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I was born on March 31, 2003

In 2010 I was 7 years old, I remember it perfectly because I had my first birthday party. At that
moment I felt very happy because I was with many people I loved.
In 2017 I was finishing primary school and I had to enter secondary school. At first I was scared
because I was going to be in a new school but I felt relieved that I was not alone because I was
going to be together with my classmates in the same room.
2017 was very important because I understood that I can achieve my goals with effort. That
year I managed to be among the top positions which was something I was looking for. My
mother always told me that you have to have good grades in school because that can help you
in the future and she was right because this year I will enroll in scholarship 18 and having a
good average is one of the requirements.
2019 was the best one years for me because for the first time travel my family and me. We
visited many places like the mountain of the 7 colors, Machu Pichu or Salineras de Mara.
I think it's the best trip I've ever had, nothing like that.
That year I also had my promotional trip to the jungle. We were allowed to go out to the
square or to buy. The only prohibition was that we must not go to discos
That same year I finished high school and we had many Olympic activities, food sales, raffles
that kind of thing, but the most important thing was the dance contest and the only thing I
remember is that
And we managed to win it. We were very happy, quite the opposite. The last day of classes
where we were all crying because after 11 years together that is over.
In 2020 I would have liked to change most of the things that happened that year for the
coronavirus to start, but it is something that I cannot change.
Today we have not spoken again that was what the other promotions always told us now I
understand people who think like this. I wish I could change most of the things that happened.
If the coronavirus had not exist, everything would have been different, but it is something that
I cannot change.
This year was difficult for me because I had planned everything very differently in my head. I
started preparing in June to apply to the University of San Marcos. First it was easy because
they were subjects that I knew but as the months went by everything was more difficult.
This year was difficult for me because I had planned everything very differently in my head. I
started preparing in June to apply to the University of San Marcos. First it was easy because
they were subjects that I knew but as the months went by everything was more difficult. I had
no friends or classmates to ask for help. Because it was my first time there. He was frustrated
despite studying, but he had many questions.
Months passed, the score went up and down. I started to feel bad, I used to cry, I don't like to
remember that, the truth is that at that moment I thought a lot about time, I didn't want to
stay there for 3 or 4 years and be the eternal applicant. I compare myself to others because
most of the people who were there were older.
I think it was my mistake and it is something that I would have liked to change. I was very
pessimistic. We cannot change the past, but we can make the present. Today I'm still in the
academy, everything is the same, very monotonous, but my attitude and my way of thinking
has change. We need to have positive thinking. Let's not be selfish with us. I understood that it
depends on us how to see each day.

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