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Mary Joy B. Permacio

Mrs.Melody P. Niez


There exists an adage that suggests the sign of a true friendship is when two old friends meet for
the first time in a long while and are immediately able to pick up where they left off, re-
establishing a meaningful connection with ease.

Despite any indifference you may have felt upon the announcement of another entry in the “Toy
Story” franchise, it is this comforting feeling of familiarity that is ignited as soon as the opening
chords of Randy Newman’s ageless “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” chime in over the opening
credits. Those with any affinity with any aspect of “Toy Story” should feel at home right away.

Thrusting the viewer back to a time set somewhere between the adventures that took place in the
second and third films, “Toy Story 4” kicks off in the middle of a torrential downpour, a mini
pre-adventure that not only explains how Bo Peep and Woody became separated, but sets the
tone for the heist movie to follow.

Cutting back to the present day, we see Woody and the gang in their newest environment, acting
as the play-things for young Bonnie, who is just about to start her first day of kindergarten.
Watching her as she struggles to adapt to her surroundings – and battling his own feelings of
self-doubt – Woody provides Bonnie with the materials to make her own friend, a spork known
as Forky. Of course, not everything goes to plan, with Forky, both humorously and darkly, facing
an existential crisis, believing himself to be trash and lobbing himself into the bin at every
available opportunity. When the moment comes that Forky requires rescuing, Woody, of course,
steps up, determined to make Bonnie happy and to keep his group intact.

It is from here that the plot truly sets off, with riveting set pieces, memorable new characters and
several hysterical moments adding to a story that manages to feel fresh, funny and, most
importantly, worthwhile, given the uncertainty as to whether it was necessary in the first place.

Those with an aversion to creepy dolls should not only avoid the latest “Childsplay” movie to hit
cinemas, but, should, perhaps, apply the same reluctance to watch this particular film, given the
presence of four rather menacing ventriloquist dummies, all of whom are under the control of
Gabby Gabby, a disquieting doll who will do all she can to attract the love and attention of any
child who will have her.

While not as emotionally engaging as watching these beloved characters deal with their own
mortality towards the end of the last film, “Toy Story 4” comes to a satisfying conclusion, doing,
arguably, a better job of ending the story for good, if that indeed turns out to be the case this
time. Should “Toy Story” be brought back from beyond for a fifth instalment, it will only be
because there is a tale to be told – and we should now trust the film-makers to deliver it. They
haven’t let us down so far.
Coronavirus is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus that is diversely found
in humans and wildlife. They are known to infect the neurological, respiratory, enteric, and
hepatic systems. The past few decades have seen endemic outbreaks in the form of middle east
respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome related
coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Yet again, we see emergence of another outbreak due to a new strain
called the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The most recent outbreak initially presented as pneumonia of
unknown etiology in a cluster of patients in Wuhan, China. The epicenter of infection was linked
to seafood and exotic animal wholesale markets in the city. SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious
and has resulted in a rapid pandemic of COVID-19. As the number of cases continues to rise, it
is clear that these viruses pose a threat to public health. This review will introduce a general
overview of coronavirus and describe the clinical features, evaluation, and treatment of
COVID19 patients. It will also provide a means to raise awareness among primary and
secondary healthcare providers during the current pandemic. Furthermore, our review focuses on
the most up-to-date clinical information for the effective management, prevention, and
counseling of patients worldwide.
The current Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) outbreak has had a substantial impact on many
aspects of general life. Although a number of studies have been published on the topic already,
there has not been a critical review of studies on the impacts of COVID-19 by and on
environmental factors. The current study fills this gap by presenting a critical analysis of 57
studies on the nexus between COVID-19 and the environment, published in nine journals up to
May 2020. Majority of the studies in our sample are published in Science of the Total
Environment (74%), and studies used mostly descriptive statistics and regression as research
methods. We identified four underlying research clusters based on a systematic content analysis
of the studies. The clusters are: (1) COVID-19 and environmental degradation, (2) COVID-19
and air pollution, (3) COVID-19 and climate/metrological factors and (4) COVID-19 and
temperature. Besides a critical analysis of the studies in each cluster, we propose research
questions to guide future research on the relationship between COVID-19 and the environment.
Since its emergence in December 2019, corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has impacted
several countries, affecting more than 90 thousand patients and making it a global public threat.
The routes of transmission are direct contact, and droplet and possible aerosol transmissions.
Due to the unique nature of dentistry, most dental procedures generate significant amounts of
droplets and aerosols, posing potential risks of infection transmission. Understanding the
significance of aerosol transmission and its implications in dentistry can facilitate the
identification and correction of negligence in daily dental practice. In addition to the standard
precautions, some special precautions that should be implemented during an outbreak have been
raised in this review.
Coronavirus is recently discovered virus which is responsible for causing infectious coronavirus
disease (COVID-19). It was declared as a public health emergency on international level by
WHO (World Health Organization) in January, 2020. It started from Wuhan, China as an
outbreak of viral pneumonia and later on became a pandemic worldwide. The person-to-person
transmission of virus led to the global pandemic and self-isolation of people. Coronaviruses are
usually responsible for causing diseases in vertebrates and humans. No way of destroying the
virus has been found since its discovery. Its global spread has caused thousands of deaths. The
disease has caused a major impact on economy, education system and physical and mental
health. The current short review summarizes the available knowledge about pandemic,
morphology and characteristics of coronavirus, diagnosis, drugs being used for treatment and
current vaccine trials. Currently, no vaccine is available against the virus. The only interventions
being used nowadays is the social distancing and keeping ourselves clean to prevent getting
contracted with virus. The governments, health organizations and scientific communities are
working their best to find a vaccine and cure to fight with coronavirus. Several vaccine trials
have started and succeeding so far. We need to learn more about the virus so that we can respond
better and find its cure.


Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so
it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is
working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. 

Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must
continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically
distancing and avoiding crowds. 

Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and
others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not
only against disease but also against infection and transmission.

See WHO’s landscape of COVID-19 vaccine candidates for the latest information on vaccines in

clinical and pre-clinical development, generally updated twice a week. WHO’s COVID-19
dashboard, updated daily, also features the number of vaccine doses administered globally.

But it’s not vaccines that will stop the pandemic, it’s vaccination. We must ensure fair and
equitable access to vaccines, and ensure every country receives them and can roll them out to
protect their people, starting with the most vulnerable.

The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. As WHO and partners work together on the
response -- tracking the pandemic, advising on critical interventions, distributing vital medical
supplies to those in need--- they are racing to develop and deploy safe and effective vaccines. 

Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s
natural defences – the immune system – to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they
target. After vaccination, if the body is later exposed to those disease-causing germs, the body is
immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.

There are several safe and effective vaccines that prevent people from getting seriously ill
or dying from COVID-19. This is one part of managing COVID-19, in addition to the main
preventive measures of staying at least 1 metre away from others, covering a cough or sneeze in
your elbow, frequently cleaning your hands, wearing a mask and avoiding poorly ventilated
rooms or opening a window.

As of 3 June 2021, WHO has evaluated that the following vaccines against COVID-19 have met
the necessary criteria for safety and efficacy:

 AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine
 Johnson and Johnson
 Moderna
 Pfizer/BionTech
 Sinopharm
 Sinovac
Read our Q&A on the Emergency Use Listing process to find out more about how WHO
assesses the quality, safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

Some national regulators have also assessed other COVID-19 vaccine products for use in their

Take whatever vaccine is made available to you first, even if you have already had COVID-
19. It is important to be vaccinated as soon as possible once it’s your turn and not
wait. Approved COVID-19 vaccines provide a high degree of protection against getting
seriously ill and dying from the disease, although no vaccine is 100% protective.


The COVID-19 vaccines are safe for most people 18 years and older, including those with
pre-existing conditions of any kind, including auto-immune disorders. These conditions include:
hypertension, diabetes, asthma, pulmonary, liver and kidney disease, as well as chronic
infections that are stable and controlled.

If supplies are limited in your area, discuss your situation with your care provider if you:

 Have a compromised immune system

 Are pregnant (if you are already breastfeeding, you should continue after vaccination)
 Have a history of severe allergies, particularly to a vaccine (or any of the ingredients in
the vaccine)
 Are severely frail

Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part
of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older
people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers.   

More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to
make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.

WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) has concluded that the Pfizer/BionTech
vaccine is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above. Children aged between 12 and 15
who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination.
Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the
evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy.

It's important for children to continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.


Stay at the place where you get vaccinated for at least 15 minutes afterwards, just in case
you have an unusual reaction, so health workers can help you. 

Check when you should come in for a second dose – if needed. Most of the vaccines available
are two-dose vaccines. Check with your care provider whether you need to get a second dose and
when you should get it. Second doses help boost the immune response and strengthen immunity.

In most cases, minor side effects are normal. Common side effects after vaccination, which
indicate that a person's body is building protection to COVID-19 infection include:

 Arm soreness
 Mild fever
 Tiredness
 Headaches
 Muscle or joint aches

Contact your care provider if there is redness or tenderness (pain) where you got the shot that
increases after 24 hours, or if side effects do not go away after a few days.

If you experience an immediate severe allergic reaction to a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,
you should not receive additional doses of the vaccine. It’s extremely rare for severe health
reactions to be directly caused by vaccines.

Taking painkillers such as paracetamol before receiving the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent side
effects is not recommended. This is because it is not known how painkillers may affect how well
the vaccine works. However, you may take paracetamol or other painkillers if you do develop
side effects such as pain, fever, headache or muscle aches after vaccination.  

Even after you’re vaccinated, keep taking precautions

While a COVID-19 vaccine will prevent serious illness and death, we still don’t know the extent
to which it keeps you from being infected and passing the virus on to others. The more we allow
the virus to spread, the more opportunity the virus has to change.

Continue to take actions to slow and eventually stop the spread of the virus:

 Keep at least 1 metre from others

 Wear a mask, especially in crowded, closed and poorly ventilated settings.
 Clean your hands frequently
 Cover any cough or sneeze in your bent elbow
 When indoors with others, ensure good ventilation, such as by opening a window

Doing it all protects us all.


