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Most Holy Trinity • B

Prayer of Preparation Psalm Reflection

O Great Mystery, The verses of Psalm 33 you sing today express the
from one end of the sky to the other, trust we can have in God whose word is true, whose
from the heavens above to the earth below, works are reliable, whose kindness is granted to all
your presence and your power cannot be who hope. In love, God created humankind, took
contained. Israel as a chosen people (first reading), and adopted
I trust in the truth that comes from you alone. us as children (second reading). This is the unheard
Send me to bear witness to your kinship, of mystery we must know and fix in our hearts (first
and keep me ever mindful reading). This is the mystery we must make known
that I and all who sing with me to all nations by drawing them to the Triune God
are your blessed, chosen, and beloved people. (gospel). As you sing the responsorial psalm refrain,
remember that you yourself have been chosen to be
Amen. God’s own. Remember that those to whom you sing
are God’s chosen. Remember that God desires all
peoples to know they are divinely chosen. How might
this awareness affect your singing of the psalm?

Trinity Sunday B
Psalm 33:4–5, 6 and 9, 18–19, 20 and 22
The Revised
Psalm 33 Grail Psalms DH

Flowing q = 112-116
Gm7/B b
Descant F
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The English translation of the Psalm Response, the Alleluia, and Gospel Verse, from the Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Canticle Verses from New American Bible Copyright © 1970, 1997, 1998,
Lord has
Confraternitycho - sen
of Christian to WashingtonbeDC. All Rights Reserved.
Doctrine, Inc., his own.

Prayer of Preparation, Psalm Reflection, Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful), and Music

opyri ht , y Pu lications, nc , Mason ve , hica o,
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iamusic com ll Ri hts Reserved Printed in U
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Reproduction of this publication without permission of the publisher is a violation of the U.S. Code of Law
for which the responsible individual or institution is subject to criminal prosecution. No one is exempt.
Lord has cho - sen to be his own.
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& # œ œ œ œ œ œ .
Lord has cho - sen to be his own.

& # œ œ œ œ œ .
Lord has cho - sen to be his own.

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F #m A/C #
Verses Bm G D
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v œ ( œ) œ
1. The word of the LORD is faithful, and all his works to be trusted. The
2. By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, by the breath of his mouth all their host. He
3. Yes, the LORD’s eyes are on those who fear him, who hope in his merci - ful love, to
4. Our soul is waiting for the LORD. He is our help and our shield. May your

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F #m Gm/B b
# # Bm
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1. LORD loves justice and right, and his merciful love lls the earth.
2. spoke and it came to be. He com - manded; it stood in place.
3. rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in fam - ine.
4. merciful love be up - on us, as we hope in you, O LORD.

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