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Welcome Guide

5th June 2021

Welcome Message......................................................................................................................................... 4
About eMahad ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Objective ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Patron in-Chief .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Principal & Founder ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Traditional Islamic Learning Program ........................................................................................................ 7
Course Curriculum ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Class Schedule..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Evaluation/Grading Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Help Desk / Support ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
How Access Learning Portal ...................................................................................................................... 10
• How to login in my eMahad campus account”? ..................................................................................................... 10
• How to Login & Join Live Class .................................................................................................................................... 10
• How to Login & Join Live Class? .................................................................................................................................. 10
• How to Access Class Recordings?................................................................................................................................. 10
• How to Mark Attendance? .............................................................................................................................................. 10
• How to View & Submit Exam Assignment? .............................................................................................................. 10
General Guidelines for Students ................................................................................................................ 11
• For Administrative, General or Technical Issues: ........................................................................................... 11
• Adherence to Sunnah .................................................................................................................................................... 11
• Internet Quality, Video Cameras & Voice Quality .......................................................................................... 11
• Exams: ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
• Grading: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
• Class WhatsApp Groups: .................................................................................... 12
Tips for Taking Online Classes Effectively ...................................................................... 13
1. Treat an online course like a “real” course. .......................................................................................................... 13
2. Hold yourself accountable .............................................................................................................................................. 13
3. Practice time management. .......................................................................................................................................... 14
4. Create a regular study space and stay organized ................................................................................................. 14
5. Eliminate distractions. ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Figure Out How You Learn Best .................................................................................................................................... 15
7. Actively participate in Takrar (repetition through group studies) ................................................................ 16
8. Be effective in your online communication ............................................................................................................ 16
Welcome Message

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا و برکاته‬

Dear Student,

Welcome to our eMahad Family. We want us all to develop a strong connection with Allah , Sunnah
and Quran. To achieve this goal, we strive to provide best in class facilities, qualified faculty and an
easy-to-use online learning system.
May this journey of seeking knowledge become a source of attaining the pleasure of Allah and the
love of Prophet Muhammad for you.

‫جزاكم هللا ر‬

Shaykh Maulana Hafiz Habibullah Ahmad Naqshbandi (‫)دامت برکاتہم‬
About eMahad

Mahad ul-Faqir Al-Islami, Jhang, Pakistan (parent institute of eMahad) founded by Hazrat Shaykh
Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (‫)دامت برکاتہم‬, has been responsible for academic and spiritual development
of thousands of students, who have successfully graduated from the institute over the last 35 years.

There has always been a great demand from people across the globe to study under the tutelage of
Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (‫)دامت برکاتہم‬. eMahad was founded 6 years ago with the vision
to provide an online platform that will not only enable people to study deen along with their day jobs
but will also keep them connected with their Shaykh all from the comfort of their own homes.


eMahad provides a comprehensive online platform to fulfill the following objectives:

❖ To impart knowledge of classical Islamic disciplines through various simplified and well-
structured Ilm programs.
❖ To revive the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed and instill Iklaq-e-hameeda
(highest moral conduct) in students through regular Tarbiyyah sessions (character building
❖ To help students find remedies for spiritual diseases (Tazkiyah) through personalized
guidance and counseling.
❖ To offer Islamic insight on contemporary and lifestyle issues pertinent to men and women
through short courses aimed at making our daily lives compliant with teachings of Shariah and
❖ To instill love of Allah and His Prophet through regular online gatherings promoting
spiritual development and a deep connection with Allah through increased remembrance.

We supplement our course materials with current research in modern sciences and teach using a
modern educational approach, making eMahad distinct in its embrace of tradition and technology.
Patron in-Chief

Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (‫ )دامت برکاتہم‬is one of the leading Shaykh of
Tasawwuf in the present era. Trained as an electrical engineer, he frequently travels across the globe
and has transformed lives of thousands of people. His students come from all walks of like and majority
of them comprise of religious scholars and students of Islamic learning. Furthermore, he has authored
more than 150+ books, many of which have been translated into several languages.

