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Blosensors: Applications for Dairy Food Industry

Silliker Laboratories
Columbus, OH 43212

ABSTRACT many ways. Two of the most commonly used

definitions of biosensor are given:
Biosensors are defined as indicators
of biological compounds that can be as
1. A biosensor may be a device or instru-
simple as temperature-sensitive paint or ment comprising a biological sensing
as complex as DNA-RNA probes. Food element coupled to a transducer (15). Us-
microbiologists are constantly seeking ing this definition, examples of biologi-
rapid and reliable automated systems for cal sensing elements might include en-
the detection of biological activity. Bio- zymes, organelles, antibodies, whole
sensors provide sensitive, miniaturized cells, DNA, and tissue. Transducers
systems that can be used to detect un- might include those that are electrochem-
wanted microbial activity or the presence ical, calorimetric, optical, acoustical, or
of a biologically active compound, such mechanical.
as glucose or a pesticide. Immunodiag- 2. A biosensor may be a self-contained ana-
nostics and enzyme biosensors are two lytical system that responds directly and
of the leading technologies that have had selectively to biologically important spe-
the greatest impact on the food industry. cies (5, 10); that is, a device or system
The use of these two systems has that detects a biological event.
reduced the time for detection of patho-
gens such as Salmonella to 24 h and has Clearly, the term biosensor is used in di-
provided detection of biological com- verse ways, but, generally, a biosensor should
pounds such as cholesterol or chymo- respond selectively, continuously, rapidly, spe-
trypsin. The continued development of cifically, and ideally without added reagent to
biosensor technology will soon make biological events. The biosensor does not need
available "on-line quality control" of to be an integral part of the transducer. En-
food production, which will not only re- zyme biosensors may respond as quickly as 30
duce cost of food production but will s, but 15 min is acceptable for immunosensors.
also provide greater safety and increased In order to define biosensors for use in the
food industry, the types of biological events
food quality.
that might be acceptable for biosensor meas-
(Key words: biosensor, methods,
urement need to be known (5).
microbiology, industrial application)
Food microbiology has changed little in the
Abbreviation key: EIA = enzyme imunoas- past 30 yr. The standard plate count, using
say. agar-based media in a Petri dish, remains one
of the principle tests used to determine
microbiological quality of food. Recent contri-
butions to science have brought about unique
The science of biosensors is a multidiscipli- microbiological and chemical food testing
nary area for which sharp delineation does not methodologies. These include advances in
exist (3, 5). A biosensor may be defined in genetic engineering (probe production, assay
development, and amplification polymerase
chain reaction), advances in immunology
(monoclonal antibodies, antibody purification,
immunoassays), electrochemical methods (con-
Received August 19, 1992. ductance and impedance), and chemilumines-
Accepted May 19. 1993. cence. All of these methods have the same

