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Advances in the Digital Outcrop Modeling Software and

Workflow: Examples and Lessons from Outcrops: Saudi
M. Osman1*, J. Cline1
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Photorealistic 3D Digital Outcrop Models (DOMs) are increasingly encountered as a cutting edge topic in
geosciences, especially reservoir analog characterization. A custom viewing and analysis software have been
developed specifically for work with these DOMs. Although 3D outcrop models are an exciting topic, finding
software tailored to provide the range of geological analysis tools one would want to use to extract meaningful
results from them is still challenging. Utilizing the excellent outcrops in Saudi Arabia, a new 3D outcrop model
visualization & analysis software has been developed, with a focus on being able to load and display large outcrop
model datasets, in fully georeferenced coordinates. Analysis tools have been implemented to perform interactive
analysis & annotation of the outcrop, including both sedimentological and structural analysis tools. Also in this
work, we suggested workflow for digital data acquisition (by high-resolution camera and GCPs); processing (by
Reality Capture software) and interpretation (by ArcGIS and VRGS software). Following this workflow will
provide a practical guide towards gearing the data collection to meet the desired outcomes within time and effort

First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition

30 November - 3 December 2020, Vienna, Austria

Photorealistic 3D Digital Outcrop Models (DOMs) are increasingly encountered as a cutting edge topic
in geosciences, especially reservoir analog characterization. These DOMs are a lifelike, 3D
representation of an outcrop. They can be used for outcrop analog studies, virtual field trips to study the
geology of an outcrop or set of outcrops, and new applications such as virtual reality immersive
environments (Buckley et al., 2008; Hodgetts 2013; Osman et al., 2017). The traditional geological data
such as the lithofacies, bed thicknesses, fracture patterns, and the variations of these across a lateral
extent can all be analyzed in a digital model. Other benefits of the outcrop study include its repeated
use as a source of ground truth and reference, and many new applications are becoming possible as
software developers increasingly solve the technical challenges present in using the digital outcrop
models in different studies (Hodgetts et al., 2004; Deckert and Gessner 2006; McCaffrey et al, 2010;
Jones et al., 2011).
Although 3D DOMs are an exciting topic, some of the perennial challenges in doing useful things with
them are the challenges of visualizing the large datasets which may comprise these models as well as
finding software tailored to provide the range of geological analysis tools one would want to use to
extract meaningful results from them. However, many challenges remain in the effective creation of
those models, from data collection during fieldwork to data processing to prepare a 3D model. Custom
viewing and analysis software has been developed specifically for work with DOMs. New 3D outcrop
model visualization & analysis software has been developed, with a focus on being able to load and
display large outcrop model datasets (either in colored point cloud or textured TIN-mesh formats), in
fully georeferenced coordinates. Also, we developed an overview, workflow, and case studies to solve
those challenges. Examples for work from outcrops in Saudi Arabia will be presented in this work
utilizing the new software and workflow. This work will provide a practical guide towards gearing the
data collection to meet the desired outcomes within time and effort constraints. In the simplest case,
your own mobile phone can be used to collect data which can be processed using free software to create
a simple 3D model. On the other hand, advanced topics such as the use of drones and telephoto cameras
for high resolution data collection were also considered. This study focuses on the effective creation of
3D DOMs, so only brief recommendations for choice of analysis and visualization software will be
given, yet preparing the model data for compatibility with a wide range of software is important and
within our scope.

