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Sinclair reflects on how his family members have grown old and he ends up
questioning himself why people rarely talk about ageing as a normal process that we
all will undergo.
2. Yes, Sinclair is convinced that examining yeast cells can give answers to aging as
they also age.
3. What triggers Sinclair’s questioning is his worry on his grandmother’s death and
whether he will be there for his daughter forever.
4. The cost will suppress the national infrastructure and economies if senior citizens fail
to stay healthy.
5. No. David isn’t convinced that ageing is natural.
6. Cancer disease, senile dementia, and cardiovascular diseases.
7. Individual diseases usually have affects on some people while ageing happens to
8. The rate o ageing is decreasing and this has significant effects on health coast because
the brain is not at work even though the heart is.
9. Genes are activated and deactivated wrongly.
10. This process can be reversed with the use of Sirtuins.
11. Yes. He supports epigenetic theory and he is convinced that it is reversable.
12. David claims that Sirtuins protect the body from diseases that cause aging.
13. David claims that Sirtuins are naturally secreted in the body when one fails to eat or
14. Because a big Pharmaceutic company stamped out scientific papers claiming that all
his assertions were false and his tests were halted.
15. The clinical test restarted and he is still looking for a pill that will stray the ageing
1. Expresses his thoughts on the desire to live long and question his audience about how
long they wish to live.
2. It is impossible to live forever without everlasting youth.
3. Rebuilding bodies into bionic, use of stem technology and joining our brains with
4. It’s an element that influences the SIRT1 that maintains cell and DNA
5. Pros: You can have many children and spend time with them, go for raft trips, and
pursue a PhD later in life.
Cons: There will be a lot of boredom, the cost is huge
6. Yes, Gary want to partake in cryogenics
7. He thinks and expresses his thoughts about his family and he wouldn’t wish to spend
fifty years without them, so he concludes that life is all about having fun when you
are alive.

d. Diseases and ageing

Article 1
This article talks about the reasons why people age. Since 1990, Scientists have
attempted to give answers to that question, and more than 300 hypotheses have been
counted but only one have made sense so far. The discussion is that our bodies
doesn’t repair best naturally. Giving birth is life. We live the time we can until our
bodies begins to deteriorate.
While people have lived longer than before aging is still existent and is here to stay
since that is life is meant to be.
Article 2
This article talks about two main theories that describe why people live the time they
do. The first theory states that our genes dictate how long we live. And if we can alter
them a bit, maybe we can live longer. The second theory states that eventually our
DNA deteriorates until our bodies can function well. It also states that one can
increase their lifespan by eating less. I belief that when these two theories are
combine, can give the truth but we can’t be able to halt the aging process.
Article 3
This article talks about various theories on how to revers the aging process, one of
them being the hyperfunction theory of aging. The theory proposes that proteins are
the main cause of aging and until now, the result support it. It also states that aging is
associated with the way people are made is linked to human growth and sexual
development which also agree with.

The first article states that though people have long lives, the older population is
displaying more illness per person than it ever was before. Many scientists keep
thinking about how to live longer when ought to find ways to live properly. This is
because living longer but not healthy is senseless. Nobody wants to live long while
suffering with endless illness. We shouldn’t be fighting at a time as most people in the
older population are usually diagnosed with more than four diseases.
Extra research is needed on how to live long without diseases. Aging remains to be a
natural process surrounded by many myths including older people are weak, many
and women age similarly, older people are similar and that most older people are
found in developed countries. There exist many actions towards active aging that all
people can emulate to live long and health lives. WHO focuses on ensuring that
people stay healthy to older ages, especially because most older people are vulnerable
to diseases and viral infections due to metabolic changes that weaken their immune

I have never thought about finding a way to prevent ageing and I never thought that
some scientist are actually trying to find one. I have always perceived ageing aging a
natural process and I don’t see anything bad about it but I often question myself how
we can help people live healthy lives as this is actually practical if we only change our
habits a bit. Besides, I think has aided in increasing the average life span of human
beings. If we go on, I believe I can lengthen our live a little more by finding solutions
and cures to the three major diseases that a lot of people ail from in this world. This
disease are cancer diseases, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer’s

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