Mr Happy said goodbye, he wasn’t really going anywhere. In fact, Mr Happy had a plan. A brilliantly brilliant plan. And the first thing he would need to do is find a cardboard box! [| (Mr Happy comes on, dragging a cardboard box behind him. When Mr Nobody looks in his direction, he waves merrily. He puts his box as far away from Mr Nobody as possible. Happy makes a few noises as if he is busy with backbreaking work. Every once in a while, through his sobbing, Mr Nobody looks up to see what Mr Happy is up to. After a little while, Happy gets into the box and starts to giggle. This starts to escalate. After a while, Mr Happy is letting out full-on whoops of joy.) Nobody: Look at him. Why is he so happy? He doesn’t have any toys. And he’s all alone like me! Why is he so happy?! All he has is that silly old box, (Happy continues to have a fantastic time by himself.) 2 Nobody: Um. Hello? (Happy does not hear him) Mr Happy? Hello! Mr Happy! Happy: Oh! Yes, hello! I'm so sorry, were you saying something? Nobody: | was just wondering... What are you doing? Happy: 'm playing! Nobody: Playing? Are you telling me you're playing with that old box? Happy: Box? Oh! You mean our spaceship! Nobody: Spaceship? Happy: Yes, my very shiny, very fast spaceship! ey [j= gee buts: box nae Sk \ f (\%)) nobody: don't see a spaceship. ust see a box Happy: Why don’t you come over here and I'l show you! This is an exceptional box. It can do all sorts of things. Like go back in time! And to the moon! And under the sea! Nobody: It doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere. | think I'l just stay here. Happy: Suit yourself. (Happy keeps playing with his box, having a great time.) Nobody: He sure does look like he’s having fun. Maybe I should join him? Ugh, what's the point, anyway? (Hears some laughter from Mr Happy) Well... what could it hurt? Going somewhere is scary, e the box isn’t going anywhere. How bad can it be? (He cautiously heads over to Happy) Do you think... I could... maybe... join you? Happy: Of course! Hop on into the S.S Happiness! Nobody: The what? Happy: The S.S. Happiness! S.S. stands for spaceship! Nobody: 0..K.. (Nobody gets into the box) Happy: Ok! Now, all we have to do is decide where to go! What about to the stone age? What about to a black hole? What about the deepest part of the sea?! Oh yes! That sounds great! Nobody: How are we going to do that? Happy: Just push that button! (] Nobody: Which one? Happy: That one over there. Nobody: | don’t see any buttons? Happy: Hang on, I've got it. (Pushes button) There! Prepare for take-off! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Woo00000sh! \2 ’) (Happy starts moving in the box like he's travelling very quickly. He starts making his own ‘Spaceship sound effects. Mr Nobody can't see anything yet and sits awkwardly.) Gs 23 3 k I’m just going to cry in the corner Nobody: Um... Mr Happy? We're not moving... 1 tl again... TT (aitofa sudden a single fish swims past them.) Nobody: Er, Mr Happy? Did you guys see that? Happy: It was a fish! Nobody: No way! Happy: Yes way! We're under the sea! (More fish of all sorts start to swim by, some stopping to look at the box and then away. Mr Happy and Mr Nobody give the appropriate ooo0oh's and aaaaaah’s.) Nobody: | don’t believe it. (He gives the barest chuckle) ~\__ Happy: Hang on to your hat, we're not done yet! ( ZZ) (there's a short montage of the group going to different places and times with loads of ( different characters coming in and dancing and singing. Eventually, they make it back to & ® Nobody: That. was.. amazing! That was the best time I've ever had. Can | join you in your where they started.) spaceship every day? Happy: Well, no. You can’t join me in the spaceship every day. Nobody: What!? Why? Happy: Because tomorrow it might not be a spaceship, Nobody: What do you mean? Happy: Tomorrow it might be a dinosaur. Or a castle. Or a race car. Nobody: How's that even possible? a) Happy: Imagination. You don’t need to know who or what or where or when you are. You iy don’t even need to know where you come from or where you're going if vais imagination. And we always have our imaginations! Nobody: You mean... none of that was real? Happy: Not if you don’t want it to be. Would you like to be somebody, Mr Nobody? Nobody: Yes. But | don’t know who. And I'm too scared to try, anyway. Happy: Well, that’s where our most excellent box comes in, Nobody: | don’t understand. 3 ‘both get back into the box.) Have you wondered what it © Happy: Hop in, and you'll see! ( ‘would be like to be a doctor? Nobody: Sometimes. Happy: Well, let’s find out! AN (They zoom away to see a doctor helping some people.) Nobody: Wow! Doctors help so many people! — 3) Happy: Yes, they do! Now, how about a film director? (They zoom away to see a film director) a) Happy: What about an athlete? (Zoom to see some athletes) Happy: Where do you want to go next? (Mr Nobody shouts out a few more professions in quick succession, each time we see these people in action.) &® & &) Nobody: What about an artist? 3) Happy: Let's see! - (They zoom to a space that is full of colour.) Ei ele Nobody: Wow. I think | want to be an artist. Happy: And you didn’t have to go anywhere to find that out a) Nobody: You're right | just thought about the kind of person | want to be! Happy: What kind of person is that? Nobody: Someone who makes others happy... like you, Mr Happy! Happy: That makes me very happy. Nobody: You planned all of this, didn’t you? Happy: Of course I did! Nobody: How did you know it would work? Happy: | was hoping you would be curious. And you were. And then | was hoping you would be brave enough to try. And you did, And that’s what it’s all about. Curiosity, bravery and a little imagination, and you can be whatever you want to be. Nobody: Thank you, Mr Happy. | am somebody! (Mr Nobody changes and becomes very colourful. He goes through all the colours) a Wizard: And that is the story of how Mr Nobody became somebody. With curiosity, bravery, alittle imagination and some help from a certain happy fellow. End @®3.5

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