1993 J Dairy Sci 76:3114-3117 3114

objective: to reduce the time required for the of pairing of complementary base recognition,
detection of a biological event. detection and identification are possible. This
hybridization is usually visualized through
TYPES OF BIOSENSORS color development combining enzyme im-
munoassay (EIA) technology with the biosys-
tem. Commercially, biosensing nucleic acid
Indicator Organisms
probes exist for the detection of Salmonella.
Indicator organisms are 1) microorganisms Listeria. Escherichia coli. and Staphylococcus
or their metabolic products that may indicate aureus.
the presence of a pathogen or harmful toxin
(Escherichia coli fecal coliforms, enterococci, EIA
staphylococci, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa); or
2) the possibility that faulty practices occurred Microorganisms are often characterized and
during production, processing, storage, and identified by the presence of unique protein-
distribution (coliform bacteria, Enterobacteria- carbohydrate markers (antigens) located within
ceae, or total Gram-negative bacteria); or 3) the the body or the flagella of the cell. Detection
suitability of a food or ingredient for a desired of these unique antigens has been a corner-
purpose (11). stone of diagnostic microbiology for many
Indicator organisms are used when routine years. In recent years, EIA using monoclonal
testing for a multiplicity of pathogens is im- antibodies have made available rapid and con-
practical. For some pathogens, reliable sistent microbiological detection systems. The
methods are not yet available, making the use most widely used systems employ a sandwich
of indicator systems the only way to detect the technique using antibody attached to a polysty-
potential contamination. Indicator systems are rene matrix to which the sample is added.
generally simple to use and economical to use Postincubation, a second antibody, which is
frequently. specific for the organism and has been tagged
Some problems with the reliability of indi- with an enzyme, is added. The addition of
cator systems stem from the lack of correlation enzyme substrate to the mixture completes the
between pathogens and indicator systems. In EIA. The presence of the specific organism
some instances, the indicator organism may be results in a colorimetric change in the enzyme
part of the normal microbial flora of the food. substrate, which may be observed visually or
Finally, the indicator organism may grow in with a spectrophotometer. Most EIA are very
the food, which results in the loss of quantita- specific but lack sensitivity. Normal sensitivity
tive significance. The problems caused by use is in the range of 106 organisms/mi.
of indicator organisms as indicators of patho-
gens are shown in research describing the Conductance
results from microbiological analysis of dried
food samples (14). Of the 5837 samples ana- When microorganisms metabolize un-
lyzed, 1943 contained fecal coliforms, 53 con- charged substrates, such as carbohydrates. to
tained Salmonella but no fecal coliforms, and intermediates, such as lactic acid, the conduc-
only 47 contained both Salmonella and fecal tivity of the medium changes. This change is
coliforms (14). measurable by detection of small changes in
the conductivity of the medium between two
electrodes. The amount of charged metabolites
Nucleic Acid Probes
is directly proportional to the growth rate of
In recent years, DNA and RNA probes have the organism and is easily quantifiable. An
become accepted systems of microorganism adaptation to this technique employs an in-
detection. 1be principle of selective detection direct measurement of a microbial metabolite,
is based on the detection of a unique sequence C~. When yeast grows, one by-product is
of nucleic acid bases through hybridization. A C~. If an electrode is submerged in a base,
DNA probe is added to DNA or RNA from an such as potassium hydroxide, the absorption of
unknown sample. If the probe hybridizes (com- C~ by the base will change the conductance.
bines) with the unknown nucleic acid because 1be amount of change is proportional to the

