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Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time • B

Prayer of Preparation Psalm Reflection

Nourished by your Holy One, O God, For the third Sunday in a row we sing “Taste and
you ask us to take a stand see the goodness of the Lord” (psalm refrain). In
and to choose who we will follow and believe. the context of this week’s first reading and gospel,
In Christ you have revealed the fullness of your however, we learn that to taste and see the goodness
love, of God requires a choice that will affect the entire
and with your Spirit’s breath direction of our lives. The Israelites confronted by
you strengthen our resolve and conviction. Joshua chose to maintain their allegiance to God,
With a resounding anthem and pledge, but many of Jesus’ disciples walked away from him,
let me seal my commitment to follow and serve! unable to believe. This Sunday calls us to decide: Do
we believe the words of Jesus? Will we “taste and see”
Amen. who he is? Will we choose to become like the One
whom we consume, and continue to walk with him?

21st Sunday OT B
Psalm 34:2–3, 16–17, 18–19, 20–21
34 Grail Psalms KH

Not too fast, savored q = 66


Eb E b/D A bADD9/E b Fm/B b A bmaj 7/C A b/B b Eb

Capo 3: ( C) ( C/B ) ( F ADD9/C ) ( Dm/G ) ( Fmaj 7/A) ( F/G ) ( C)

b F
& b b 44 œ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ
œ. œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ
Taste and see the good - ness of the Lord.

? b b 44 œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ œœ
b œ œ œ
Taste and see the good - ness of the Lord.

& b b 44 œj œ œ
j œ œ œ
œ œœ œœ œ œœ
œ œ œ
? b b 44 œ œ
œ œ œœ œ œ œœ
b œ œ œ

Eb A bADD9/E b B bSUS4
( C) ( F ADD9/C ) (Dm7 ) ( G SUS4 )
& b b (œ ) v v
v œ œ)
(œ) (œ)
1. Thebless
I will English
of theatPsalm Response, the Alleluia, and Gospel praise
all times; Verse, from the Lectionary
of him is always for
in Mass
my mouth.
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
2. The LORD turns his eyes to the just, and his ears are open to
Psalm Verses Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc. their cry. The
3. When thePrayer
just cry out the L ORD hears, and rescues them in all their
of Preparation, Psalm Reflection, Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful), and Music dis - tress. The
4. Many are the opyri ht trials, of y thePujust
man, nc , butMason
, hicaall o,
the LORD will rescue him.

b j
iamusic com ll Ri hts Reserved Printed in U

& b b (œ ) v j j
Reproduction of this publication without permission of the publisher is a violation of the U.S. Code of Law
vv vv
for which the responsible individual or institution is subject to criminal prosecution. No one is exempt.

198 œ œœ œ œœ
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? b bb b 44 œj œ j œ œ œœ œ œœ œœ œœ
bb 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ
? b b 44 œ œ
œ œ œœ œ œ œœ
œ œ œ
Eb A bADD9/E b B bSUS4
( C) ( F ADD9/C ) (Dm7 ) ( G SUS4 )
& b b (œ ) v v
v œ œ)
Verses ( œ ) ( œ ) (Dm7 ) (

b bless the bADD9/E b bSUS4

( C) ( F ADD9/C ) ( G SUS4 )
1. IEwill LORD at all A times; praise
Fm 7 of him is always in my mouth.
&bb vout the
2. The LORD turns his eyes to the just, and his ears are open to their cry. The
3. ( œ ) vWhen the just cry vrescues them in all their œ œ
4. Many are the trials of œ just man, ( œ ) (and
LORD hears,
the œ ) from them all the LORD
- tress.
rescue him.
( )

b j
1. I will bless the LORD at all times; praise of him is always in my mouth.

2. The
3. ( œ )
LORD turns his
vWhen the just cry vvout the
eyes to the
just, and his ears are open to
vv j
their cry. The

4. Many are the trials of œ just œman,

LORD hears,
the œ
and rescues them in all their
but from them all the LORD
- tress.
rescue him.

bb bb bb ( œj) vv
v v v œ
& vv j œœ vv j
œ œœ v œ œœ
v v v œ
? bb v v œœ v
b ( Am/E )
E bmaj 7 E b6/G B b D.C.
(Cmaj 7 ) (C 6/E ) (Dm) ( G)
b 2 44
Cm/G Fm
&bb v ( œ) œ v v œ 4
bmaj 7 b6/G shall Fm B b D.C.
( Am/E ) (Cmaj 7 ) (C 6/E ) (Dm) ( G)
b 24 44
In the LORD my soul shall make its Eboast;
1.Cm/G the Ehumble hear and be glad.

&bb v is crushed vhe

2. LORD turns his face against the wicked to de - stroy their re - membrance from the earth.
vORD is close to the broken - hearted; those
3. L
(œ) œ
whose spirit œ
will save.
4. He will keep guard over all his bones; not one of his bones shall be broken.

b j 2 44
1. In the LORD my soul shall make its boast; the humble shall hear and be glad.

&bb œœ those whose spirit is crushed vhe 4

2. LORD turns his face against the wicked to de - stroy their re - membrance from the earth.
vvORD is close to the broken - hearted;
3. L
(œ) œ vone of his œ
will save.
4. He will keep guard over all his bones; not bones shall be broken.
œ. j 2
bb bb b vvv œ 4
v v vv v
& œœ . vv œ 4 œœ 4
b ( œ) œ v
v œ. v vv v
? b v œ. v 24 œ œ œ 44

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