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Good afternoon teacher and classmates, today I will talk about when I decided to change

my career
When I was in fifth grade, most of my friends already knew that they wanted to
study and I really had no idea, that was driving me crazy. At school, she was
talkative, witty, and outgoing. In college vocational tests I always got psychology as
a career but I didn't want to study that. When I finished school I was only 16 years
old and I already had to choose what I wanted to study and do for the rest of my
life, I really didn't know what I wanted so I chose to study administration because
my sister was also studying that. So I started university unmotivated, when I
reached the middle of the cycle, I was already sure I did not want to continue
studying that, I began to find out well what was the career I wanted. I had to
choose well and take it seriously because I had to tell my parents before I left the
administration. One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was telling my
parents that I wanted to change career. I was at a crossroads and didn't know
which way to go, I didn't know how they would react. First I told them that it was
very difficult to choose what to study at age 16 and for them to understand me. I
explained to them that the administration career was not my thing, I did not feel
comfortable in the classes, and I told them that I could validate some courses
within everything I have been getting good grades. I had to choose a new direction
and that was the communication and marketing career. I did a lot of research, got
into talks, and went with a vocational coach to be 100% sure. My parents
understood me, supported me, and finally switched to communication and
marketing, I never gave up, and it was the best decision.

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