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Reviewing Critical Di

scourse Analysis (CDA) Studies:

Ideas from Chinese
Zhan Li Xia b
and Budianto Hamuddin
Applied Linguistic Center, Universitas Lancang Kuning


This research discusses the Critical Discourse Analysis study which is used as a scholarship study. Critical
Discourse Analysis Research. Within a short period of time, the scholars demonstrated their ability in
critical discourse analysis by publishing numerous papers since then. Recent research has shown that
CDA has been applied in investigations of various discussion contexts to reveal social realities, with a
focus on the relationship between discourse, power and ideology.

Critical Discourse Analysis is formally measured as a division of DA and also conventionally by linguistic
studies. Teun Van Dijk says, from a critical point of view, some ideologies are "better" than others when
social projects involve striving for equality. In Critical Discourse Analysis, critical must be understood in
addition to discourse because it is closely related to ideology. Critical Discourse Analysis interprets
dialogue as ideology because dialogue is used to characterize systems of attention, showing in language
that groups and people practice to see themselves, bypass information filters, and understand the
meaning of some ideological-expanding cooperation.

Claims with Critical Discourse Analysis, no matter whether an ideology is good or bad, it depends on
whether it helps someone to think positively and set goals in other ways or improve their abilities, they
can change for the better with a good or bad ideology. But if he cannot accept other people's bad
ideology and he feels hopeless then stop to get more because other people are critical depending on his
opinion, it means he is successful because he cannot accept other people's negative and selfish
Discourse analysis focuses more on the study of texts, theories, stylistics and others like that. However,
critical discourse analysis is focused on the relationship between language and varieties of social life,
interference, and efforts to show the strength of ideology and text in speaking and the meaning of social
interaction and social structure are two factors that are emphasized by critical analysis. . Proposing
alternatives is also part of being «critical». Linguistics since 1991 years.

Ruth Wodak is an expert professor of applications

His research mainly lies in Discourse Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis.

Apart from Ruth Wodak, there are also experts

Critical Discourse Analysis, Teun A. Introducing critical linguistics in 1995. Since then, academic research
has attracted a lot of attention in linguistic circles, and many accomplishments have been achieved.

The CDA study in China began in

1995 when Chen introduced critical linguistics. In China, Lan and Wang, reviewing the CDA study from
June to December, they analyzed all research articles related to eleven linguistic articles, and they made
their findings and findings.

This study of English discourse and studies of Chinese discourse and news report appeared in the
number one newspapers in New York, The New York Times and China Dail but unfortunately there were
no scholars in

Chinese scholars still have weaknesses even though they have great achievements in CDA studies, the
first reason is that the point and lining of CDA Studies in other countries, especially America, is
comprehensive on ideology, research on racism, analysis of political discourse, studies of migrants,
research on media and language, bureaucratic discourse, discourse on social life, institutional studies
and others.

CDA study materials at home are too incomplete and late for scholars, because when the other world
has to walk half way to study.
Therefore, Fairclough argues that critical analytical studies can support social progress and there are
reasons domestic scholars need to activate CDA study tools on the discourse of social life to explore the
relationship between discourse and society. Yuan, showed the public that political discourse CDA is
intended to find out more about the social function of discourse studies and socio-cultural factors. Jiang,
extracted far-reaching sources on the principles and power of the language of connection by analyzing
English news and sharing international media that was flooded with subjective English news and the
world under the ideology of an enemy's control audience.

Judging from the progress of China's inclusive economy and the speed of globalization in recent years,
western media groups have begun to penetrate the domestic market

As a result, Chinese readers need to increase their responsiveness to the power of ideology and the
power of relations.

Second, the discovery of Language and Control

In order to achieve the three of the applied study plans above, Xin in 1997 conducted a research study
on English discourse by looking at various aspects including concentration, transformation, classification
of the character ideology that was maintained in the studyg .

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