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Good day!

I will be discussing the knowledge and learnings I have

acquired from our Midterm Module part 2. This is based from my own
understanding and comprehension which underpins correctional
administration and institutional correction. To start with, it is important to
know and distinguish the criminal justice system of the country. Justice is a
legal absolute held by all men against one another, requiring them to fulfill
certain social, moral, and legal obligations to one another, as well as to give to
one another all that is justly given. In the Philippines, it is a must to have a
Criminal Justice System where there must be a community's mechanism or
method for investigating crimes and apprehending suspects, charging them in
court, and sentencing them if found guilty, with provisions for their correction
and rehabilitation. In this reason, there will be a crime prevention; the crime
rate will be lowered, to exclude perpetrators from the community; and to
protect the public it serves. Moreover, it is pertinent to identify the foundations
of the Philippine Criminal Justice System because they are the one who
enforces such duties and obligation in protecting the country from
perpetrators. It includes the Law enforcement such as PNP and NBI; the
National Prosecution Service; the Judiciary; the correctional institutions; and
of the course the public participation of the community. I have mentioned the
correctional institutions; this is one of the main learning outcome to consider
in this topic. When we say corrections, the convicted offender is punished and
treated by a program of incarceration, parole, rehabilitation, and other
intervention programs. The primary aim of corrections is to make communities
safer by lowering crime rates. There are different processes in the correction
system in the country that we can consider. There is the rule of law where
willful violations demand the burden of penal sanctions. There is also the
process of committing offenders to the correction and rehabilitation system
where citizens who have been charged with or acquitted of unlawful activities
or offences are sent to jails or prisons. Moreover, there are detention or
confinement of offenders where citizens have been charged with or convicted of
unlawful actions or offences are sent to government institutions for
imprisonment or incarceration in order to limit their freedom from any
movement or activity. Another major process to consider is the correction and
rehabilitation of which is the fundamental reasons for remanding criminals in
prisons and jails. We can also include restoration in the major list of such
processes where it entails the system of criminals being reformed and
reintegrated into society. And last to include in the major process of correction
system is the convergence of agencies involved in the system. It is where
several strategies have been proposed to achieve effective synchronization,
coordination, and convergence of the currently fragmented corrections and
recovery system's fundamental issues.
The corrections system in the Philippines has evolved from period to
period. It started in the Pre-Spanish period where the codes of Datu Sumakwel,
Kalantiaw, Maragtas, Sikatuna were measured as legal and penal systems.
These codes are often quite basic and easy to understand, so citizens of the
time found it simple to comprehend and obey, and therefore crime was not an
issue. Here comes the Spanish Period where the Spanish Penal Code (Codigo
Penal) was introduced and promulgated. A individual sentenced to cadena
temporal or perpetua should be forced to work outside the jail, according to
this code. Furthermore, during the American occupation by order of General
Merrit, Commander of the American Army, several acts were passed by the
Philippine Assembly, Philippine Commission, and Philippine Legislature to
modify certain pertinent provisions of the Spanish Penal Code, which was still
in force at the time. At this present times, the correctional system of the
country is now consisting of government, civil society, and private sector
agencies participating in the detention, correction, and reconstruction of an
individual charged with or guilty of unlawful activities or crimes. This is now
being executed by the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), Board of Pardone and
Parole (BPP), Parole and probations Administration (PPA) spearheaded by the
Department of Justice (DOJ). This is also being supported by the Bureau of
Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Provincial Local Government Unit,
Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of Social Welfare and
Development spearheaded by Department of Interior and Local Government.
This is the end of my statements. Thank you very much. God bless us

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