Title of Proposed Project : COVID-19 prevention and control

Contact Person : DR. Md Rezaul Kabir, Executive Director

Organization Name : Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF).

Address : Vill+Post-Raihanpur,Thana-Patharghata,District-Barguna,Bangladesh
Phone : 01712136558, 01716733676,01718766442.

Legal status of Organization:

Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) is Registered with
a. Department of Social Service:-Barguna -433
b. NGO Affairs Bureau: NGOAB-2608
c. Department of Youth affairs: Barguna-220
Project Cost:BDT. 1,19,80,000.00 ( One core Nineteen Lac eighty thousand taka )

Project Description:
Corona viruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in humans. In humans,
several corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold
to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered corona virus causes corona virus
disease COVID-19.
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered corona virus. This
new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December
News of the virus has spread quickly throughout the Bangladesh and already the virus has been
jokingly referred to as “moronavirus” (ie dying-virus) because of the severity surrounding it. The
global reaction to the threat has generally increased the perception of the severity of the illness
and the threat it poses to the peoples. However, there is a widespread lack of clarity on specifics
related to the illness. The general view of the virus is that it is spreading rapidly and that actions
taken by donors have increased the perception that the corona virus is a serious threat to
Bangladeshi people’s lives in Barguna district.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry
cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or
diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected
but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from
the disease without needing special treatment.
Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops
difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood
pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with
fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.
People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person
to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with
COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person.
Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their
eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person
with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more
than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.
The death toll from the coronavirus in Bangladesh has risen to 50 after four more fatalities were
reported in the 24 hours to 2:30pm on Sunday (15 April 2020)
Another 219 people tested positive for the virus from 1740 samples during this period, taking
the totally of infections to 1231, IEDCR Director Meerjady Sabrina Flora said on Sunday (15
April 2020).The totally of recovery has also increased to 49 with three more patients returning

Rationale of the Project:

There is no awareness of how the virus should be treated or tested for. There is also a lack of
clarity on how to identify infection and whether there is a vaccine. It is recommended that this
information should be included in future messaging given that peoples are largely mistrustful
when Health facilities only prescribe paracetamol even though this can often be the appropriate
course of medical action.
We can reduce the chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some activities.
The project will also be able to contribute to understand the planners; policy makers,
practitioners and administrators to chalk out appropriate, meaningful and realistic steps through
developing effective plan of action in terms of strategy and intervention for the welfare of the
disadvantaged peoples.
It is alarming of a nation. On the other hand, there is no Medicine/treatment about evil COVID19
diseases. For this, the organization has taken many kinds of programs to prevent COVID-19.
Because prevention is better than cure. Our aims to raise general awareness particularly young,
student, adolescent, mass peoples, overseas migrant workers etc to reducing the spread of
Bangladesh has confirmed 219 new cases of the novel coronavirus, raising the tally of positive
tests to 1231.The death toll from the virus rose to 50 after four more patients died in the last 24
hours, Prof Dr Meerjady Sabrina Flora, Director, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and
Research (IEDCR) said in an online briefing on Sunday (April 15, 2020). This is by far the
biggest single-day surge in cases since the virus was first detected in Bangladesh on Mar 8. A
total of 49 patients have recovered from the disease so far as three more patients recovered in the
last 24 hours, she said.
Beneficiaries of the Project :The ultimate target beneficiaries of the project are Disadvantaged
poor people and those are in quarantine, Isolation and do not know about COVID-19.

Project Goal : The goal of the Project is to prevent COVID-19 and reverse the trends in
COVID-19 spread in Barguna district of Bangladesh.

Objectives of the Project:

The Objectives of the project are:
(i) Provide knowledge, change attitudes, commitments to COVID-19 prevention and
(ii) Capacities build up local volunteers and different staff to accelerate COVID-19
prevention and control steps; and
(ii) Provide support for COVID-19 prevention and control.

1. Data for collecting the information on COVID-19
2. Counseling program on COVID-19
3. Organize network with the officials of key government staff
4. Staff recruitment and orientation on COVID-19
5. A regular basis of counseling meeting arranged with the participation of the volunteers
6. Arranged miking on COVID-19
7. Arranged institution meeting for developing Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on COVID-
8. Arrange network on COVID-19 with the participation of Journalist, lawyer, Doctors, civil
society, GO and NGO representatives
9. Health Care Activities for patient on COVID-19
10. IEC/BCC materials distribution on COVID-19
11. Ensure safety net of service providers
12. Personal protective equipment (PPE) distribution
13. Community Radio talk show
14. Local Channel Broadcast program
15. Food distribution for COVID hit people
16. Cash distribution for COVID hit people
17. Waste management and clean program