Principal & Founder

Sahabzada Hazrat Maulana Hafiz Shaykh Habibullah Ahmad Naqshbandi (‫ )دامت برکاتہم‬is a hafiz of Quran
and a graduate with an A’alimiyyah degree from Wifaq ul Madaris, Pakistan. He was granted Ijazah and
Khilafa in 2009 to guide people on the path of spiritual development in the discipline of 'Tazkiyah' (Islamic
Spirituality). Recently, he has been bestowed with the honor of being the Deputy of his father and
Shaykh, Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (‫)دامت برکاتہم‬. He is also a published author and frequently visits
and lectures youth across the globe.
Traditional Islamic Learning Program
The Alim Program is principally designed for students who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of Islamic
sciences. At eMahad, students are provided with a holistic approach to education. Whilst, obtaining
their academic degree, students are provided an opportunity to purify their hearts (Tazkiyah) and learn
Islamic etiquettes (Tarbiyah) through online counseling from Mashaikh and Islamic scholars..

Course Curriculum
The Traditional Islamic Learning Program Year 1 course curriculum is:

Subject Course Syllabus Textbooks

Fiqh This module will impart students with basic ▪ Tasheel Behishti Zewar
knowledge regarding legal rulings of ritual (Mufti Abu Lubaba)
purification, salah, zakat, fasting and hajj
through classical Hanafi manuals.

Sarf This module describes the knowledge of finding ▪ Ilm us Sarf part 1 & 2
different variations of any word (the act of
deriving) based on word-forms or patterns.

Nahw This subject is the science of classical Arabic ▪ Ilm un Nahw part 1 & 2
which describes the arrangement of words in
making meaningful sentences and the
determination of grammatical structure in a

Arabic This subject will help students apply the concepts ▪ Lisan Ul Quran 1
of Arabic using simple exercises and enable
students co-relate the concepts of Sarf & Nahw
together in one Arabic Language course.
Class Schedule
Please note that:
❖ Following class schedule is subject to change as per the administrative requirement.
❖ Please note all timings mentioned are according to Pakistan Standard Time
❖ Insha’Allah, all classes will be conducted on

Traditional Islamic Learning Program Urdu - Year 1

Time Saturday Sunday Monday

04:00 PM – 05:00 PM Sarf Sarf Sarf

05:00 PM – 06:00 PM Nahw Nahw Nahw

06:00 PM – 07:00 PM Fiqh Arabic Arabic

Evaluation/Grading Criteria
Please note, following is the distribution of marks (in percentage) over the term:

Criteria % Allocation Remarks

Attendance 15% Either in Person or Recording

Either through chat rooms in live class or Class Discussion

Class Participation 10%
Forums for after class discussions

Midterm Exam 35% 35% of the total marks obtained in Midterms Exams

Final Term Exam 40% 40% of the total marks obtained in Final terms Exams

Total 100% Students final marks will be sum of the above 4 criteria

Passing % 40% Attempting Midterm and Final term is mandatory

In order to pass this diploma program, the student must obtain 40% marks in all subjects. Marks
will be calculated as per the criteria defined above. Taking both midterm and final exams is a
must requirement for successfully completing the course.

Help Desk / Support

If you have any administrative or IT related query or need assistance, kindly email at
How Access Learning Portal

• How to login in my eMahad campus account”?

Login in at

• How to Login & Join Live Class

• How to Login & Join Live Class?

• How to Access Class Recordings?

• How to Mark Attendance?

• How to View & Submit Exam Assignment?
General Guidelines for Students

For Administrative, General or Technical Issues:

Please contact following email/phone number in case of any help needed related to your course

eMahad foundation:
Email: essentials
WhatsApp: +971 55 190 6051

1. Please make sure that you attend the required training sessions, and practice using the student
portal well before classes start.
2. All queries regarding technical issues should be directed towards the above stated contacts.
Any general queries about eMahad, information not directly related to TIL, foundation or any
students seeking counselling/advice must also use above contacts for further action.

Adherence to Sunnah
1. All students of eMahad are expected to fully adhere to Sunnah in all spheres of life.
2. All students should be dressed in appropriate Sunnah clothing with their heads covered and should
be in state of Wuddu when attending the class.

