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There are different qualities of a good listener. First, in order to become a great listener, we need to
constantly ask questions, it may be a simple way but it is also an effective way to learn, to discover, and
to gain deeper insights. Second, listening to people with different perspectives can help us to see a
whole picture and develop our feeling of being considerate, avoid being competitive and argumentative.
Rather, understanding what is being told. Lastly, being able to give constructive suggestions or
feedbacks, it can be an alternative solution or path that can be considered. As we hone this skill, we will
be more credible.

The different levels of listening, first, being able to discuss issues in a safe environment and non-toxic
way. Instead of fighting and arguing which is right, they try to understand each other's point of view.
Second, removing unnecessary things that can distract the discussion. Temptations that can hinder to
understand what the other person is talking about, this can imply that the listener is prioritizing the
discussion or is interested in the discussion. Third, clearing up things that the listener is unsure of to be
able to validate his or her understanding. Fourth, being able to comprehend the person's non-verbal
cues by paying attention to these cues, the listener may be able to understand the person's unspoken
behaviors. Fifth, by validating the person's feeling which can convey empathy and can help them feel
understood. By validating, they can feel the listener's support and this can result to them discussing
more about themselves. Finally, in this last level, the listener does not only listen, but also guides the
other person by making suggestions or thoughts so that the other person may have different insights
that can help them to solve or understand an issue more.

Being a person who needs to take notes in order to remember what the person said, I can only
remember it if I relate to it or I am interested with what was told. Personally, if it was a video lesson, and
I don't take notes, I will have to replay the video multiple times in order to understand it. In assessing
my levels of listening, level one, I think that I am able to create a safe environment since being war-freak
or argumentative is not my forte. Level two, I usually bring my phone with me but I don't use it if
someone tries to talk to me, to understand them better and as a form of respect, so I pass this level.
Level three, I try to ask questions if I understand what was told, the way they mean it to be. Level four, I
think I am able to understand the common non-verbal cues of a person that I am close to, but not to
people I am not close with. Level five, in my opinion, I always want to understand other people's feelings
and not have a prejudice about them. As a quote says, "Don't do unto others what you don't want
others to do unto you.". We have to understand people regardless of the situation, sometimes others
may not try to understand us but we always have to be the bigger person. Last level, I'm not really a
person who can immediately form a suggestion, comments, or assumptions. I would need time to have
proper insights since I want my suggestions to be reasonable and not illogical.

In order for me to improve my listening skills, I need more experience by engaging more to people who
can discuss topics to me. Also, by reading books, articles, and many more that can enhance my thinking
skills for me to be able to understand and communicate better to people.
All in all, I am still a person who's not academically inclined but a person who values her morals. As I
grow, I value these morals while getting out of my comfort zone in order to learn and experience new
things. Currently, because of this pandemic, we are learning through online class, but my block mates
and I are able to communicate despite of not seeing each other personally. We are able to form
suggestions and insights about a certain topic that can help each other to see a topic in a new light.

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