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General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup October, 1999

Parvez Musharraf held a referendum in the 2002

country that granted him 5-year extension
Parvez Musharraf issued a Legal Framework August, 2002
that amended the Constitution of Pakistan
China holds elections every FIVE Years
Mexico got its independence 1930
Mexico holds elections every SIX Years
PRI won all elections till 2000
Zimbabwe got independence 1980
Robert Mugabe was forced out of office 2017
Worst recorded famine in world happened in 1958 - 1961

Bastille Prison was stormed by 7000 people 14th July, 1789
Louis XVI of Bourbon Family ascended throne 1774
of France
Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette When he was 20 YEARS OLD
Livre was discontinued in 1794
Population of France in 1715 23 million
Population of France in 1789 28 million
The second last time Estate General was 1614
The last Estate General was called by Louis 5th May, 1789
XVI in Versailles
Third Estate declared themselves as National 20th June, 1789
Assembly and were led by Abbe Sieyes &
National Assembly passed a decree 4th August, 1789
abolishing the feudal system of obligations
and taxes
National Assembly completed draft of 1791
Plans to attack France Since Summer of 1789
National Assembly voted to declare war April 1792
against Prussia and Austria
Jacobins Club kept King hostage for hours 10th August, 1792
Convention abolished monarchy and 21st September, 1792
declared France as republic
Louis XVI was executed at the Place de la 21st January, 1793
Reign of Terror 1793 – 1794
Maximillian Robespierre was convicted, July, 1794
arrested and killed the next day by the
Napolean Bonaparte becomes ruler of France 1804
Napolean defeated at the Waterloo 1815
Women marched to Versailles and brought 5 October, 1789
the king back with them to Paris
Olympe De Gouges criticized the government 1793
and was executed
Women won the right to vote 1946
Convention legislated to free all slaves in all 1794
French Colonies
Slavery was finally abolished in French 1848

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