Internet Quality, Video Cameras & Voice Quality

1. Highly quality internet connection is “MUST HAVE”. All students must ensure that they have high
speed/good quality internet connection prior to joining the class.
2. All students are expected to keep their cameras “OFF” during the entire class except when asked
by the teacher to switch it On
3. Students should be in quiet place to be able to fully follow the class discussion.
1. There will be two institute wide exams in a year. Dates for exams has been specified in the
academic calendar.
2. Appearing in both the exams in mandatory for all the students. Those who do not appear in the
mid-term exams will not be allowed to continue with the course.
3. Students can submit either answers either in typed or handwritten format.
4. Exams must either be attempted in English/Arabic/Urdu (depending on the course type). Roman
Urdu is not acceptable.
5. Results will be uploaded on the portal and students will need to check the results on the portal.
6. A student may request rechecking, process for that will be communicated post result
1. Students will be graded in the following areas.
• Attendance
• Class participation
• Mid Term Exams (Mandatory to able to attend Final)
• Final Exams (Mandatory for promotion to next grade)
2. Any student with attendance less than 30% will not be allowed to take exams.
3. Student must attempt the mid term exam, any student who does not appear in mid term exam
will not be allowed to continue with the course.
4. Exams dates will be announced in advance, students are required to take leave from work
accordingly (if required).
5. In case of exceptional cases student may be allowed to take exam at a later date but for that
student has to submit an application explaining the reasons why he can’t attend the exams on
the scheduled dates.

Class WhatsApp Groups:

1. Each class will have a separate WhatsApp group, the purpose of which will be to share
announcements with the students and answer their common questions. Students must adhere to
the following guidelines on the class WhatsApp groups:
a) Posting forwards of any kind, no matter how useful they may seem are not allowed. If a
student considers a forward beneficial for the class, he must send it to the class coordinator,
and if appropriate, the coordinator will post it on the group. Students are not allowed to post
anything on the class group that is not related to the studies or class discussion.
b) Promoting any other course/personality/institute is strictly prohibited. Students must not
share any post related to any course taught by any other institute besides eMahad.
c) Responding to naseehah (advice). Teachers will be sharing various advice with the students,
if you have a question send it directly to the teacher as oppose to posting it on the group.
d) Replying to Salam and Saying Thank you/Jazak Allah. It is not required that all students
should reply to “salam” posted on the group. Even if you reply verbally on your own it will be
counted as reply to “salam”. Similarly ‘Thank you’ and ‘Jazak Allah’ said once counts from
the entire group. It need not be repeated.
e) Contradicting each other or arguing with each other on the group is not permissible. If
students have disagreements, they involve the teachers or the admins present in the group
to seek resolution.
f) Discussing exam answers on the group is not allowed, as exam submission deadlines for some
students may be extended in exceptional circumstances.
2. Class Whatsapp groups are meant to keep students informed about “Admin” related
announcements or answer any relevant student query. Please keep it free from any discussions
so that important announcements are not missed.
3. Student Takrar groups will also be created, and students can have free “Class & Studies” related
discussion in these groups. However, any non-course related posts, forwards, discussions,
arguments must also be avoided on these groups as well.
4. Students are required to ensure that their WhatsApp profile pictures, and status suit their role.
Please do not put-up photographs of people as profile pictures or promote any other
institute/courses in your status.

Tips for Taking Online Classes Effectively

The rules for online learning and classroom learning are virtually the same: You have to study, take
notes, attend classes and participate in discussions. In the classroom, your words, gestures, posture
and facial expressions communicate your thoughts and observations to your classmates and teachers.
But how do you express yourself online, where the written word is all they see?
During your online degree program, you will frequently be asked to participate in online discussions
and will occasionally have to switch on your cameras or mic. Here are some tips and advice that can
help you address this unique challenge and get the most value out of your online program.
1. Treat an online course like a “real” course.
When it comes to online classes, you need to have the discipline to sit down and say, “I am going to
work on this,” as well as the dedication to actually follow through. As a recording student you can
be flexible as to when you choose to go through the class recording and complete your work during
the week, you can’t put it off indefinitely.
One of the easiest ways to ensure follow through is to remember that you are paying to take this
online course, just as you would for a traditional, in-person class. You must “show up” if you’re
going to get real value out of your class. Treat your online classes the same way you would a face-
to-face class—or, better yet, a job—and you’ll be off to the right start.

