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Management of waste has been one of the most pressing

issues in the society as of late. The rise in population and
rapid urbanisation has risen the demand for proper
disposal of waste. With the rapid change in infrastructure
of the city , the issue has been kept on hold and
unattended for way too long. People are forced to throw
out garbage on designated spots on the road or
sometimes ,at random locations. Improper disposal of
waste not only tarnishes the appearance of our habitats,
but also lead to much serious health and environmental
The contents of household wastes may range from
regular food remnants, plastic packaging to diapers and
other hygiene product wastes. These, if left without
proper disposal, become breeding ground for various
types of bacteria and disease carriers. Pedestrians can
carry these with them and face health issues , stray
animals feed on them, oblivious of the painful death that
awaits them. Some of the contents do not even decay and
continue to accumulate in the soil , degrading the

This gives us more reason to practice and invest in

more effective ways of waste disposal. Biodegradable
food wastes can be dealt with at home and be turned
into compost using compost pipes or be turned into
biogas . However , the government needs to bring in a
system to collect and recycle plastic, non degradable
wastes . weekly patrols can be arranged for collecting
plastic wastes and taking them to recycling facilities .
The government can endorse a waste disposal protocol
on local levels and have strict rules guarding them. If
people are made aware of the consequences , they may
feel more obliged to follow the rules. The government
can also lend their ears to the general public for creative
solutions and support related start-ups. Perhaps , the
most important of them all, ways to generate less waste
should be thought of. Reducing the amount of plastics
and other non-biodegradable materials in our day to
day life is important. As a society , we are to seriously
think of the consequences our actions have on the world
and generations that come ahead.

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