Expected outcomes:
About 100% targeted people will get awareness training during the project period about
COVID-19 & its protection systems side by side primary health care etc. After training these
targeted people becoming more conscious about COVID-19 & side by side primary health care
etc. These up people will disseminate their knowledge among the family members and neighbors
and make them aware on COVID-19 and different health issues. We hope in this way about
100% people in this project areas peoples will be benefited.
While we are still learning about how COVID-2019 affects people, older persons and persons
with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease,
cancer or diabetes) appear to develop serious illness more often than others.
We can channel our concerns into actions to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our
communities. First and foremost among these actions is regular and thorough hand-washing
andgood respiratory hygiene. Secondly, keep informed and follow the advice of the local health
authorities including any restrictions put in place on travel, movement and gatherings.
The operational Management aspect of the project :
A total of 01 project coordinator, 01 Doctor, 1 Program Manager, 1 Trainer, 1 Accountant
Assistant and peer educator shall be engaged in this project activities. The Executive Committee
shall be responsible for policy planning. Besides the Executive Director shall act or approved
monthly expenditure, appointment of staff and staff management policy implementation,
reporting liaison with Govt. and donor agency. Where 01 project coordinator, 01 Doctor, 1
Program Manager, 1 Trainer, 1 Accountant Assistant shall be responsible for project
implementation & supervision as well as liable to the Executive Director for the work. Monthly/
Quarterly / Half-yearly progress report will be prepared by the Coordinator and will be submitted
to respective executive Director. The concerned program coordinator will examine the progress
reports and verify any king of discrepancy, if detected .
Senior officials/ E. C. will also visit the project area from time to time and monitor the progress
will be made in the H/Q of the organization representative of donor country /agency would then
be invited for filed visit and for attending such meeting . Final evaluation of the project will be
made after submission of the project completion report to the donor agency . The accounts of the
project will be separately maintained and annually audited .

Project Location: Barguna District of Bangladesh

Duration: Six months

Organizational Background, including the expertise and experience:

Organizational Background,:
Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) is a Non-political, non-profit and
NonGovernment Voluntary Development Organization formed with the initiatives of a few
committed and dedicated social workers and philanthropists. Disable Development &
Educational Foundation (DDEF) established on 2001 with an aim to promoting human and
socio-economical development for the under privileged people living in rural area. To achieve
the aim, Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) organizes the rural people
who are living in poverty to improve their livelihood This organization initiated by some like-
minded development patrons, for the improvement of the socio- economic condition of rural &
urban communities as well as dissemination of information about development.
The philosophy of Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) is based on the
conviction the paramount need of the men/women/ Children both urben and rural is not relief but
release from the prison of poverty, Its main focus is to promote the socio-economic conditions of
the under-privileged, distillates landless and economically poor people especially women
through Organization, Education, Training, Participation and joint activities.

Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) seeks to attain the divine pleasure and
satisfaction by means of serving creation with special reference to the suffering humanity
irrespective of race, color, ethnicity and other identities. DDEF dreams of a society free from
injustice, deprivation, discrimination and other forms of social evils and improve living standard
of the less fortunate poor and needy person with disability, vulnerable women and distresses

To develop the under privileged poor vulnerable persons with the disabilities specially autistic,
vulnerable women and distresses children in grass root level in Bangladesh. To change the social
and economical situation of undeserved and un-served people in the country creating and sound
and peaceful development environment. To provide necessary moral and material support to the
poor and needy and building their capacity to live with dignity of Allah. To reduce poverty
among the community people under taking felt need based and right programs having direct
participation of related stakeholders and rehabilitation of person with disabilities.

The specific objectives of the DDEF may be summarized as below:To reduce poverty through
capacity building and appropriate livelihood support for the poor persons with the disabilities,
autism and distress men & women in grass roots area. To contribute to overall development of
Bangladesh through achieving the targets of the MDGs. To reduce water-born diseases and child
mortality through safe water supply, increasing sanitation & hygiene practices in rural and slum
area. To provide special assistance to orphans, widows, refugees and destitute section for their
selfreliance and empowerment. Mass Education for Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) to
reduce illiteracy among the target peoples. This will be undertaken of priority basis. Mass
Awareness program on democracy practice and rights, implementation of disability school, good
governance, livestock development to contribute national economy. For mother and child health
care, an HIV/Aids protection program providing necessary training motivation and necessary
health service. Integrated agriculture development program to assist the poor farmers 7 To
conduct Research to find replicable and innovative models for better improvement of our
development activities. Training program shall be improvement to develop the skill and capacity
among the target peoples as well as for staff development. WATSAN Program to ensure safe
water and 100% Hygienic latrine among the target community peoples. Social Forestry program
to assist to maintain ecological balance and to save biodiversity. To assist toward livelihood and
food security create the provision of self-employment among the target peoples. Protection and
preservation of human rights specially women child rights. Small business Development among
of the poor. Poorest of the poor will get first priority. Group and institution building at grassroots
level. Empowerment of community. Strong relation and coordination with stakeholders.
Coalition network mobilization and advocacy. Experience and expertise sharing. Learning from
community. Encouraging research and innovation and expertise. Co-operative and supportive to
government development program. Participation gender diversity and participation capacity
building alliance coalition and network shall be addressed as crosscutting outcomes. All project
proposal to be designed and implemented as per local context having participation of community
which will be feasible manageable and overall cost effective. Women development. Disaster
management and climate change activities. Disaster management and climate change activities.
To increase disaster awareness and preparedness at the disaster-prone area, reduce suffering of
disaster victims and help them to recover normal life with emergency relief and rehabilitation.
To provide special assistance to poor and needy to celebrate religious and cultural festivals with
pleasure and self-esteem.
Committee: General Assembly
Topic: Vaccination of Filipinos for COVID-19
Country: Philippines

Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases,
before they come into contact with them. It uses your body’s natural defenses to build resistance
to specific infections and makes your immune system stronger.

