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Unit 1

Soha: Let's do this quiz about famous people, shall we?
Leila: Good idea.
Soha: OK, Leila, the first person is Nabawiya Musa. Why was she famous?
Leila: Because she was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
Soha: That's right. And, what did she do when she was older?
Leila: She helped other women to succeed in education and work. Did she write books,
Soha: Yes, she wrote a very famous book in 1920. It was about girls' education. She also
became the headmistress of AI-Mohammadia School for Girls.
Leila: So, she was a really important person.

Soha: Yes, she was. Now another question - this one is about a famous man. He's called Dr
Mustafa EI Sayed. Do you know what he's famous for?
Leila: Is he a scientist?
Soha: Yes, he is. He's one of the most famous scientists in the world.
Leila: I've seen him talking about science on television.
Soha: Yes, he sometimes speaks on radio and television programmes about science and he
often writes in science magazines.
Leila: Really?
Soha: Yes. And do you know what his son does?
Leila: No. I don't.
Soha: Well, he's an important surgeon and he wants to use his father's work to help
Leila: How does he do that?
Soha: Dr Mustafa El-Sayed studies the smallest parts of things. Surgeons don't usually see
such small things, so his work can be very useful in medicine.
Unit 2
Have you heard of Charles Dickens?
1- After Shakespeare, he is probably the most famous writer in the English
Literature. He is best known for his novels about life in the nineteenth –
century Britain.

2- Dickens was born in 1812 into a good family in Portsmouth, in the south of
England. When he was still a young boy, his father went to prison in 1824,
because he had got into debt. Charles went to London to earn money for the
family. At the age of twelve he was working for ten hours a day in a London
factory. He saw how hard life was for poor people and many of the ideas for
the stories of his novels and the characters in them came from this time.

3- After he left the factory, Dickens went to work as an office clerk, but he did
not enjoy this. In 1834 he started work as a newspaper journalist. While he
was working for the newspaper, he was also writing magazine stories about
life in London. Instead of using his real name he called himself Boz for these

4- In 1836 Dickens married Catherine Hogarth. He went on to write "Oliver

Twist" in1838 and "Nicholas Nickleby" in1839. "David Copperfield" followed
in 1850. In 1858 Dickens went to America to read his novels to people, "A Tale
of two cities" in 1859 and "Great Expectations" in 1861.
In "Oliver Twist" Dickens shows the dark side of life in the nineteenth
century London. He describes the lives of child workers and life in the
workhouse, where very poor people were sent to live and work. Dickens died in
1870. When he died, Dickens was 58 years.

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