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The Solar System is like a dance which features the Sun and it’s dance partners who orbit

around it due
to a force called gravity. The dance partners in the Solar System are the Earth, the other planets, stars,
asteroids and comets that come out to dance.

We all know our planets and their names-

 My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Noodles


When u lok up at the sky at night…in an area where there r less trees n buildings, u can see a cloudy
stretch in the sky….looks like someone has spilled milk in the sky- hence its called milky way. Its part of
the galazy we live in. galaxy is a realy big group of stars n planets.

There are billionnn stars out there. Sun n earth being one of them.

A galaxy is a group of stars, clouds of gas, and dust particles that move together through the universe.
There are billions of galaxies in the universe. They probably formed billions of years ago, soon after the
universe began.

The Sun, Earth, and the other planets of the solar system are part of the Milky Way galaxy. Most
galaxies move through the universe as part of clusters, or groups, of galaxies. The Milky Way is at one
end of a cluster called the Local Group. It includes about 40 galaxies. The largest galaxy in the Local
Group is the Andromeda Galaxy.


What is a constellation? A constellation is a group of visible stars that form a pattern when viewed from
Earth. The pattern they form may take the shape of an animal, a mythological creature, a man, a
woman, or an inanimate object such as a microscope, a compass, or a crown.

How many constellations are there? The sky was divided up into 88 different constellations in 1922

Famous Constellations

Here are a few of the more famous constellations: Orion

Orion is one of the most visible constellations. Because of its location, it can be seen throughout the
world. Orion is named after a hunter from Greek mythology. Its brightest stars are Betelgeuse and Rigel.

The Draco constellation can be viewed in the northern hemisphere. It means "dragon" in Latin and was
one of the 48 ancient constellations

The Zodiac

The zodiac constellations are the constellations that are located within a band that is about 20 degrees
wide in the sky. This band is considered special because it is the band where the Sun, the Moon, and the
planets all move. There are 13 zodiac constellations. Twelve of these are also used as signs for the zodiac
calendar and astrology. Capricornus Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpius
Sagittarius Ophiuchus


first off, shooting stars are awesome, and they are awesome to look at, however have you ever really
wondered what shooting stars are, how they are formed and why they ‘shoot’ through the night sky!

Are shooting stars really stars though, that is the question.? The answer is no, shooting stars are not
stars at all, shooting stars are more meteoroids or meteorites. Shooting stars are small rocks and dust
that shoot through space towards the Earth.

The phenomenon while hurdling towards Earth, burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere, giving off a
bright streaking light in the night sky, that looks like a star that is shooting at speed through the
sky. Hence the name ‘Shooting Star’

Meteor showers are many shooting stars all grouped together that form a meteor shower.

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