Vaccines train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a
disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses
or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications. Most vaccines
are given by an injection, but some are given orally (by mouth) or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination is safe and side effects from a vaccine are usually minor and temporary, such as a
sore arm or mild fever. More serious side effects are possible, but extremely rare.

Any licensed vaccine is rigorously tested across multiple phases of trials before it is approved
for use, and regularly reassessed once it is introduced. Scientists are also constantly monitoring
information from several sources for any sign that a vaccine may cause health risks.

Remember, you are far more likely to be seriously injured by a vaccine-preventable disease
than by a vaccine. For example, tetanus can cause extreme pain, muscle spasms (lockjaw) and
blood clots, measles can cause encephalitis (an infection of the brain) and blindness. Many
vaccine-preventable diseases can even result in death. The benefits of vaccination greatly
outweigh the risks, and many more illnesses and deaths would occur without vaccines.

When we get vaccinated, we aren’t just protecting ourselves, but also those around us. Some
people, like those who are seriously ill, are advised not to get certain vaccines – so they depend
on the rest of us to get vaccinated and help reduce the spread of disease. 
During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination continues to be critically important. The
pandemic has caused a decline in the number of children receiving routine immunizations, which
could lead to an increase in illness and death from preventable diseases. WHO
has urged countries to ensure that essential immunization and health services continue, despite
the challenges posed by COVID-19.More information about the importance of vaccines is
available here.

  Vaccination protects you from getting seriously ill and dying from COVID-19. For the first
fourteen days after getting a vaccination, you do not have significant levels of protection, then it
increases gradually. For a single dose vaccine, immunity will generally occur two weeks after
vaccination. For two-dose vaccines, both doses are needed to achieve the highest level of
immunity possible.

  The current evidence shows that vaccines provide some protection from infection and
transmission, but that protection is less than that for serious illness and death. We are still
learning also about the variants of concern and whether the vaccines are as protective against
these strains as the non-variant virus.  For these reasons, and while many of those in the
community may not yet be vaccinated, maintaining other prevention measures is important
especially in communities where SARS CoV-2 circulation is significant. To help keep you and
others safe, and while efforts continue to reduce viral transmission and ramp up vaccine
coverage, you should continue to maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, cover a cough
or sneeze in your elbow, clean your hands frequently and wear a mask, particularly in enclosed,
crowded or poorly ventilated spaces.

Always follow guidance from local authorities based on the situation and risk where you live.


Ibong Adarna is a Philippine classic tale about Don Juan and his adventures in search of the
magical bird, the Ibong Adarna. Don Juan’s father, the King, is very ill and the only hope for his
healing is for him to hear the Ibong Adarna’s song. Don Juan’s two eldest brothers searched first
for the bird but failed. When Don Juan found the bird, he also found and brought home his
brothers. Don Juan saved his father and it made his brothers jealous. In the second part of the
play, the brothers released the bird and pushed Don Juan down a well. The world beneath the
well, Don Juan saved two princesses from imprisonment and brought them back to her brothers
even though bought princesses were in love with him. He was pushed again to the well and there
he found Donya Maria’s kingdom. He faced many challenges for her hand in marriage.

After winning her father’s favour, Don Juan brought Donya Maria back to their kingdom where
they faced their final challenge. In one of my major classes, DUP’s playwright of Ibong Adarna
sat in for an interview. He mentioned that the simplistic paper setting of the play was to signify a
major theme that DUP wanted to employ—that their re-enactment of Ibong Adarna is just a story
and not meant to be taken as a real event being acted out. The constant changing of the
characters’ actors and the listing of all the characters at the beginning of the play support the
theme they are trying to employ. Unlike the previous DUP plays I watched, Ibong Adarna has a
strong theme of post-modernism in terms of re-telling of old stories. Ibong Adarna was set to the
pre-colonization period because of the kingdoms and princes. However, that can’t be certain
since many objects in the play also signified that it can be a made-up time in Philippine history.
But having a stethoscope and an electric shock machine as medical equipments, as well as a
modern-looking wheelchair for the king, is surely out of time.