2. Hold yourself accountable

Set goals at the beginning of the semester and check in with yourself weekly. In a traditional
classroom setting, you’ll often receive verbal or visual reminders of an assignment’s upcoming due
date. But without a teacher actively reminding you, it’s up to you to make sure you’ve allotted
enough time to complete the work so you’re not starting an assignment the day before it’s due.
If you’re having trouble holding yourself responsible, pair up with a fellow classmate, or enlist the
help of a spouse or friend to check in as an accountability partner. By being organized, proactive,
and self-aware, you can get the most from your online class even when life outside of school becomes
chaotic. Above all remember that you are doing this for Allah so seek help from Him to allow you to
be consistent.
3. Practice time management.
The flexibility to create your own schedule is often one of the biggest appeals of taking recording
classes. But that freedom can also be detrimental if you do not have solid time management skills.
Without them, you might easily find yourself lagging and struggling to keep up with the classes.
Though how you manage your time will depend on your schedule, learning style, and personality,
here are some universally valuable tips to help you practice and improve your time management
• Look at the syllabus, exams dates, class holidays and weekly class schedule at the start of
the semester and note them on your calendar. Check regularly so you know what workload
is coming in the weeks ahead. Don’t forget to factor in prior commitments that may interfere
with your regular study schedule, such as weddings or vacations, so you can give yourself
enough extra time to complete class assignments or catch up on class recordings.
• Create a weekly schedule that you follow, designating certain hours each week to reading,
watching lectures, completing assignments, studying, and participating in forums. Commit to
making your online coursework part of your weekly routine and set reminders for yourself to
complete these tasks.
• When working on your assignments, try time-blocking, allotting yourself a certain amount of
time for each task before moving on to the next one and setting a timer to keep you
• Check in periodically throughout the term, and look at how you’re spending your time. Ask
yourself: How much time am I dedicating to course reading and assignments? Am I regularly
underestimating the time it’s taking me to get things done, forcing me to cram the nights
before the exams? A little self-reflection and adjustment can go a long way.

4. Create a regular study space and stay organized

Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying. By completing your work there repeatedly,
you’ll begin to establish a routine. Whether your workspace is your kitchen table, a library, or the
corner in your bedroom, it’s important to determine what type of environment will work best for
you. Experiment to discover which type of setting boosts your productivity. Wherever you choose,
make sure there’s high-speed internet access so you’re not trying to take an online course over a
lagging connection.
Setting up a regular workspace or office will also help you to stay organized. Knowing exactly where
important dates, files, forms, syllabi, books, and assignments live will help keep you on track towards
hitting your goals. When setting up your study space, make sure you:
• Have a high-speed internet connection
• Have the required books, materials, and software for the course
• Have headphones for listening to lectures or discussions (especially important in shared

5. Eliminate distractions.

From WhatsApp to all other social media to dishes piling up in the skink, you’ll be faced with many
distractions that can easily derail your studies. The best online students know how to lessen these
distractions and set aside time to focus.
Exactly how much of a challenge these distractions will prove to be will depend on your own unique
personality and situation. Some might find that they can tune out a noisy home by putting on
headphones. Others might choose to work from a local masjid or library to eliminate their urge to
multitask at home. Ultimately, you will need to find a strategy that works best for you.
Regardless of where you choose to work, consider turning your cell phone off to avoid losing focus
every time a text message or notification pops up. And if you’re still having trouble resisting the
temptation to check your email or surf the web, try downloading a website blocker. Using
applications like Cold Turkey and Freedom can help eliminate distractions by blocking the apps or
websites that tend to compete for your attention, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

6. Figure Out How You Learn Best

Once you’ve established where you’ll learn, think about when and how you accomplish your best
work. If you’re a morning person, make time to study first thing. More of a night owl? Set aside an
hour or two after dinner to cozy up to your computer. If the kids require your morning and evening
attention, try to carve out a study session mid-day while they’re at school. Best practice is that you
offer two rakkah nafal make dua that Allah please make learning this ilm of your deen easy for me
and then start studying. You will find that you will learn a lot in little time due to barakat of this
Not everyone learns the same way, so think about what types of information help you best grasp
new concepts and employ relevant study strategies. If you’re a visual learner, for example, print out
transcripts of the lectures to review. Learn best by listening? Make sure to build time into your
schedule to play and replay all audio- and video-based course content.
7. Actively participate in Takrar (repetition through group studies)

Participate in the course’s online forum to

help you better understand course materials
and engage with fellow classmates. This might
involve commenting on a classmate’s response
on a discussion board or posting a question
about a assignment you’re working on. Read
what other students and your professor are
saying, and if you have a question, ask for

Participate actively in the class Takrar groups.

