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Lengua BIII Project 2019

Transforming Lives

Task 1.

flush the small room squat

big job loo one size fits all

stink poo spend a penny

lay someone low


1. take the same approach without

considering context (one size fits all)
2. euphemism for defecate (big job)
3. cloakroom (the small room)
4. faeces (poo)


1. become ill (lay someone low)

2. bad smell (stink)
3. another word for toilet (loo)
4. wash something away with water (flush)
5. bend your knees and lower your body (squat)
6. go to the toilet (spend a penny)

Task 2.

Use this link to explore the Toilet Twinning website and answer the following questions:

1. How many people in the world do not have a place to go to the toilet? 2.3 billion people
2. How far is sanitation off the target for the UN development goals? Really far from reaching its goals (they
expect to reach the goal in the 23 rd century)
3. Why do women and girls suffer most from the lack of a toilet? Not having a place to relieve themselves it
raises the possibility of being sexually attacked as they do it outdoors late at night.
4. What is ‘community-led total sanitation’? It is the development-speak for the approach of creating a Toilet
5. Why is it important to build latrines in the right place? Because if they do it in the wrong place, it could
provoke water contamination
6. What are some of the conditions that affect the choice of technology used to build a latrine? The ability for
water for flushing, the conditions of the ground, the air ventilation and so on.
7. Why doesn’t the Toilet Twinning NGO just build the toilets for people? To teach the community how to use
it, about hygiene, how to build a new one, etcetera.
8. What difference can it make to families, schools and communities to have access to a toilet? They can start
fundraising, volunteer

Task 3.

What could we do to raise money to twin the toilets in the Rectorado and transform people’s lives?

In order to raise money, students can prepare a meal-together thing, they can organize a benefice party, organize a
sports’ tournaments

Work with your group and brainstorm as many ideas for fundraising activities as you can. Listen to the ideas of the
other groups in the class. Fill in the table and decide who will do what.

Proposed activity Who is involved? When? How long will it What is needed?

 Nominate one delegate for the class to write to Toilet Twinning to tell them about your plan and to ask for any
information you need to know. (The delegate should get consensus on the message before sending it).

Play on words:

Expressions Meaning
Flush away poverty To eradicate poverty
One toilet at a time You cannot really change all toilets in a day, so
individuals will have to change it progressively
Loo-vely Plays with the word lovely for the toilets’ campaign
One loo fits all
Make a bigger splash

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