And of course, no one can forget the sequence when Don Juan fought the seven-headed snakes
with a referee as a commentator to their battle is a whole new take on how their battle went
down. The way the play used this post-modern tools were surely humorous and awakened the
viewers from an old view of an old tale. However, around second part of the play when Don Juan
was in the Crystal Kingdom, it wasn’t as interesting as the first parts of the play. They were
already boring, not to mention the endless tasks of the king for Don Juan. The playwright himself
admitted that he got lazy at this point of the play because the director kept denying many of his
ideas. But the play managed to get itself back on the audience’s attention during the big
confrontation of Don Juan and his princesses. There was a tension in the crowd when Donya
Maria arrived at Don Juan’s wedding. Even though there were some low points of the play, the
character's adventures and feelings have managed to make their way to the audience’s hearts.
The audience even clapped when Donya Leonora slapped Don Juan hard on the face. And I even
shed a tear myself when Donya Leonora released her heart’s pain through words when Don Juan
chose Donya Maria. All in all, it was a heart-warming play for the general public and DUP
managed to put a new look on an old tale.

This amazing folklore is about love,sacrifice and fantasy.Ibong Adarna literally

means Adarna Bird. The story centers about catching the mythical bird that possesses magical
powers. The Adarna bird is so beautiful and could change in a lot of stunning forms. The plot in
itself speaks for it. The characters created were the genuine faces of Filipino's two attitude areas-
the black and the white or the good and the bad. The symbolism of Ibong Adarna as the ordeal
which will show man's true colors, flaws, intentions and purposes is amazingly portrayed by the
Filipino poet


Mary Joy B. Permacio

Purok 5 Nangka Balo-I Lanao Del Norte
Cell Number: +(63)9518375750

An organized professional with proven teaching, guidance, and counselling
skills.Possess a strong track record in improving test scores and teaching effectively. Ability to
be a team player and resolve problems and conflicts professionally. Skilled at communicating
complex information in a simple and entertaining matter. Looking to contribute my knowledge
and skills in a school that offers a genuine opportunity for career progression.

Academic Background

Tertiary: Bachelor Elementary Of Education

Major in General Education
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
University In Iligan, Philippines
(S.Y. 2025-2026)
Secondary: Balo-I National High School
Achacoso Drive, Ma. Cristina, Balo-I Lanao del Norte
(S.Y 2021-2022)

Primary: Maria Cristina Central Elementary School

Maria Cristina,Balo-I,Lanao del Norte

 Excellent With Children
 Teaching Assistance Expert
 Communication Skills
 Interpersonal Skills
 Time Management Skills
 MS Office Suit
 Modern Classroom Technology


Mary Joy B. Permacio

Lanao del Norte

Teresita V. Cruz
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
University In Iligan, Philippines
Andres Bonifacio Ave, Iligan City, 9200 Lanao del Norte

Dear Mrs. Cruz,

It has long been my dream to enroll in Mindanao State University to study Bachelor
Elementary of Education,so I am excited to provide you with my formal application to become a
member of freshmen class for 2024. I have chosen to apply for admission to Mindanao State
University after researching to identify the best Bachelor Elementary of Education major in
General Education,as I am committed to preparing for career success in this field.Mindanao State
University is my clear,first choice.
As you can see from my enclosed application, along with my transcripts and test scores,I
am committed to excellence and have the educational background and academic skills necessary
to succeed as a student at Baloi National High School. By deciding to accept me into this year’s
freshman class, you will be making a decision to bring in a student who is dedicated to a success
and who will represent your institution well as a student and, in the long–run,a successful
I visited the campus last spring and became convinced that there is no better place for me to
earn my college degree.I am looking forward to undertaking my college education at Mindanao
State University. All of the required documentation is enclosed with this letter, and my official
test scores and transcripts are being sent to you directly from the issuing organizations.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I eagerly anticipate receiving an
acceptance letter from Mindanao State University. You may reach me at 09518375750 or


Mary Joy B. Permacio


Balo-I,Lanao del Norte,
June 24,2021

The Principal
Maria Cristina Central Elementary School
Maria Cristina,Baloi,


The Guidance Counselor of your school informed me that your school is in need of a
Elementary teacher,I would like to be considered for this position.

I complete Bachelor of Elementary Education from Mindanao State University in

Iligan,in 2017.During my college days, I undergone practice teaching program which trained me
to be an efficient and effective teacher.
I shall be very glad to come for an interview at your most convenient time.

Very truly yours,

Mary Joy B. Permacio


Mary Joy B. Permacio

Balo-I,Lanao del Norte
Cell. No.:09518375750

Dear Professor Cruz,

This letter serve as my two weeks official resignation notice from my position as a Grade 4
teacher at Maria Cristina Central Elementary School.My last day of employment will be October

My family will be relocating to Cagayan De Oro in the next month , and thus I must leave
with them. I must say this is one of my most difficult decisions that I have to make because I
have been a teacher in this school for the last 8 years. But I find consolation in that I have
inspired so many students to succeed in their education. I will miss the lovely community of
teachers, students, and parents at Maria Cristina Central School.

I thank the school administration for the chance to exploit my skills and talent to inspire the
young generation for all these years. As I leave, I wish you all the best, and I promise to keep in

You can always reach me via 09518375750 or email


Mary Joy B. P ermacio


The Principal,
Maria Cristina Central Elementary School,
Maria Cristina,Baloi,Lanao del Norte,


Subject: Apology for not teaching

Respected Madam,
With all due respect,my name is Mary Joy B. Permacio from Grade 4-Aquamarine,
holding Employee ID Number 987456321.

