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passion for2 reading, "he sighed. 1

just wish she shared my
Enter your text here. Enter your
must write to cousin Bessie. I
seemed peaceful.
text here. Enter your text here.
pen and the sheets of paper. "I
Everything deck. the on work

Enter your text here. Enter your

sat looking at his ink well, the quill
mops and buckets and began to

text here. Enter your text here.

Stevenson and J. K. Rowling. He
mast. The men picked up their

Enter your text here. Enter your

the flag. It fluttered high up on the
such as Charles Dickens, Robert L.
you and me). A light breeze caught
txt here.
table beside him. He had authors

Fiona Aufranc
up the Jolly Roger (a pirate flag to
some of his favorite books on the
heaving on the ropes and pulling
Dan. He was in his cabin and had
were men The White. Willie
Below the decks sat Dangerous
the usual crew plus the First Mate,
headed out to sea. On board were
clipper majestic the as water,
morning; the sun glistened on the
through the waves. It was a quiet
The Silver Moon, plowed swiftly

"I've tried all sorts of books!! I've

Bessie was a very attractive and very
sent her subjects about jungles,
animals, deserts, oceans and
professional pirate. She made sure
space!! Nothing seems to interest that no one was hurt or killed when
my darling cousin!!" he paced his she boarded and raided the many
small cabin, muttering under his ships that sailed the "high seas". She
breath. "All she likes are those was very fashionable too and always
stupid computer games or dressing wore the very best leather boots and

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up in her jewels!!" It was true that lace up vests. Her hair was long and "I have it!! The perfect book for
his cousin was very beautiful and silky and she kept it well brushed. She my cousin!!" he yelled, dancing
that wherever she sailed, other even wore make-up which Dangerous around his cabin. "Yes, this book
pirates fell in love with her. When Dan didn't approve of at all. "Bessie will surely get her reading as it's
she attacked ships, she took their must read something or she will end about something that she likes!! He
preciious gems such as diamonds,
up being boring and be just like that laughed loudly and the men smiled.
emeralds and rubies. They did look
rascal, Ignoramus!!" he banged his Can you guess what the book was?
splendid on her .
hand on his desk. His men peered I'm sure you can!!
down into the darkness.
3 4 5 6

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