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1. If one of the doctors from hospital is selling

Remedesivir without informing the management/
Roles to be played: MD of the hospital, Chief

2. It has been heard that your hospital has been

reserved for the political leaders and all the higher-
class people, so how would you resolve the issue as
a common man and how would take up the
responsibility to bring this in to notice.

3. If you want to get the bed in hospitals, people have

to pay the brokers for getting in hospitals. What
charges would you take to stop this because it’s
increasing the chain and you have to pay each and
every person. (Broker and Investigator)

4. Three accidents took place simultaneously and

ambulances couldn’t reach on time and a family
lost their boy, how would you take actions on this
situation as a chairman.
5. People of your state hit the doctor who was
operating covid patients, and there was no
awareness about it on any media channels, as a
chief minister of the state what would you say
about this situation.

6. A person took covid shield from govt hospital and

that person lost his life after taking the vaccine,
how would you address this issue.

7. There was shortage of oxygen cylinders in India

and other countries have stored oxygens for these
pandemic situations and India on the other hand
was busy building statues. As a health minister
what are your concerns on this?

8. We have plenty of research centers in India and we

have also created the vaccine for covid which is
Covaxin and other countries have been asking for
the formula so that they can produce at a larger
scale, but India refuses to do so. Why as a health
minister can’t you decide what is better for our

9. Qatar had sent vaccines to India but PM took the

vaccines and sent it to Nepal, now India is facing
an issue related to scarcity of vaccines. Why would
You as PM send it to Nepal where we as a country
are facing the scarcity.

10. The daily wage laborers and street vendors

began venturing out after a few days without
explicit permission and immediately faced police
harassment. What are the actions and policies taken
by the government?

11. During the first lockdown, laborer from cities

got stuck at their work place and there were no
transportation facilities due to the sudden lockdown
they had to walk all the way to their villages. Why
would you not provide proper facilities to the
people as a state minister?

12. As we know how much the covid phase two

had affected our country, and there were strict
guidelines to be maintained during that phase, then
why would the Ministers allow to have the rallies
marched around the city and why was the Kumbh
mela held during that phase. How would you like
to answer this situation?
13. As we know that covid had arrived in
December itself and still you didn’t do anything
about it and the lockdown was held in march
instead it should have been done in January? Why
would you drag it till march and let the virus get
infected in the country?

14. During the covid phase, the funds were raised

for Ram Mandir and not for Covid situation the
country was facing? Why would you not take the
decision for covid situation as the PM of the

15. You are a branch manager of a credit lending

banking company, since 60% of your borrowers are
salaried people due to lockdown, 20% of the 60%
salaried people have lost their jobs due to covid,
and your recovery is hampered. How would you
handle this situation?

16. A company has been experiencing decline in

sales due to the pandemic for a past few months.
The company wants to introduce a new line of
product in the current situation. You being the
marketing manager of the company provide the
best solutions for increasing the sales of the new
line of product in the market.
17. You are a vaccine manufacturing company
capable of providing 1 million vaccine doses but
due to the current situation the government is
asking you to produce an extra 1 million doses in
the same amount of funds provided by the
Government including the same amount of
workforce. What is the best and effective way you
can overcome the problems faced due to the new
orders given by the Government of India?

18. You are manufacturing a device unit here in

India and the main component of the device is only
manufactured in China, but due to the pandemic
situation there in 2019 the complete lockdown of
the country hampered your device manufacturing.
Now you being the CEO of the company how
would you deal with the situation thereby
continuing your own manufacturing.

19. One of your employees had been on a tour to

a site out of town and is stuck there due to the
lockdown and the on-going project is yet to be
completed, but the employee is infected due to
covid. What is the best solution you can provide as
a Head of the department to make sure your
employee is having a proper medical treatment
without any complications in the on-going project
that is to be completed on time?
20. As we know the pandemic has really hit hard
even on the students and their parents, its getting
really difficult for the parents to pay fees for their
kids, so to bring this into notice, the students decide
to have a discussion with their principal to cut off
some of their expenses. What decision would you
take as a principal of the college.

21. As an HR manager you are aware that an

employee of your company has taken a leave and
has gone for a vacation pre lockdown, and before
the completion of his leave the state imposed a

22. Due to lockdown restrictions his travel is not

possible and there is no means of work from home
as the employee has no access to internet and also
does not have his laptop along with him.
Therefore, it is difficult to either come back to the
workplace or avail work from home. Being the HR
manager provide the most viable solutions to tackle
this situation.

23. You are B2C company engaged in the business

of supply of essentials, in the current situation
where in the state is under lockdown you are
looking forward to make contact less delivery to
avoid the spread of COVID 19. You are also
focusing on Digitized payment modes

24. Your target market being rural area, suggest on

ways to enable contactless delivery and digitized
payments. [ keeping in mind the rural population is
not tech savvy]

25. An employee of your company was infected

with Covid-19 and continued to come to the
organization on the daily basis. Later the employee
undertakes RTPCR test and confirms to be
positive. But by the time he declares his report to
the HR department other employees were also
infected and began to show symptoms. Being a
Departmental Head, what measures would you take
to handle this situation.

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