I am writing this letter to express my sincere apology to you for the incident that
happened on July 05,2021 at Grade 4-Emerald. I am deeply sorry for not teaching . I regret what
I did and I am aware that I could have been more careful. I will do anything possible to make
things right as I seek your forgiveness and guidance on this matter.

Thank you and I eagerly await your reponse.

Yours sincerely,
Mary Joy B. Permacio

July 07,2021
Antonio A. Rodrigo
Purok 5,Maria Cristina,
Baloi,Lanao del Norte,

Greetings of Peace and Prosperity!
Maria Cristina Central Elementary School was one of the 2021 Brigada Potential School
Champion Big-School Category in the Division of Lanao del Norte.Thus, we are making utmost
effort in the preparation for this school year 2022-2023 in order to show the best in all aspects for
the good of the school community.
In this connection, we are planning to establish the Maria Cristina Central Elementary School,
Grade 5 projects like reading center, pathway, and garden with your full support to make these
into reality for the benefits of all the pupils and teachers and serve as the highlights for this
Brigada Eskwela 2022.
Thus,we would like to solicit the following items that will be itilized for the said projects:
-Bags of cement
-Gallons of paint
-Loads of sand
-Ceiling fans

May this request be extended from your kindness and consideration.We much appreciate your
good hands extended to us.
Thank you and God bless!

Truly yours,
Mary Joy B. Permacio
Grade 4-Advicer

Faye L. Dominggo
Principal 1


Mindanao State University,

Iligan City,
July 07,2021

Powder Coating Department

HOOVEN Philippines Inc.
6th floor Amarata Bldg.
Iligan City

Attention: Mr. Lloyd Cruz, Manager, Powder Coating Derpartment

Dear Sir,

Subject:Fluorocarbon Coating of Structural Aluminum Materials

Due to my desire to accomplish my research paper to be submitted on July 17,2021. I write this
letter to ask for a brochure and illustration about Fluorocarbon Coating for Structural Aluminum
Material.With that brochure and illustration ,I can gather such pertinent data that I need
regarding on that topic.

I appreciate your response about this matter.

Very truly yours,

Mary Joy B. Permacio


Date: JULY 08, 2021

Mary Joy B. Permacio
MarJoy Ins., Executive Vice President
Carlo Cruzi, MD, MPA, Associate Vice President for Student Health
Sabrina Meranda, Vice President for University Human Resources

To: All Faculty, Researchers, Administrators, Staff, and Student Employees

Over the course of the last few weeks, the spread of COVID-19 has raised questions among
employees about how to keep themselves, their colleagues, and the broader community safe,
healthy, and well. This latest communication contains important guidance about how to protect
the community while respecting individuals’ privacy and dignity, as well as precautions
individuals can take to keep themselves healthy.

What Employees Should Do If They Think They Are Sick with COVID-19 or Think They
Might Have It
Generally speaking, employees who believe they are sick with a contagious illness should stay home
to help their colleagues avoid being exposed. That is also true with COVID-19.
With respect to COVID-19: the key symptoms are cough, fever, sore throat, and shortness of breath.
COVID-19 testing will be covered at 100% with no member co-pay in all NYU employee medical

Employees Who Show Symptoms or Receive a Confirming Diagnosis

If you develop the symptoms of COVID-19 or if you are positively diagnosed with it outside of
work, please stay home and notify your supervisor or department head as soon as possible.
Supervisors/department heads should contact their HR officer. We want you to receive the care that
you may require and to limit your exposure to others to the greatest extent possible.
If you become sick at work or start developing the symptoms of COVID, immediately practice social
distancing (such as going to the nearest empty room or otherwise removing yourself from the
proximity of colleagues), notify your supervisor or your HR Officer, and plan on going home

Working with University medical staff, we will determine whether or not any close contacts need
to be notified. Some employees, typically those who are close contacts, may be instructed to self-
quarantine. Employees who are required to self-quarantine (no symptoms) or self-isolate
(presumptive symptoms or a confirmed diagnosis) will continue in their regular paid status, and
the time will not be deducted from sick-time or any other accrued balances.

Guidance for those with COVID-19

 Stay home except to get medical care. People who are mildly ill with COVID-19 are able
to recover at home.
 Separate yourself from other people in your home, this is known as home isolation. As
much as possible, you should stay in a specific “sick room” and away from other people
in your home. Use a separate bathroom, if available.
 If you do not feel better in three to four days, consult your health care provider. Try to
call, text, telemedicine, or use your patient portal to contact your physician.
 If you need to seek treatment or have an appointment to be seen, call ahead. Tell the
doctor’s office or emergency department you have or may have COVID-19. This will
help the office protect themselves and other patients.
 If you do not have a personal physician, NYU Langone offers a virtual urgent care that
you can access from a mobile device.
 If you are not severely ill, please avoid going to the emergency department and other
places for the acutely ill in seeking healthcare. Stay home and keep acute health care
access available for others with more severe illness.
 If you have family or friends who are older adults or have chronic conditions, do not visit
them if you feel sick.
Duration of Your Stay at Home / Returning to Work
 Stay home for seven days after your symptoms started and for three days after your fever
has stopped without the use of fever-reducing drug (Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc).

