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Chaos, an interesting word, meaning complete disorder, confusion, disarray, mayhem, bedlam,

pandemonium, havoc, turmoil, upheaval… maelstrom. That about covers it, he thought, fully soured to
life. Was it even possible to undo the chaos he had caused? A couple of weeks ago Aaron found this
poem (at least it seemed to be a poem, although it didn’t rhyme) scrawled with a sharpie on the wall of
one of the boy’s restrooms at school. He had no idea who had written it, but every day for a week he
read it. Then the maintenance crew painted over it. For some reason those words struck him deep. Now,
like an annoying song that gets stuck in your head, it continued to replay over and over. The poem went
like this: I have become chaos, The destroyer of all I love. Where oh God is the nothingness In which I
can hide? Where oh God is thy judgment That will surely come? Where oh God is the death That will end
my pain? That night Aaron found himself sitting at the bo

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