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Innovative learning

"Innovative learning methods are very effective in the teaching process to engage the children
in a more effective manner and to instill better behaviour. When we try to impose creativity
in academics, being spontaneous and innovative is the key to excel. In fact even small
animals can impart amazing life lessons. The size of the animal really does matter but it is the
values learnt is of import.


Earth provides a very unique environment where various living organisms thrive irrespective
of their size, shape, and behaviour. Human beings are lost in their own world and do not
observe and learn from nature. Their problem and their stress would find solution through
observation of the life lessons thought by tiny creatures.


The number of valuable thoughts that we can learn from small creatures is really impressive.
Honestly it is amazing about the small creatures with great talents like collecting its food for
future, building its living place..yes exactly they are Animal Architects!!! Let us take the
qualities of a dog with its newly born puppies. Its behaviour will clearly state that it's
protective and responsible. Ants and bees teach us the importance of hard work and
teamwork and the value behind togetherness. Even a small mouse will exhibit immense
courage when it is attacked. These astounding qualities are the basis for creating confidence
and hope within any human being.

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