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EDUC 106

Let's Analyze
In today's education, where everything is accessible, and information is easily
accessed, what philosophy/ies of education would you like to recommend?

As we live in the 21st century, pieces of information are available in every corner
of society we lived in. There are too many teaching methods, diverse situations, and
ideologies to be taken into consideration for each classroom. As future educators, to
convey information to our students, we must consider our specific ideologies or
pedagogies and assess how we evaluate our philosophies and how they affect our
students. The philosophies of education that I'd like to recommend are Idealism and
realism as it offers a set of principle and objectives.
Idealism deals with the different questions of human life, in which philosophical
view adheres that nothing exists with the idea of man's minds, God, or even
supernatural realms. The concept of an idealist education leads us with the insight of
deepest and highest conduct. Idealism enables physical activities (skills and care of
body) and spiritual activities (moral, aesthetic, religious, and intellectual), helping
teachers and students. This educational philosophy has a great impact on the subjects
that provide significant knowledge and wisdom. Meanwhile, realism deals with the
existence of things; this philosophy holds that the existence of an object is real.
Realism is the idea of reasoning that conveys logical reasoning and the scientific
method that can be explored to educate students on interpreting and appreciating the
truth. Schools, according to realism philosophy, can educate students about the
environment we live in. Basically, realism philosophy aims that schools can train
students for real-world responsibilities and daily life.
Education philosophy is essential when it describes how educational ideas
develop. We will see when and how views complement or oppose each other through
learning educational philosophies. This is also a valuable interpretation of philosophy
in directing and questioning the growth of education theory. Philosophical information
may justify instructional methods, expose and criticize ideas regarding schooling's
essence, and offer a vocabulary for educational discourse.

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