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for submission on or before   24 June ’21 9.00 a.m.                                                                                


10 marks 

For this assignment you need to walk to /phone up people you don't know and strike up a conversation. 

This someone is from an area close to your interest (not your former colleagues or current classmates) Get an
appointment with someone in business, a faculty of a B-School an alum, an entrepreneur, start-up, you would
be proud to have made acquaintance with. Explain the purpose of the interview and chat for about 10 minutes
and report your feedback in the format below. You may add other features you think relevant.  Your name is
optional however the class, day, time and age, gender, company, designation of the person interviewed would
be useful in computing your SAD and warming up for the PI and your life as a manager. 
All the best. 

Report of Small Talk    Feedback

Answer on a scale of 1 -10,   10 representing the highest value 

About you
SURYA PATHAK, Currently a student of XLRI ExPGDM Batch. I have 9 Years of experience in the construction
industry with the shapoorji pallonji ( Engineering & Construction division)
The Interviewee 
Mr. Roy from Roy Eddington-Charles & associates, for organizing the Case interview workshop at
Date, time Mode, Duration, Medium of conversation: 24th June 2021,10 PM, WhatApp call 

1. Level of comfort                          a. with the partner    8___            b. with the

topic __8___
2. Use of time utilized         a. fully b. mostly   c. partially    d. scantily 
( Fully)
3. Dominant partner     me/other -Other
4. Did the interaction stall                   yes/no   
5. Predominant mode                        a. Q& A        b. one-way communication c. 
6. Answer in bullet points
         It was a Q & A type conversation, Where we both ask questions about each other’s
background and mostly talked about services the firm provides. Recruiting process at
various other B schools.
7. How did the conversation open?   Introduction  of myself  and purpose of the call
7. The toughest stage of the conversation: My knowledge about the interview and
placement session was tested. 
7. Predominant content about   a. past b. present    c. future ( Future)
7.   A. likes/dislikes  b. life events  c. personal
details  ( Personal and professional Details )
11. any question/topic that was not easy to answer? - I lacked knowledge about
Placements at other B schools.
11. leave-taking turn.: Conversion was smooth and we concluded well
11. anything else you observed?  : Before starting a conversion, thorough research about
the topic should be done.
11. Your overall rating of this interaction: 8

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