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Due to this pandemic some students are experiencing mental issues including me, because

we are not allowed to make something outside our house. To overcome mental health problems
like Post traumatic stress disorder and depression. Post- traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a
mental health condition that can develop as a response to people who have experienced any
traumatic event. In some people, this pandemic is considered a traumatic event because some of
us have this problematic issue on how to survive this pandemic. To overcome this type of
condition here is some of the activities that I really enjoyed doing this pandemic to overcome
that mental issue. First is having exercise it helps you to make yourself busy and focus on
maintaining your physical and mental health status to be healthy. Playing board games like
chess, scrabble. It is a great recreational activity to play during this pandemic where it helps you
to calm your mind on what happening outside your house and exercise your brain because chess
and scrabble is strategy game that helps you to develop perspective, improves memory, deepens
your focus and boost planning skills. These two recreational activities are the best to overcome
mental health issue during this pandemic.

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