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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researches

Kirkuk University
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Turbidity of water

Experiment No.: - 1
Group name: - A

Group members: -
Bashdar Azad Abdurahman
Bakhan Nashaat Zamn
Layan Nawzad kaka Xan
Mhamad Araz Fazl
Eman Muhamad Abdulla

Date of expiration:10/7/2021
Date of report:17/1/2021
Definition: Turbidity is an optical property that results when the light passes
through a liquid Sample and scattered The scattering of light results in a change in
the direction of the light passing through the liquid. This is most often caused
when the light Strikes Particles in the Sakition such as soil Particles, Sand, day,
Organic and inorganic particles and Scatted backward sideways and forward.
-Purpose of test:
The Purpose of this test is to measure the
turbidity of water.
Tools and equipment:
Methods of tests -
1- Jackson method used for water that have turbidity
25 - 1000 unit, the unit is a The
2 Secchi dish method this method is used to measure the permeability of light in
water. Blach and while Secchi desk (with diameter 30 cm) is located in to the
water until it can no longer can be seen, then it raised until it can be seen again.
The average of the two distances is known as secchi depth
3. Nephleometric method: is a method of measuring.

Causes of turbidity:
1. Suspended solid material as soil particles, sand, clay, organic and
inorganic materials.
2. Bacteria or microorganism in water.
3. Movement of sedimentations with water that have high concentrations of
Scattered light in water at 50 to the light, this method is depending on comparing
light intensity Scattered by the Sample and light intensity Scattered by Standard
Solutions for mazine polymer Suspended to measure turbidity. The Unit of
measurement is nephleometric turbielity unit (NTU for FNU).
Measurement methods:
1. Jackson method: The alternatively used Jackson Candle method (units: Jackson
Turbidity Unit or JTU) is essentially the inverse measure of the length of a column
of water needed to completely obscure a candle flame viewed through it. The
more water needed (the longer the water column), the clearer the water.
2.secchi disk method: A Secchi disk is an 8-inch diameter disk with alternating
black and white quadrants that is lowered into the water column until it can no
longer be seen from the surface. ... Water samples can be poured into the tube
and the clarity of the bottom disk can be used to reveal turbidity.
3.nephometric method: The units of turbidity from a calibrated nephelometer are
called Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). To some extent, how much light
reflects for a given amount of particulates is dependent upon properties of the
particles like their shape, color, and reflectivity.
calculation and Results:
First sample:7.17 FNU
Second sample :41.6 FNU
Third sample:94.4 FNU
Fourth sample:258 FNU
Suit water:0.17 FNU

Iraqi standard:
Turbidity of water drainable less than 5
W H O standard:
Turbidity of water drainable more than 5
In this Test the turbidity of water founded for two Samples of water by the meter
device The third Sample was fresh water and its turbidity equal to (94.4 FNU) that
it is more than 5. fNU) so its rasuin the standard and Not ok.

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