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As a wise man once said “fuh de summa body ladies” and this particular lady, is most definitely not a
“Summa body lady”

TITLE: “Ludicrous Infatuation”

Sometime ago, my little sister started telling me someone kept trying to hack her accounts. I
wasn’t too concerned and figured stuff like this just happens with people in college and it blows
over. I advised her to amp up her passwords and be careful who’s on her friends list, and forget
about it. The following week she deactivated her accounts. I asked why and it took some
prodding before she told me the full story.
My sister had attended junior high with a kid, let’s call him B. B and my sister were just friends,
zero relationships prospects, no chemistry, just friends like known associates. A few years passed
and my sister returned to social media and was facebook friends with person B, who is 22 and
now has a 17 year old girlfriend, let’s call her C. C is a bit crazy like nutty crazy. Anytime C gets
suspicious of B, she assumes he’s cheating on her and terrorizes that girl by hacking her accounts
and random drama queen action. This time it was my sister. C, the nut job, used her boyfriend’s
account to leave comments on my sister’s pictures calling her a slut and other horrible names.
She created a fake Instagram of my sister. She then hacked my sister’s account on another media,
opened a chat with B and wrote false stuff like “Oh I’m pregnant with your kids!”
She went on to take screenshots of this conversation to threaten my sister and forward them to
family and friends and my sister’s fiancé. I know all this is made up because my sister and I are
in the same country and have been for months. We used to share the same bathroom so I can see
proof of her monthly woman friend.
We are from a conservative background and things like this are pretty terrifying for our
reputation. Just a few days ago my sister’s blood pressure dropped to 90/50, she got fevers, heart
racing in the middle of the night, quite frightening to watch. To make it worse her friend B said
he can’t do anything or it will cause a fight between him and C and he can’t have that. “What a
Jerk!” I decided to do something. I found B and C’s facebook accounts and from there found C’s
parent and grandparents. I found that C is not openly allowed to date and had 2 accounts, one
with her lovey-dovey posts. I tried not to be a bad person because she is a kid and didn’t want to
ruin her life and make situations worse for my sister. I messaged who I thought were C’s parents
and aunts to discuss a current situation with C and my sister. “Don’t be alarmed, but it’s an
urgent matter.”
A few days passed and person B messaged me and said let’s talk. He said, “I don’t want this to
go any further and make things bad with C, as her relatives started learning about her
relationship with B. I assured him I don’t plan on telling C’s relatives if they don’t blackmail my
sister any further. Driving the point home, I said “My sister isn’t scared and we’ve discussed this
with our family and her fiancé so she’s covered.” Things were fine until that Nutjob C gets on
her boyfriend’s account. I called this chick and “DAMN!!” she is psychotic. She’s in need of a
psychiatrist. She was offended I messaged her relatives. I further explained I didn’t say anything
to them and don’t plan on doing it.
She was like “I could use your sister’s screenshot to ruin her life by sending it to other people.”
She followed up by saying ‘’How dare you contact my family?” I shouted “OMFG! Give me
patience!” I tried calming her down by reassuring her I wouldn’t do anything to her if she
doesn’t try anything with us and leave each other alone and block everyone.
It was the middle on the night, I left to tell my sister the issue was sorted. She hugged and
thanked me. I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. In hindsight I had good stuff to make her
life a living hell but I had good conscience never to use it. How did you think I knew it was
over? Today my sister’s account was acting funny, could it be hacked again? Surely not! I told
my sister to delete a chunk of her friends on the accounts because you can’t trust anyone.

(Based on a True Story)…. Include this?

- Yes

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