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 10. 1993


amount of C02 produced by the yeast, which trochemical sensors employ the biological
is proportional to the number of yeast cells or membrane or immobilized enzyme directly on
to the rate of growth of the yeast in the sample. a transistor gate (12). As the enzyme catalyzes
a biological reaction, a conductive by-product
Bioluminescence is produced, creating current flow across the
gate. Optoelectric sensors use light-emitting
Chemiluminescence is the measurement of diodes and biological chemicals attached to
light emitted from a chemical reaction. When fiber optic filaments (12, 13). Recently, the
caused by biological enzymatically catalyzed luciferase gene has been genetically transferred
reaction, this chemical reaction is often re- to biological species, such as phage, that act as
ferred to as bioluminescence. One example of a biological detector for the detection of
a biosensor system utilizing chemilumines- specific bacteria. By immobilization of phage
cence is the luciferase system. In this system, containing the luciferase gene to an optoelec-
ATP from viable microorganisms is detected tric biosensor, specific bacteria may be de-
and quantified by addition of the sample to the tected. Most biological reactions are exother-
cofactor luciferin and the enzyme luciferase: mic. A calorimetric biosensor, the thermal
enzyme probe (rEP), employs an enzyme im-
luciferin + luciferase + ATP mobilized onto a thermistor (6).
-+ AMP + light + C02.
This biosensor is capable of detecting bacteria
in the range of I ()4 cellslml in only a few The high degree of specificity in antigen-
minutes. antibody reactions is attractive in the develop-
ment of biosensors. Although the use of
antigen-antibody complex specificity may be
Enzyme Sensors
utilized in all types of sensors, recent technol-
Enzyme sensors fall into various classes, ogy has been developed that utilizes mass
including those that are potentiometric, am- changes on a piezoelectric crystal to measure
perometric, electrochemical, optoelectric, this specific biological activity (1, 9). The
calorimetric, and piezoelectric. Basically, all change in mass that is due to the binding of
enzyme sensors work by immobilization of the biological material, such as antigen to anti-
enzyme system onto a transducer. As the sen- body, will change the frequency of vibration of
sor comes in contact with the substrate, the the crystal. This change of vibration may then
resultant by-product of the enzymatic reaction be converted to an electrical signal by the
produces an electric signal, which is measured crystal. A rapid Salmonella detection system
by the transducer. Potentiometric sensors are utilizing this technology may soon be availa-
the simplest form, composed of an ion- ble.
selective electrode (lSE) in conjunction with a
biological element surrounded by a membrane Microbial Sensors
(8, 12). Caras and Jamata (4) have developed Microbial sensors are defined as microor-
an enzyme-based biosensor using penicillinase ganisms that are associated with a transducer.
immobilized onto the surface of a pH-sensitive Electrochemical microbial sensors usually de-
transistor. The biosensor is reported to be able tect respiratory activity of the microorganisms.
to detect penicillin in milk as it flows from Given a sample with an unknown concentra-
truck to dairy. Amperometric sensors measure tion of substrate, this type of biosensor meas-
current such as the common glucose oxidase ures the activity of the microorganism within
system (2, 12), which is based on the en- the sensor, thus measuring indirectly the sub-
zymatic reaction: strate concentration. An example of a
microbial biosensor is the ammonia gas sensor
glucose + oxygen + glucose oxidase (1). This sensor uses nitrifying bacteria as the
-+ H202 + gluconate. detector immobilized on an oxygen electrode.
As the bacteria oxidize the ammonia, oxygen
The biosensor can measure either the decrease is consumed in direct proportion to the amount
in oxygen or the accumulation of H202. Elec- of ammonia substrate.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76. No. 10, 1993

CONCLUSIONS 6 Danielsson, B. 1991. Enzyme thennistor devices. Page
83 ill Biosensor Principles and Applications. L. I.
Although biosensor research has sporadi- Blum and P. R. Coulet, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
cally appeared in literature for two decades, York, NY.
few biosensors are commercially available. 7 Karube, I., and M. E. Sang Mok Chang. 1991.
Microbial biosc:nsors. Page 267 ill Biosensor Princi-
Major drawbacks include the delicate nature of ples and Applications. L. I. Blum and P. R. Coulet, ed.
the biological component and the miniaturiza- Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
tion of the electrical components. As electronic 8 Kauffmann. I. M., and G. G. Guilbault. 1991. Poten-
innovation continues to deliver smaller and tiometric enzyme electrodes. Page 63 in Biosensor
Principles and Applications. L. I. Blum and P. R.
more reliable electronic circuitry and as biol- Coulet, ed. Marocl Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
ogy continues to develop the unique under- 9 Luong, I.H.T.• and G. G. Guilbault. 1991. Analytical
standing of enzyme and microbial genetics, the applications of piezoelectric crystal biosensors. Page
future will deliver reliable biosensors for the 107 ill Biosensor Principles and Applications. L. I.
detection of biological events on-line. The Blum and P. R. Coulet, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, NY.
food industry will benefit from these develop- 10 Mullen, W. H., and P. M. Vadgama. 1986. Microbial
ments in the rapid detection of microorganisms enzymes in biosensors. I. Appl. Bacteriol. 61:181.
and discrete biological components. 11 National Research Council, Food Protection Commit-
tee, Subcommittee on Microbiological Criteria. 1985.
An evaluation of the role of microbiological criteria
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Iournal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 10, 1993

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