Prevention and Self-Health

The following precautions can help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19):

 Keep at least 6 feet between yourself and others

 Stay home and reduce overcrowding. Whether you are healthy or sick, stay home as
much as possible. You should only leave your home for essential tasks, such as work (if
you cannot work from home), getting groceries and supplies, or essential medical care.
Try to use delivery services when possible.
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after
you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
 If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least
60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
 Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing. Do not
use your hands.
 Do not touch your face - especially your eyes, nose, or mouth - with unwashed hands.
 Monitor your health more closely than usual for cold or flu symptoms.
 If you are sick, stay home.
 Do not shake hands. Instead, wave or elbow bump.
 If you are an older adult or have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or a
weakened immune system, avoid all unnecessary gatherings and events.
We thank you for your continued support and service, please be in touch with your supervisor or
local  if you have any questions. The situation is fluid and the University is tackling
developments very closely. Contingency plans for numerous possible scenarios are under
consideration. We know that this can be a stressful time. If you wish to confidentiality speak to
someone, please speak with a Board-certified counselor.

July 05,2021

Mr. Rey Dominggo

PilPal Organization
1234 Ameranda Street
Iligan City,Philippines

Dear Rey,

Interview of the open teaching position in the Financial Executive of Mandeline at

Mindanao State University have been completed for all qualified candidates and we regret to
inform you that the position has been offered to and accepted by another candidate.

Thank you for your interest in Mindanao State University and best wishes in your future


Mary Joy B. Permacio

Mindanao State University

Covid-19 has brought about drastic changes across the world, forcing the majority of people to
adopt a new way of life both physically and mentally. There is very little research about how
people cope in isolation, particularly specific to our current situation as it is so unique. This
article is based on reviewing the information and advice available on the internet as well as from
experience of living in social isolation for four weeks.

Self-isolation may occur for radiographers who are symptomatic. Some radiographers may make
the decision to live alone in accommodation near to the hospital they work and thus experience
some of the problems associated with those in self-isolation. Self-isolation can be daunting and
difficult to adjust to, but it can be done. It is important to break down the situation then to tackle
each part individually to make it more manageable. Planning and listening to advice from others
is key, but practicing patience and self-understanding is also important. Thus, seek support where
you can and accept that stress, frustration and loneliness are normal reactions and feelings to an
extreme situation like this. Remember this – feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope is a
normal reaction to these circumstances – just be patient with yourself.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human
history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Closures of schools,
institutions and other learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the world’s student
population. This has brought far-reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. Social distancing
and restrictive movement policies have significantly disturbed traditional educational practices.
Reopening of schools after relaxation of restriction is another challenge with many new standard
operating procedures put in place.

Avoiding these feelings can cause deep-seated problems, so it is important to acknowledge how
you are feeling and take steps towards achieving a stable mental, emotional and physical state of
well-being. With practice and a solid strategy, self-isolation can be used positively. Self-isolation
can be a gift; it can allow time to pause and reflect on ourselves, dispel bad habits and pick up
good ones, perfect a hobby or skill, and improve our general wellbeing.

Within a short span of the COVID-19 pandemic, many researchers have shared their works on
teaching and learning in different ways. Several schools, colleges and universities have
discontinued face-to-face teachings. There is a fear of losing 2020 academic year or even more in
the coming future. The need of the hour is to innovate and implement alternative educational
system and assessment strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with an opportunity
to pave the way for introducing digital learning. This article aims to provide a comprehensive
report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online teaching and learning of various
papers and indicate the way forward.

The study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning across the world
concludes that although various studies have been carried out, in the case of developing
countries, suitable pedagogy and platform for different class levels of higher secondary, middle
and primary education need to be explored further.

Internet bandwidth is relatively low with lesser access points, and data packages are costly in
comparison to the income of the people in many developing countries, thus making accessibility
and affordability inadequate. Policy-level intervention is required to improve this situation.
Further exploration and investigation on effective pedagogy for online teaching and learning is
an area for research. Need for developing tools for authentic assessments and timely feedback is
found to be another area of study. The affordability and accessibility for all the learners of varied
economic background is identified as a challenge, for which the educational tools developer
could focus on customization. The policy level intervention is also vital. Education system across
the world including Bhutan needs to invest on the professional development of teachers,
especially on ICT and effective pedagogy, considering the present scenario. Making online
teaching creative, innovative and interactive through user-friendly tools is the other area of
research and development. This would assist and prepare the education system for such
uncertainties in the future.

The lesson learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic is that teachers and students/learners should be
oriented on use of different online educational tools. After the COVID-19 pandemic when the
normal classes resume, teachers and learners should be encouraged to continue using such online
tools to enhance teaching and learning.

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