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ISEE [Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator] Attestation: validity check

How to check that ISEE Attestation issued by INPS is valid for applying for university fee facilitation by the Politecnico di

For the purposes of (complete or partial) exoneration and requesting graduation of the all-inclusive contribution, the ISEE
Attestation must conform to a series of parameters that are indicated below.

1. Date

The ISEE Attestation must have been issued based on a “Single Substitute Declaration” presented on a date after
31.12.2019 for an ISEE 2020 (first instalment 2020/2021) and after 31.12.2020 for an ISEE 2021 (second instalment

How to check: see the items marked with the letter A in the attestation facsimile attached to this document.

2. Use

The attestation must be issued for “facilitated services for Diritto allo Studio Universitario” use, in favour of the student
identified by means of their tax code.
The ISEE indicator calculation must differ, depending on the use to which it is to be put, and so it is important to specify
“University” use, and the family member to which it applies.

How to check: see the item marked with the letter B in the attestation facsimile attached to this document.

3. Period of validity
The ISEE Attestation must be valid up to the date of 31.12.2020 (for the first instalment 2020/2021) and up to 31.12.2021
(for the second instalment 2020/2021).

How to check: see the item marked with the letter C in the attestation facsimile attached to this document.

4. Omissions / non conformity

The ISEE Attestation must be without any notes related to omissions/non conformity in relation to moveable assets
and/or income.

How to check: any omissions / non conformities are indicated in the item marked with the letter D in the attestation
facsimile attached to this document.
Annexure - Facsimile of ISEE Attestation


INPS attests that, based on the data contained in the Single Substitute Declaration, protocol number xxxx submitted by xxxx on dd/mm/yy A
 The Declarant’s family unit is made up as follows:
DECLARANT’S FAMILY Relationship to the declarant Surname Name Tax code

 and the following indicator was calculated:

ORDINARY ISEE The equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEE) is as follows: Euro xxxxx,xx

Please Note: The ordinary ISEE above is valid for services in general, excepting for those specified below.
Where facilitated services of a social/health nature (in terms of article 6 of DPCM [Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers] n° 159
of 5 December 2013), facilitated services for minors (article 7), services related to the diritto allo studio universitario (article 8), or the current
ISEE (article 9), the attestation may take on specific connotations. For these services, in relation to the family unit indicated above, the ordinary
ISEE may be used in the following cases:

− Applied / not applied to FACILITATED SERVICES FOR MINORS1 in favour of …………………………..

− Applied / not applied to FACILITATED SERVICES FOR THE DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO UNIVERSITARIO 1 in favour of …… ……………... B
− Applied / not applied to RESIDENTIAL SOCIAL / HEALTH SERVICES FOR ADULTS1 in favour of …………………….
The ordinary ISEE also applies to facilitated social / health type non residential services for adults and doctorate courses,

when one does not intend to exercise the right to consider a close family unit (made up of the beneficiary, their spouse where applicable, and any children) 2.
 The calculation method is provided for the calculated indicator:
1 - ORDINARY ISEE Sum of the incomes of the members of the family unit Euro + xxxxx,xx
CALCULATION METHOD Figurative tax base for the family unit’s moveable assets Euro + xxxxx,xx
Deductions for the family unit’s expenses and deductibles Euro - xxxxx,xx
Income Situation Indicator (ISR) Euro xxxxx,xx
Family unit’s moveable assets Euro + xxxxx,xx
Moveable assets deduction Euro - xxxxx,xx
Family unit’s real estate assets Euro + xxxxx,xx
Real estate assets deduction Euro - xxxxx,xx
Asset Situation Indicator (ISP) Euro xxxxx,xx
Economic Situation Indicator (ISE) Euro xxxxx,xx
Parameter calculated based on the number of members of the family unit x,xx
Any increases applies x,x
Equivalency scale value x,xx
The ISEE calculation was based on the data declared by the applicant and that contained in the Inland Revenue and INPS archives, contained in Field(s)
FC8 sections II and III.
Single Substitute Declaration xxxx was submitted on dd/mm/yy. A
This attestation was issued on dd/mm/yy.
This Single Substitute Declaration is valid until dd/mm/yy. C


Omissions/Non Conformity D
Moveable Assets

Check done with the Inland Revenue Agency on dd/mm/yy on DSU xxxx data, following which the following omissions / non conformities were found:
Tax code for which the omissions / non conformities were found Type of omission / non conformity Specificati


Tax code for which the omissions / non conformities were found Type of omission / non conformity Specificati

Body’s stamp and signature of the functionary who hands over the Attestation The President

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