Takrar (Group Study through Repetition) is an Arabic word meaning to repeat or to reiterate. Its aim
is to improve our learning and retention by repeating our lessons every week. Studies show that most
students only remember about 10% of what they read from textbooks, but retain nearly 90% of what
they learn through teaching others, in other words, doing group study. Make sure you are checking
in as often as you can and participate actively in these takrar sessions. The flexibility of online
learning means that if you have 30 minutes before dinner plans, you could squeeze in a discussion
response around your schedule. Set a goal to check in on the class discussion threads every day.
And if you do feel yourself falling behind, speak up. Don’t wait until an assignment is almost due to
ask questions or report issues. Ask your teacher/coordinator/fellow students and be proactive in
asking for help.

8. Be effective in your online communication

Effective communication is key to success in online education, here are some tips for ensuring that
you communicate politely and effectively in your online classes, forums and social groups.

1. Make sure identification is clear in all communications. Join the class with appropriate
username (First Name, Last Name). Similarly, clearly mention your name, your class and
subject on all assignments, exams and other submissions.
2. Review what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively. When we speak face to face
and are misunderstood, we have an on-the-spot opportunity to rephrase our words. In writing,
we must strive twice as hard to be understood, as we do not have the benefit of modifying
or elaborating in real time. All caps (“I’M SHOUTING”) and exclamation points (“Give me a
break!!!”) can be misinterpreted as intense anger or humor without the appropriate context.
Please avoid writing in this manner, be it in class, forums or WhatsApp groups.
3. Avoid talking over. Just as you will not talk over someone when he is speaking. You should
not write comments, suggestions, and unrelated questions when the teacher is speaking in
the class. Such untimely comments come across as you are talking over your teacher and goes
against the etiquettes of the class.
4. Saying Salam and asking to leave for prayer. When you enter the class late and the
teacher has already started the lecture then just join the session quietly, now is not the
time to say “Assalam u Alikum” as it will disrupt the follow of the class.
Similarly, if it is prayer time at the place where you are based then quietly leave the class,
offer your prayer and join the class back without having to announce it to the rest of the
class. Remember, students from all over the world join the class and while it might be
prayer time at your location it may not be the case for the rest of the students.
5. If you wouldn’t say it face to face, don’t say it online. When you’re working online,
you’re safe behind a screen, but that’s no excuse to be ill-mannered or say things you
would never say in public.
6. Don’t assume everyone understands where you’re coming from. Sarcasm and wit is often
the spice of in-person conversation, but in online discussion, it can not only lose its edge, it
can bite! In your school classroom, all students were the same age, came from similar
backgrounds and probably lived in the same area. In contrast, your online classroom is made
up of people of all ages and cultures who have varied backgrounds, lifestyles and geographic
locations. With this in mind, review what you wrote before contributing to the conversation
and ask yourself, “Will everyone get the joke?”
7. Don’t spam. Please don’t take advantage of your connection with the other students in
your online classroom to forward emails and links regarding your political/spiritual beliefs
or to sell your services.
8. Use emoticons. In casual chatroom settings, emoticons can help convey feelings that may
otherwise get lost in translation, including humor, exasperation, exhaustion and even
9. Respect others’ privacy. Don’t give out another student’s personal email address without
10. Remember, if it’s on the internet, it’s everywhere. Don’t share personal information about
yourself in a public online forum, especially something that could put your safety or security
at risk.
11. Follow the rules. Just as your online college posts guidelines related to academic integrity
and student expectations, online forums also have rules of conduct. Make a point to read
them every time, as they can vary from class to class.
12. Forgive and forget. If you’re offended by something another student says online, keep in
mind that you may have misunderstood their intentions. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

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