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Keep Moving!

“One, two, three, slide to the right” sounds familiar right? These were the words you’d
hear during dance practices. Dancing with the rhythm gives us good vibes, and boosts our health
with every step we take. But most people aren’t into Aerobic dance exercises anymore, no more
Zumbas at the park, and other physical activities. It seems like people are hooked and chained
with their phones, so busy with mobile games and updating their social lives. Especially in this
time of pandemic, we are stuck inside our houses, imprisoned from the outside world. We can no
longer enjoy the long walks and jogs, the outdoor sports we play, and the dances we groove
during Fridays. Missing the old days? Why not make the ‘new normal’ just like normal? But,

Put your masks on and sanitize, a virus a roaming around. During these times is where
we need to be healthy the most. We need to eat right, and exercise enough to keep our body
strong from the virus. But locked in our rooms, how can we redo the things that we usually do?
We can’t walk through parks anymore, we can’t go to gyms, and we can’t play sports. But
luckily, we can still do Aerobic Dance Exercises. It easy, fun and we can still do it even inside
our homes. But what benefits does this helps us? Picture yourself working out. Are you lifting
heavy weights? Stretching your muscles? Or maybe you're performing an activity that causes
you to sweat and breathe hard that makes your blood pump through your veins as it carries
oxygen to your muscles to keep you going. If you're performing this last activity, then you're
engaging in aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that makes you sweat,
causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster than at rest. It strengthens your
heart and lungs and trains your cardiovascular system to manage and deliver oxygen more
quickly and efficiently throughout your body. Aerobic exercise uses your large muscle groups, is
rhythmic in nature, and can be maintained continuously for at least 10 minutes. Before going into
the benefits of aerobic exercise, let's break down some key terms we just mentioned.
Cardiovascular system is made up of your heart and blood vessels e.g., arteries, veins, and
capillaries that transports blood throughout the body. Aerobic refers to how your body uses
oxygen to sufficiently meet energy demands during exercise. Aerobic dance exercises improves
your circulation and helps your body use oxygen better, increases energy, increases endurance,
helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease, helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes,
helps reduce body fat, helps you reach and maintain a healthy weight helps reduce stress,
tension, anxiety, and depression, and improves sleep. But people are so addicted to social media,
and some are busy with their work from home, so how can we encourage the community to do
Aerobic dance exercise?
Well I think first, the change must start from within me. I must make the first step, and be
an example for the rest. I must learn the basic element of Aerobic Dance Exercises to be the light
eliminating through their mind and heart. And I would like to grab the opportunity of our current
situation where most people are surfing online, to spread the word not just to my community, but
hopefully the world. I would post a video of me, doing an Aerobic dance, emphasizing the
benefits of it and of course the fun you’ll get. Through online platforms, I’ll be able to reach out
huge numbers of netizens, and encourage them to do the same. In times like this, we must not
forget to value our health for it is wealth. We need to keep healthy and safe, by doing eating
healthy, and of course, doing aerobic dance exercises. Let us make it a trend to dance with the
rhythm for a healthy living.

Just keep on grooving and moving! Work that ass out!

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