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Milestone of fetal growth and development

End of 4th gestational week

 Length of embryo about 0.75 cm

 Weight = about 400 mg
 Spinal cord is formed and fused at the midpoint
 Head is large in proportion and represents about 1/3 of the entire structure
 Rudimentary heart appears as a prominent bulge on anterior surface
 Arms and legs are bud-like structures
 Rudimentary eyes, ears, and nose are discernible

End of 8th gestational week

 Length of fetus is about 2.5 cm (1 in.)

 Weight = about 20 g
 Organogenesis is complete
 Heart with a septum and valves, beats rhythmically
 Facial features are definitely discernible
 Arms and legs have developed
 External genitalia are forming
 Sex is not yet distinguishable by simple observation
 Abdomen bulges forward because fetal intestine is growing so rapidly
 Sonogram shows a gestational sac, which is diagnostic of pregnancy

End of 12th gestational week

 Length of fetus is 7 to 8 cm
 Weight = about 45 g
 Nail beds are forming on fingers and toes
 Spontaneous movements are possible, though they are usually to faint to be felt by the mother
 Some reflexes (e.g., Babinski reflex) are present
 Bone ossification center begin to form
 Tooth buds are present
 Sex is distinguishable on outward appearance
 Urine secretion begins but may not be evident in amniotic fluid
 Heartbeat is audible through doppler

End of 16th gestational week

 Length of fetus is 10 to 17 cm
 Weight = 55 to 120 g
 Fetal heart sounds are audible by an ordinary stethoscope
 Lanugo is well formed
 Both liver and pancreas are functioning
 Fetus actively swallows amniotic fluid
 Demonstrating an intact but uncoordinated swallowing reflex
 Urine is present in amniotic fluid
 Sex can be determined by ultrasonography

End of 20th gestational week

 Length of fetus is 25 cm
 Weight = 223 g
 Spontaneous fetal movements can be sensed by the mother
 Antibody production is possible
 Hair (including eyebrows) forms on the head
 Vernix caseosa begins to cover the skin
 Meconium is present in the upper intestine
 Brown fat begins to form behind the kidneys, sternum, and posterior neck
 Passive antibody transfer from mother to fetus begins
 Definite sleeping and activity patterns are distinguishable

End of 24th gestational week

 Length of fetus is 28 to 36 cm
 Weight = 550 g
 Meconium is present as far as the rectum
 Active production of lung surfactant begins
 Eyelids, previously fused since 12th week is now open
 Pupils react to light
 Hearing can be demonstrated by response to sudden sound
 The have achieved a practical low-end age of viability if they are cared for after birth in a
modern intensive care nursery

End of 28th gestational week

 Length of fetus is 35 to 38 cm
 Weight = 1,200 g
 Lung alveoli are almost mature
 Surfactant can be demonstrated in amniotic fluid
 Testes begin to descend into the scrotal sac from the lower abdominal cavity
 Blood vessels of the retina are formed
 But thin and extremely susceptible to damage from high oxygen concentration

End of 32nd gestational week

 Length of fetus is 38 to 43 cm
 Weight = 1,600 g
 Subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited
 Fetus responds by movement to sounds outside the mother’s body
 Active moro reflex is present
 Iron stores are beginning to be built
 Fingernails reach the end of fingertips
End of 36th gestational week

 Length of the fetus is 42 to 48 cm

 Weight = 1,800 to 2,700 g (5 to 6 lb.)
 Body stores of glycogen, iron carbohydrate, and calcium are deposited
 Additional amounts of subcutaneous fat are deposited
 Sole of the foot has only one or two crisscross creases compared with a full crisscross pattern
evident at term
 Amount of lanugo begins to diminish
 Most fetuses turn into a vertex presentation during this month

End of 40th gestational week

 Length of the fetus is 48 to 52 cm (crown to rump, 35 to 27 cm)

 Weight = 3,000 g (7 to 7.5 lb.)
 Fetus kicks actively
 Fetal hemoglobin begins its conversion to adult hemoglobin
 Vernix caseosa start to decrease after reaching 37 th week
 May be more apparent in the creases that the covering of the body as they approach
40th or more gestational age
 Fingernails extend over the fingertips
 Creases on the soles of the feet cover at least 2/3 of the surface

Maternal & Child Health Nursing Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing Family. 8 th ed., vol. 1. By Flagg
& Pillitteri

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