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BUS 5113

Written Assignment Unit 3

My submission


The focus of this paper is on motivation theories and their effects on human motivation. Three

Motivator-Hygiene Theory, Adam's Equity Theory, and Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory

are all theories of motivation. The Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow is examined. These

theories are also contrasted and compared. Taking into account their effects on human

motivation in today's workplace. Then a theory that best applies to my own personal and

developmental journey is analyzed.

Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory

Motivator-Hygiene by Herzberg A two-factor content theory is another name for the theory of

motivation. This is based on the simple concept that motivation may be divided into two

categories: cleanliness and motivation. The key tenet of this theory of motivation is that the

intrinsic worth and fulfillment derived from the job itself are the most powerful motivators.

According to the hypothesis, motivate an individual, a job must be challenging, has scope for the

enrichment, and must interest the jobholder. (ACCA, n.d.)

Adam’s Equity Theory

Adam's Equity Theory is founded on the idea that fairness motivates people. According to the

hypothesis, if an employee notices an unfairness between themselves and a peer, they will adjust

their job to make the situation more equitable in their perspective. (Denis et al., 2018).
According to this notion, the higher a person's perception of justice, the more driven they will be.

On the other side, if an individual notices unfairness, they would become demotivated. (Denis et

al., 2018).

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow thought that everyone had a hierarchy of requirements, which include physiological,

safety, and psychological needs.Needs for socialization, esteem, and self-actualization According

to Maslow's theory of motivation, people act because they want provide for their unfulfilled

needs The main human needs, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs food, shelter, and

clothes are physiological necessities. Physical requirements and safety are physiological. Needs.

Individuals turn to wants that entail interactions with others when their physical needs are

addressed. Additional individuals, social needs, or the desire to be accepted by others and to give

and receive, friendship and love are two things that come to mind. The esteem requirements are

those that require others' respect and a sense of self-worth. Achievement and accomplishment

Feelings of self-worth, as well as getting gifts, can satisfy these needs. Managers and others in

the company have praised and recognized you. Finally, at the highest level of government, the

needs for self-actualization are listed in Maslow's hierarchy. This is achieving one's full potential

or achieving one's goals. Making the most of one's ability (Gitman, et al., 2018).

Compare & contrast

To a significant extent, similar to Maslow's five levels of requirements and the two components

of motivation, Herzberg’s categorization of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic), and Adams'

Equity Theory of Motivation Positive outcomes and high levels of motivation can only be
expected when motivation is high. Employees believe they are treated fairly. (Yolande, et al.,


Personal Journey

An individual's journey Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory guides my personal and

professional development. My The challenges I'd confront on the job are a big part of my

motivation. If I believe the position is a good fit for me,If it does not present challenges and

excitement, I am unlikely to be interested.


ACCA. (n.d.). Understanding Herzberg's motivation theory. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from


Denis. (2018, May 16). The Equity Theory of Motivation - How to Keep your team Motivated.

Retrieved from

Gitman, L. J., McDaniel, C., Shah, A., Reece, M., Koffel, L., Talsma, B., & Hyatt, J. C. (2018,

September 18). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from
Yolande, Cynthia_Obiorah, & Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). Adams' Equity Theory:

Balancing Employee Inputs and Outputs. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from

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