The methodology followed here can be classified into two stages; the first is the field data collection
and this includes both the traditional geological data and the digital data acquisition; the second stage
includes the processing, interpretation and integration of the geological and digital data.
The collection of the field data includes the logging of the stratigraphic sections vertically and
horizontally to be integrated later in the digital model. Sampling for further lab analysis is also important
in the fieldwork as well as taking some statistical and structural measurements to be calibrated with
their equivalents measured from the digital model. The fieldwork also includes:
- Setting up a Trimble R10 GPS/GNSS base station over an arbitrary point (on a tripod) and the base
receiver was let to record raw data for more than six hours.
- A total of thirty two Ground Control Point (GCP) targets, each consisting of a 30cm by 30cm
ceramic tile with a printed bullseye pattern, affixed by variously colored tape were distributed
around the base of the outcrop (Figure 1A).
- Photogrammetric photography capture proceeded as follows: A Nikon D850 camera with 105mm
fixed focal length lens was used to take photographs, the camera was fitted with a GPS accessory
to record consumer-grade GPS measurements of photograph positions, exposure values were set
manually and typical values were ISO of 2500, exposure time of 1/2500 seconds, and aperture f-
stop of f/20, which resulted in good exposure on the bright sunny day, a given linear segment of
photographs was acquired by the photographer standing in place and taking a set of photographs
covering the outcrop with approximately 50% photo overlap from one standing position and
imaging the outcrop at angles of up to +/- 60 degrees side to side. The photographer would then
run 10-20 meters to the next position to take an additional set of photographs. (In total, the outcrop

First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition

30 November - 3 December 2020, Vienna, Austria
was photographed from approximately 90 standing positions and about 3000 photographs were
taken) (Figure 1B).

Figure 1 Acquisition of the digital data during the field work; A: Example of the ceramic tile that used
as GCP; B: Showing the GPS locations of each photograph and GCP position.

Data Processing and 3D Modeling:

The GPS coordinates for the GCPs were post-processed and tabulated in a UTM projection with
ellipsoid heights. Then, Automated processing of the photographs in a photogrammetry software
(RealityCapture by CapturingReality s.r.o.) proceeded with manually marking the pixel coordinates of
the ground control points as they appear in the photos (Figure 2A). The software parsed the geotag
information from the photographs to provide initial estimates of camera positions as well as the program
extracted estimates of the lens parameters (focal length, etc) from the meta-data (EXIF) of the images.
This resulted in an initial photo alignment and sparse point cloud (where 3D points come only from
features matched across images in the bundle adjustment) as shown in Figure 2B. A standard processing
workflow was used within the software to first create an initial alignment / sparse point cloud, then
create a high resolution TIN-mesh surface, then simplify the TIN-mesh surface to an acceptable number
of triangles (4 million), then texture the triangles using approximately 120 textures at 8192x8192
resolution. Additional lower-resolution versions of the model were also created to accommodate various
software during the model analysis phase. Figures 2C and 2D shows the model in intermediate and
final-processed form respectively from the RealityCapture software.

Figure 2 Processing of the digital data; A: Example of marking the GCPs (with zoom-in on the GCP
with a small cross-hair where the center has been marked); B: Initial alignment of photos in
RealityCapture software; C: The photogrammetry model in intermediate form as untextured, solid-
surface TIN mesh model; D: The 3D model in final textured TIN-mesh form.

First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition

30 November - 3 December 2020, Vienna, Austria
Results and Discussion

After registering the photogrammetric model to the GCPs, the model was cleaned and trimmed in the
free/open-source software CloudCompare, then saved in OBJ format as a final model. After obtaining
a final processed 3D outcrop model in Wavefront OBJ format, the dataset was imported into an ArcGIS
geodatabase in textured Multipatch format to ArcScene. The model was qualitatively checked for
quality and consistency in addition to noting its approximate error relative to the known GCPs was
about 10 centimeters. Over 200 meters, this would represent a tilt of 0.05 degrees (inverse tan of (0.1
– (-0.1)) / 200 ) or a distortion of about 0.1%, while local errors are estimated to be at most 10
centimeters and less if visual quality is consistent.
The new developed tool, GeoAnalysis Tool (GAT) as an extension in ArcScene, has been utilized along
with other tools and softwares for the interpretation and integration of the DOMs. The GAT has been
implemented in order to perform interactive analysis and annotation of the outcrop, including both
sedimentological and structural analysis tools (Figure 3). Sedimentological tools include the tracing of
beds and classification of lithofacies, bed thickness measurements including thickness statistics and
evaluation of the spatial continuity, surface creation (e.g. lateral tracing of a marker bed), and the
interactive 3D correlation of the outcrop with 2D charts such as stratigraphic column or well
log/borehole charts, etc. Structural tools include tracing faults, taking strike and dip measurements,
analyzing folds, and making true cross-section diagrams. Annotation capabilities include ability to add
notes and embedding of photos or other multimedia as accessible widgets on the outcrop.

