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Summarise the video: Importance Of Vitamins

I have just watched a video called “ Types of vitamins” so I’m going to summarize some
information about vitamins. Firstly, vitamins just like a machine require fuel to function,
advanced systems to upgrade or project against threats and failures. Similarly, vitamins are
one of the nutrients that could (nó là fact nên em dùng simple present nha) provide the
necessary fuel to for our body to keep us sound and healthy. The nutrients can be
consumed from external sources through our healthy diet included which includes (để ý đọc
thêm sub he em) various kinds of fruits and vegetables gifted to us by mother nature.
Vitamins are classified into two categories, which are water-soluble and fats or lipid-soluble.
They that are further divided into 13 different types, which are A, C, D, E, K, and eight types
of vitamin B.
And so, where can we find these health-boosting nutrients and why do we need them?
Vitamin B and C are concerned, they are part of the water-soluble family and can be
obtained from the watery portions of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, or dairy products like milk
and cheese. Vitamins B helps us utilize the produced energy and also contributes to the
creation of Red Blood cells into the body. The next water-soluble vitamin is vitamin C, which
like guards ing our internal system by kicking out infections, helps in healing the wound,
forms teeth and bones, etc.
On the other hand, the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, D, E, and K, which that can be
found in various vegetables just like mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, and fruits like papaya,
guava, strawberries, etc. and The fat-soluble vitamins in non-vegetarian food just like eggs,
fish, chicken, etc. They play a vital role in several bodily functions such as Vitamin A plays a
crucial role in maintaining the vision of the eyes, developing (phải có sự thống nhất, nếu em
dùng “play a role in + Ving” thì tất cả các V phía sau phải thêm -ing hết) and building bones
and contributing to the creation of the white blood cells. Vitamin D extracts calcium and
phosphorus. Vitamin E protects cell membranes, proteins, and DNA from oxidation. Lastly,
vitamin K creates a protein that helps in clotting the blood and regulating blood calcium
levels in the body.
However, these vitamins do not have direct access to the body parts. So they take the
support of other necessary components like blood and protein. The water-soluble vitamins
mixed with the blood to travel across the body and the fat-soluble vitamins mixed with
another nutrient called “Proteins” to get into the blood.
But the question is what are the There are some consequences of efficiency and deficiency
of these vitamins. The excessive water-soluble vitamins are thrown out of the body by
kidneys and then replenished. In contrast, excessive fat-soluble vitamins are stored inside
the fat cells, however, this storage is required to be in a certain amount. Besides that,
Otherwise, it might prove unhealthy as the body has enough of it already. While if the level of
vitamin C is in deficit in our body, it can result in a disease called Scurvy. Similarly, a lack of
vitamin B can lead to diseases like anemia and mental disturbances. In the same way, a lack
of vitamin A leads to a deficiency in vision, and the scarcity of vitamin D can weaken your
After all, I hope you will understand every vitamin in the food even you don’t like is the
importanct and we should eat them more. These vitamins are very good for our health so
through this video you should try some kinds of food that you never eat in your life and
maybe it can give you as much as nutrition that your bodies are missing. Thank you for your
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