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DESKTOP-7G93R3T Realm startup at 2021-07-09 16:42:12.052

16:42:12.052 ------------------------------------------------------
16:42:12.052 2021-07-09 16:42:12
16:42:12.052 Diablo II running under Windows .Net (Version 6.002)
16:42:12.052 Vendor: Intel
16:42:12.052 Version: Pentium III (no brand) (Type 0, Family 6, Model C, Stepping
3, Brand 0)
16:42:12.060 Speed: Approx. 3292 MHz
16:42:12.060 Total Physical Memory: 2048.00MB
16:42:12.060 Application Path: E:\diab\Diablo II Lord of Destruction_v1.13c-
16:42:12.066 Local IP:
16:42:12.066 Computer name: DESKTOP-7G93R3T
16:42:12.066 ------------------------------------------------------
16:42:12.066 imagehlp.dll loaded for better stack crawls.
16:42:14.521 ........DirectSound progress: 0 buffers available is less than min
needed 16 buffers for 3d sound
16:42:14.531 ........DirectSound progress: 0 buffers available is less than min
needed 16 buffers for 3d sound
16:42:31.707 ***** DirectDraw error: SetEntries failed! - DDERR_GENERIC
16:42:32.864 ***** DirectDraw error: SetEntries failed! - DDERR_GENERIC
16:42:36.032 ***** DirectDraw error: SetEntries failed! - DDERR_GENERIC
DESKTOP-7G93R3T Realm startup at 2021-07-09 16:43:00.040
16:43:00.040 ------------------------------------------------------
16:43:00.040 2021-07-09 16:43:00
16:43:00.040 D2VideoTest running under Windows XP (Version 5.010)
16:43:00.040 Vendor: Intel
16:43:00.040 Version: Pentium III (no brand) (Type 0, Family 6, Model C, Stepping
3, Brand 0)
16:43:00.044 Speed: Approx. 3292 MHz
16:43:00.044 Total Physical Memory: 1024.00MB
16:43:00.044 Application Path: E:\diab\Diablo II Lord of Destruction_v1.13c-
16:43:00.048 Local IP:
16:43:00.048 Computer name: DESKTOP-7G93R3T
16:43:00.048 ------------------------------------------------------
16:43:00.050 imagehlp.dll loaded for better stack crawls.
16:43:00.050 Able to access user registry to delete flag
16:43:00.050 ... continuing Video Test
16:43:01.379 Enumerating display device
16:43:01.379 Creating running dialog
16:43:02.380 Running dialog displayed, continuing ...
16:43:03.381 Ready to detect operating system
16:43:03.381 Detecting Operating System and DirectX...
16:43:03.381 osDetect()
16:43:03.381 Valid version of DirectX found. (
16:43:03.381 ...Done Detecting Operating System and DirectX: Success
16:43:03.381 OSDetect passed: Registering window class...
16:43:03.381 ... Done Registering window class
16:43:03.381 DDrawDetect...
16:43:04.382 Detecting boards which support DirectDraw...
16:43:04.471 Checking capabilities of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti...
16:43:05.993 Supports 32 bit cutscenes.
16:43:05.993 Video Memory Total= 4095.938 MB, Free= 4090.444 MB
16:43:05.993 Passed requirements for Diablo II.
16:43:06.401 Destroyed DDraw window.
16:43:08.402 Direct3DDetect...
16:43:09.403 Detecting boards which support Direct3D...
16:43:09.452 Checking capabilities of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti...
16:43:09.452 VendorID = 0x000010de, DeviceID = 0x00001c82
16:43:10.357 Supports 32 bit cutscenes.
16:43:10.449 Video Memory Total= 4095.938 MB, Free= 4092.275 MB
16:43:10.449 Texture Memory Total= 4095.938 MB, Free= 4092.275 MB
16:43:10.449 Local Total= 3072.000 MB, Free= 3068.338 MB
16:43:10.449 AGP Total= 1023.938 MB, Free= 1023.938 MB
16:43:10.449 Supports 1555 textures.
16:43:10.449 Passed requirements for Diablo II.
16:43:10.853 Destroyed D3D window.
16:43:12.855 GlideDetect...
16:43:13.857 Detecting boards which support Glide...
16:43:13.865 Hardware: Voodoo2
16:43:13.865 Vendor: Meinereiner
16:43:13.865 Renderer: Glide
16:43:13.865 Version: 3.0
16:43:14.535 TMU Count= 2
16:43:14.535 Total Texture Memory= 32.00
16:43:14.565 Passed requirements for Diablo II.
16:43:14.567 Destroyed Glide window.
16:43:14.567 Glide: Sufficient Texture memory, recommended.
16:43:17.571 Done with Detection phase...
16:43:17.571 Creating final dialog ...
16:43:17.578 Recommending ddraw0 in final dialog.
16:43:17.580 Recommending d3d0 in final dialog.
16:43:17.580 Recommending glide in final dialog.
16:43:17.580 Displaying info message in final dialog.
16:43:17.580 Show window in final dialog.

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