Figure 3 DOM example for the Dam Formation in eastern Saudi Arabia; A: Picking of boundaries in
3D using GeoAnalysis Tool; B: Integration of field data and the 3D model using GeoAnalysis Tool; C:
Strike and Dip measurements of the fractures in VRGS software; D: Facies population within the 3D
digital model of Dam Formation using VRGS software.


 It is advisable to check periodically while taking the photographs in the field to ensure that they
are properly being geotagged. Using the Nikon D850 camera, it was found there is an
information window that can be enabled during photo review/playback where the photographer
can ensure that GPS positions have been tagged to a recently taken photograph.
 The sandy conditions of the ground around the outcrop meant that the ground near to the
outcrop did not reconstruct well in the 3D reconstruction, because the photogrammetry software
was largely unable to identify automatic feature points in the sandy areas. This resulted in some
sides of the studied outcrops being unable to reconstruct.

First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition

30 November - 3 December 2020, Vienna, Austria
 The photogrammetry software chosen to perform the 3D reconstruction was unable to
accommodate the ground control points as part of the photogrammetric alignment. We attribute
this to the oblique nature of the photography and the fact that the ground control points
themselves were often positioned in sandy areas which, although visible in the photographs,
were not part of the 3D reconstruction due to lack of automatically extracted features in those
areas. We suggest that in the future, use of a total station to obtain ground control point
measurements on the outcrop face itself may prove advantageous.


3D Digital Outcrop Models are increasingly encountered as a cutting edge topic in geoscience,
especially reservoir analog characterization. In this work we introduced a new workflow of the
construction of the 3D digital outcrop model and we gave an examples of the Dam Formation in Saudi
Arabia. The digital data acquisition (by high resolution camera and GCPs); processing (by Reality
Capture software) and interpretation (by ArcGIS and VRGS softwares). A standard processing
workflow was used within the Reality Capture software to first create an initial alignment / sparse point
cloud, then create a high resolution TIN-mesh surface, then simplify the TIN-mesh surface to an
acceptable number of triangles (4 million), then texture the triangles using approximately 120 textures
at 8192x8192 resolution. The final model was analyzed and interpreted and integrated with the field
data using the new developed tool GAT within the ArcGIS software. Following this workflow will
provide a practical guide towards gearing the data collection to meet the desired outcomes within time
and effort constraints.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided the Geosciences Department and the
College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences at KFUPM for their support under start-up fund
project of outcrop reservoir analogs in Saudi Arabia. Also, special thanks to the Remote Sensing
Laboratory (RSL department for their assistance in the field and lab work.


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acquisition, processing and accuracy considerations, Journal of the Geological Society, 165, 625–638.
Deckert, H. and Gessner, K. [2006] Application of Photogrammetry in Geology: 3D Investigation of
Rock Fracture Distributions. In 11. Symposium" Tektonik, Struktur-und Kristallingeologie", 36-37,
Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
Hodgetts, D. [2013] Laser scanning and digital outcrop geology in the petroleum industry: a review,
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 46, 335-354.
Hodgetts, D., Drinkwater, N.J., Hodgson, D.M., Kavanagh, J., Flint, S., Keogh, K. and Howell, J. [2004]
Three-dimensional geological models from outcrop data using digital data collection techniques: an
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Publications, 239, 57–75.
Jones, R.R., Pringle, J.K., McCaffrey, K.J., Imber, J.O., Wightman, R., Guo, J.I., Long, J.J., Martinsen,
O.J., Pulham, A.J., Haughton, P.D. and Sullivan, M.D. [2011] Extending digital outcrop geology into
the subsurface. SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, 10, 31-50.
McCaffrey, K.J., Hodgetts, D., Howell, J., Hunt, D., Imber, J., Jones, R.R., Tomasso, M., Thurmond, J.
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First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition

30 November - 3 December 2020, Vienna, Austria

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